Herschel walker


Redneck Emperor
What has to be a concern for any school not named UGA is how many more titles is Kirby gonna rack up if he stays at UGA 10-15 more years?
They are high on hopium like a lot of other fans whose teams don’t have a Chinaman’s chance.


Staff member
Who's on your top 5 all time top Dogs
Mine might look like:

That's a tough task especially with all the standouts we've had over the years but throw in Lindsay, Boss and Fran on that list and probably Charlie Trippi and Frank Sinkwich but you'd need a separate list for all the running backs and it would be tough to narrow that one down to just 5.

Kevin Butler probably belongs on the list too. I think he scored more points than any other Dawg ever.


Senior Member
Herschel was the best, loved him, what an amazing athlete!! His recent interviews have concerned me about him but he was still a great Dawg!! Plenty of others but he was the man!!


Senior Member
That's a tough task especially with all the standouts we've had over the years but throw in Lindsay, Boss and Fran on that list and probably Charlie Trippi and Frank Sinkwich but you'd need a separate list for all the running backs and it would be tough to narrow that one down to just 5.

Kevin Butler probably belongs on the list too. I think he scored more points than any other Dawg ever.
Not you, that's Butlers nickname...one play that he made that really stands out was his epic kick at Clem that tied the game
I think, it was a long one and a real pressure kick. I was at that game.

John Cooper

?Now I Got One A Them Banner Things
John Cooper, that was a moment, wasn't it? Leaving cleat marks on the front of Bill Bate's, future 15 year NFL all-pro, jersey.

With that play, he sent a message that he was pretty special.
I never will forget that run!!!!

Heard Bill Bates on Sport Talk in Chattanooga back in the early 90's, he never forgot that run either!!!!


Actually I Am QAnon
Hershel is unforgettable. He's doing just fine. I'm friends with in the blue room. I know him personally. Have a ton of his autographs. Really nice fella and forever a DGD!
I met Herschel at a food show. He had a product (#34 wings) or something along those lines. Did anything ever become of it?? I don't think I even tried any cause when I walked by the booth I didn't know it was his.


Political Forum Town Crier
Hershel was a beast!
Stetson Bennett played with more heart & determination than most players I have ever seen!