Fields scored higher


Senior Member
On the NFL's Mental Aptitude test then any player ever. That's out of over 6500 previous players. Amazing. It was brought up by an analyst that was interviewed on a sports radio talk show and he was shocked not many people brought it up. He said if Lawerence had scored that high it would have been discussed non stop as 130 is extraordinary!!! Also said because of things said about Fields and his first read, they analyzed most all of his throws at OSU and actually made the right read most of the time.

Yea, he can't read defenses. Lol

I dont know what his NFL career holds but I have a hunch it will be a good one.



Never can tell. I kind of find it hard to believe he is smarter than some of the Vanderbilt, Duke, etc. Players, but numbers is numbers.
Memory recall is not necessarily indicative of intelligence.


Senior Member
Never can tell. I kind of find it hard to believe he is smarter than some of the Vanderbilt, Duke, etc. Players, but numbers is numbers.
Memory recall is not necessarily indicative of intelligence.

Day has said numerous times even last year that Fields could pick stuff up effortlessly and also implement it quickly. I have hired 100s of employees over the years and I have never had someone that had a Great memory also not be very smart but perhaps you could be right?

It still just amazes me at how many people seem to just not give him his due with the numbers he has put up and how great he plays. Even with this aptitute score which was extraordinary outscoring over 6500 previous players he will get responses just like your reply.


Senior Member
Also, in a just released interview Day had with the Chicago Bears, Day said Fields probably shouldn't have played against Alabama and could hardly get out of bed leading up to the game each day. Day said Fields couldn't practice after the Clemson game and his first snap after Clemson was his first snap against Alabama. Wow .Said Fields actually played great in the first half scoring on 3 of first 4 drives. After half he said Fields couldn't raise throwing arm above his head or take deep breaths. Day said Fields couldn't throw deep and didn't attempt a pass longer then 25yds and it really limited the offense. After the game against Bama when asked about his performance Fields just said Bama played great. Fields is a class act.
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Senior Member
My memory is a lil hazy but I do remember that Lumberjack Linebacker from Clemson giving him a case of hipolepsy.
I guess now that you know Fields has epilepsy you thought that line would be funny?:huh:

After that hit dude threw 2 more 65yd dimes while continuing to demolish clempsum!!!! Sclansky or whatever his name was needs to get his eyes up before he breaks his neck. Lol


Senior Member
I'm not very smart nor do I have a great memory. I can barely remember Bama whoopin them OSU boys in the last championship game!
I know the feeling as I barely remember the Buckeyes whoopin Bama in their previous meeting. Bama wasn't missing 13 players including 7 starters either. :wink:

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
I hope he does well. I have no ill feelings toward him at all. I want him to do well. Besides, he's a Georgia guy. And I think he will do just fine in the NFL.

Tight Lines

Senior Member
Fields is solid and a class act...I think he has great skills and a good head on his shoulders...if he stays healthy and adapts he is going to be awesome...

The epilepsy thing is a red herring, been under control with meds since he was a kid...

Remember, Tom Brady was a skinny 6' 4" non-athletic 199th pick in the 6th round...if HE can evolve into a GOAT, then this class of QBs certainly can...

It is as much a mental game as a physical one, and Fields is solid...I love Mahomes, but Fields could be almost as good...

We shall see...


Senior Member
I think JF will do better in the NFL at least in the short term than TL just for the fact he will be on a better team, TL will have a hard time in Jacksonville at least for a couple of years.


Senior Member
No doubt that Fields scores. Expecting him to do well in the NFL, even surprising some people.