GT is flipping stupid....CPJ extended until 2022


Gone But Not Forgotten
The dawgs have one good season and the delusional comments start again. :crazy: This I can guarantee; the nerds with their pocket protectors will line up the weekend after Thanksgiving and do their best to nock some gold teeth out of some noggins!

You tell em' Mike. Come late November thuga will be eatin' them some crow - maybe the Paymaster rub will make it palatable. :D

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
The dawgs have one good season and the delusional comments start again. :crazy: This I can guarantee; the nerds with their pocket protectors will line up the weekend after Thanksgiving and do their best to nock some gold teeth out of some noggins!

You tell em' Mike. Come late November thuga will be eatin' them some crow - maybe the Paymaster rub will make it palatable. :D



Staff member
The dawgs have one good season and the delusional comments start again. :crazy: This I can guarantee; the nerds with their pocket protectors will line up the weekend after Thanksgiving and do their best to nock some gold teeth out of some noggins!

You tell em' Mike. Come late November thuga will be eatin' them some crow - maybe the Paymaster rub will make it palatable. :D

I truly feel sorry for you guys. Trash talk is all you got. ::ke::bounce:

across the river

Senior Member
UGA's feetball program is head and shoulders above GT's now and the gap is widening. UGA will continue to get better each year. GT is going to stay right where it is and probably decline.

Face it. Football is no longer a priority at GT anymore and that's a crying shame. GT is loaded with money and could have a premiere program if they wanted to but since the school is now run by Beta males and manly women it's not going to happen.

"Floogie" is rolling in his grave over all of this.

Ya'll kill me with this thought that comparing Tech and UGA in football is anywhere near comparing apples and oranges. Tech is harder to get athletes to qualify to get into, has about half the athletic budget UGA does, and has a fan base that is no where near the size of UGA's. That doesn't change regardless of who the coach is or who the AD director is. Todd Stansbury (who they just recently got). has actually tried to do more for the football team than any of the previous directors recently have, so I don't know where you got the information you are pushing above. Regardless of what he does, Tech isn't going to becOme Alabama, Georgia, or Clemson in football. They can be competitive, but they will never be a "factory."

Look at the list below, and tell me how many schools in the top 50 on this list have "factory" football programs. Then tell me how many PUBLIC schools in the top 100 have even sniffed a conference championship since the NCAA adopted the APR deal in 2004. It is tough to be a high academic school and be a "factory" football school. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. UGA should never loose to Tech, Vanderbilt, Duke or anyone else on the list in the top 100 on that list other than maybe A&M who has 200 million in revenue and deep pocket donors.


Staff member
It is tough to be a high academic school and be a "factory" football school.

GT has always been a high academic school and at one point in time it also had a premier football program. I know this because my dad was a ramblin' wreck and if it was a home game he was there and a lot of times he took me with him to cheer the White and Gold.

GT could be a nationally competitive program if it wanted to. It's in the heart of college football country and could recruit NC quality talent. Yeah, they would have to offer a "Rocks for Jocks" or other similar academic program so they could get their graduation rate but so what?


Staff member
It always amazes me how slayer can turn ANY thread into a Vol hate session.:offtopic:

It's his reason for living. Don't pay him no nevermind. Just get a good laugh from his memes. You have to admit they are the best. Of course since his topic is UT it's pretty easy to do good memes.:rofl::rofl::rofl::cool:
It always amazes me how slayer can turn ANY thread into a Vol hate session.:offtopic:

In my world, every thread is a Vol Hate Thread!

across the river

Senior Member
GT has always been a high academic school and at one point in time it also had a premier football program. I know this because my dad was a ramblin' wreck and if it was a home game he was there and a lot of times he took me with him to cheer the White and Gold.

GT could be a nationally competitive program if it wanted to. It's in the heart of college football country and could recruit NC quality talent. Yeah, they would have to offer a "Rocks for Jocks" or other similar academic program so they could get their graduation rate but so what?

Again, not true. You are a numbers guys, so here are some numbers. When Bobby Dodd (who the stadium is named after)was there in the olden days you speak of, they only won two SEC titles and won 65% of their games roughly 60% percent of the time in 21 years or whatever it was he was there. I guess decent, but nothing spectacular. Then he left and from 1967 until 2007 they won 65% of their games six years (15% of the time). Johnson has been there since 2008 and won 65% of his games 40% of the time. Since 1944 they have been to 43 bowl games and Johnson has been to 8 in 10 years. I could not care less whether Tech keeps Johnson or not, but as a sports fan I understand the fact that Tech, Duke, Vanderbilt, Virginia, and Northwestern are at a huge disadvantage in football to the likes of FSU, Bama, and UGA. They can fire Johnson and hire whomever they want, and they aren't going to turn into Bama. I argue this with a big Tech fan buddy of mine all the time. It has far less to do with "making football a priority" than it does to internal disadvantages they face with money and academics. Go look at the 9 win seasons at those schools compared to the 9 win season at UGA, LSU, Florida, Bama, etc...., but not every coach those factory schools have had over the years was a better coach than there counterparts at the more academic institutions. The coaches that have coached at both, Spurrier, James Franklin, etc... didn't magically become better coaches or recruiters when they made the switch, even those their recruiting classes got better and records improved when they moved to the factory school.
Again, not true. You are a numbers guys, so here are some numbers. When Bobby Dodd (who the stadium is named after)was there in the olden days you speak of, they only won two SEC titles and won 65% of their games roughly 60% percent of the time in 21 years or whatever it was he was there. I guess decent, but nothing spectacular. Then he left and from 1967 until 2007 they won 65% of their games six years (15% of the time). Johnson has been there since 2008 and won 65% of his games 40% of the time. Since 1944 they have been to 43 bowl games and Johnson has been to 8 in 10 years. I could not care less whether Tech keeps Johnson or not, but as a sports fan I understand the fact that Tech, Duke, Vanderbilt, Virginia, and Northwestern are at a huge disadvantage in football to the likes of FSU, Bama, and UGA. They can fire Johnson and hire whomever they want, and they aren't going to turn into Bama. I argue this with a big Tech fan buddy of mine all the time. It has far less to do with "making football a priority" than it does to internal disadvantages they face with money and academics. Go look at the 9 win seasons at those schools compared to the 9 win season at UGA, LSU, Florida, Bama, etc...., but not every coach those factory schools have had over the years was a better coach than there counterparts at the more academic institutions. The coaches that have coached at both, Spurrier, James Franklin, etc... didn't magically become better coaches or recruiters when they made the switch, even those their recruiting classes got better and records improved when they moved to the factory school.

You don't have to be a "numbers guy" to see that Tech just gave a man a raise and a contract extension for winning 5 games.. You don't even have to be that smart to figure out that if, you're season total wins can be counted on one hand, you don't deserve a raise!!

For being a school of higher education, Tech sure does some stupid stuff..

across the river

Senior Member
You don't have to be a "numbers guy" to see that Tech just gave a man a raise and a contract extension for winning 5 games.. You don't even have to be that smart to figure out that if, you're season total wins can be counted on one hand, you don't deserve a raise!!

For being a school of higher education, Tech sure does some stupid stuff..

Fire him, I don't care. My point is people act like they are going to hire someone else that is going to come in and win 10 games a year, year after year. They aren't, neither is Duke, Vandy, Northwestern, etc....., if they fire their current coach and hire someone else. Tech named the stadium there after a guy that won two/thirds or more of his games about 65% of the time. Donnan won two thirds of his games 4 of his 5 years at UGA. If he had been at Tech they would have probably built a statue of him, but he was rightfully fired at UGA. There was a completely different set of circumstances for both. In the 50 years since Dodd left Tech they have had two coaches come anywhere in the vicinity of what Dodd did, one of them being Johnson. Based on history, if they fire him and get someone else there is no basis to believe they get better results. It is comparing apples and oranges to compare UGA and Tech in football. A four or five star kid with a 800 SAT score, whose goal is to "make the league" isn't going to Tech over UGA, anymore than a gifted kid with a 1600 SAT is going to choose to get an engineering degree from Georgia over Georgia Tech. It is what is it is. If Tech had a history of top ten recruiting classes and previous coaches who consistently won the ACC, I would get it, but they don't. Since Johnson started in 2008, Virginia Tech is the only coastal division team that has been to the ACC championship game more than Tech's 3 times. Miami and North Carolina are the only teams than have been during that time, going one time each. I just don't get how people think someone else is going to come in do any better than he has done since he has been there. I'm not saying his results are great compared to the factory schools, but relative to other "academic institutions" he has done quite well. Fire him, then people can come back on here in a couple of years and demand they fire the next guy too, who will likely do worse if history is any indiction.

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
On a side note, Techie attendance at their spring game was....8500.

8,492 of them were actually mannequins and cardboard cutouts. :bounce:
Across how would you assess the jackets spring overall and Fridays spring game?

On a side note, Techie attendance at their spring game was....8500.

8,492 of them were actually mannequins and cardboard cutouts. :bounce:

And to make it worse, they didn't televise the game due to lack of communication equipment they have at the University. So the one set they got went to the girls softball team for Friday's game against UNC!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Talk about a slap in the face of the football program! :rofl::rofl: