Is this wrong?


Senior Member
I do agree that the choir members reflect on the church and should be of good report. I was just trying to make a point that members aren't always better than anyone else in setting a good example.

Ain't that the truth!;)


Senior Member
I got to tell you, when I died during surgery in 1983, for several minutes, I found myself before the Throne of God.
And I saw millions of people praising him, I didn't see one catholic there, nor any baptists, or methodists or pentecostals, or messianic Jews,I wasn't asked what Church I belong to.
I saw millions upon millions of people just praising God.

It is silly to say or boast "Am A messianic Jew"or Am A catholic, and I need to sign a paper that says am such and such.

You are a redeemed sinner bought and pay by the Blood of The Messiah, Stop the labels and the memberships in groups, you are a member of the church in Heaven, whose temple is Christ Himself, Just My Opinion.


Senior Member
I got to tell you, when I died during surgery in 1983, for several minutes, I found myself before the Throne of God.
And I saw millions of people praising him, I didn't see one catholic there, nor any baptists, or methodists or pentecostals, or messianic Jews,I wasn't asked what Church I belong to.
I saw millions upon millions of people just praising God.

It is silly to say or boast "Am A messianic Jew"or Am A catholic, and I need to sign a paper that says am such and such.

You are a redeemed sinner bought and pay by the Blood of The Messiah, Stop the labels and the memberships in groups, you are a member of the church in Heaven, whose temple is Christ Himself, Just My Opinion.

A really loud AMEN belongs here... :)

:fine: :fine:


Retired Moderator
I got to tell you, when I died during surgery in 1983, for several minutes, I found myself before the Throne of God.
And I saw millions of people praising him, I didn't see one catholic there, nor any baptists, or methodists or pentecostals, or messianic Jews,I wasn't asked what Church I belong to.
I saw millions upon millions of people just praising God.

It is silly to say or boast "Am A messianic Jew"or Am A catholic, and I need to sign a paper that says am such and such.

You are a redeemed sinner bought and pay by the Blood of The Messiah, Stop the labels and the memberships in groups, you are a member of the church in Heaven, whose temple is Christ Himself, Just My Opinion.

Now that'll preach right there bro!

Tim L

Senior Member
Well...This is just my opinion, but maybe something to consider would be to find a new church and denomination where both of you can be happy and be yourselfs...My wife and I went through a somewhat similar experience many years ago....I was raised in the Christian Church which is about as conservative as you can get....My wife was Episcopalian, which alot of our Catholic friends joked was "Junior Varsity" Catholic..The biggest difference that I could tell at the time was that the mass was in english and any christian could take communion....My wife sang in the choir and loved that church...I was a deacon at my church and I loved my church. But neither of us was truly happy in the others church and we were not happy in either.

Finally, we started looking for a denomination where both of us could be happy and we settled on the Methodist Church...Am not necessarily suggesting that you all become Methodists, but there probably is a church and demoniation out there where the both of you can truly be happy...Now, it might not be a huge issue now, but at some point down the road it could be if one of you are having to attend a church year after year where you are not truly happy and that unhappy one is a little more miserable each time they attend "the others" church.......And when its all said and done there aren't going to be denominations in heaven anyway. Just thought I would throw that out since I have walked down a similar road sort of speak.

Dudley Do-Wrong

Senior Member

Knowing that you are catholic, the catholic church has rules concerning catholic vs. non-catholics. I don't believe the catholic church would welcome a non-catholic into the choir or any other service/ministry. An individual diocese does not work autonomously and is supposed to follow the rule of the church. Did you and your wife get married in the catholic church? I know they have strict rules concerning catholics marrying non-catholics.

Putting aside the "rules" of the catholic church, I agree with much of what has been said. Any true Christian should be allowed to serve in some manner, in fact, every true Christian is called to serve depending on their gift(s).


Senior Member
Did you and your wife get married in the catholic church? I know they have strict rules concerning catholics marrying non-catholics.
Yes. Not sure if it was harder than if she had been Catholic. Thankfully I have nothing to compare it too.
I appreciate all the continued opinions but lest someone read too much into this, we are not church shopping. There is much more to like about our church than dislike. Much more.
The question was simply specific as to whether or not it is 'wrong' (granted, I guess it depends how you define wrong) for her to participate in the choir.
First practice/meeting is tomorrow night. We'll have another conversation about it because if for some reason this does not go well, she will be CRUSHED and embarassed. I'm still completely shocked she agreed to do this and I'm not so sure it doesn't have something to do with the very recent passing of her father.
Every church has rules. I'm pretty sure too many of them are pointless and counter productive.
More to follow....


Senior Member
HawEye hit the nail

I thought that we were all brothers and sisters in Christ??

Question, Where in the good book does it say " You have to be a member" to worship him ??:yeah:


Senior Member
I guess this is what is a foreign concept to me. "Membership". I've been attending my church for 4 years now. I'm contributing in multiple ways (including building their new church building) but I am not "a member". I will not "sign up" since I think the concept is ridiculous and completely man made I but will probably have to in order to have my son receive his first communion etc... :rolleyes:
Also, I will admit the concept of requiring someone being 'saved' to be a member, to ME, seems completely backwards. After you are saved, it seems a big point of the church is already passed. I'd personally rather pastor a church of completely unsaved persons than a mutual admiration society (overly harsh term but I'm just trying to make the point, that I don't obviously understand it).
PLEASE nobody take any of that the wrong way in that I honestly don't care one way or the other what the sign on the door says of ANY Christian church you choose to participate in. But I will always admit the formality and rules of different churches are almost always lost on me (including my own).
"Membership" just has a stench of elitism to me and off all the things Christ taught I don't think that falls ANYWHERE in his teachings. Again, my church is as if not more guilty than most so I'm not at all throwing stones. Just expressing frustration I guess.
I guess I say that and on the other hand I was VERY glad when it was suggested pro abortion politicians such as John Kerry be refused communion by the Catholic church. Hey, it's my double standard, I should be able to define it. :eek:

i agree that alot of churches put alot of emphasis on membership. and alot of churches ask alot of their members. i go to a very small country chuch and anybody that wants to sing can. it dont even got to be pretty. we have one guy in our congregation that is mentally handicapped and when he sings alot of tims you cant make anything out of it. but if you are lisatening with your ears you might as well be deaf cause youll not get anything out of that any way. you got to listen with your heart. as far as your statement about pastoring a church of lost people it would be extremly hard. alot of people think that a pastor carries the church. thats not the case. now i have never been a pastor and unless the lord decideds different i never will be but the church is supposed to carry the church. if they dont do their job its next to impossible for the pastor to do his. he is supposed to be nothing more than a mouth piece. too many churches now are status symbols and you arent anything unless you go here or unless you contribute this mch to the offering plate. i have always believed it aint who you are at church its what you do.

lake hartwell

Senior Member
Churches serve one major function, (in my humble opinion), Lord knows there are several here. In life you WILL have low periods, spritually, physically, etc. Trust me if you haven't, yours is enroute!! The group of believers stand together to encourage, pray for, care for, other members, one on one. I had life threating cancer, (3 times Thanks), and my Church family praying for and caring for me is why I am here. Salvation?? Absolutely nothing to do with Church. The opportunity to live your faith is hard without one.
Paul said "Faith w/o works is dead". You can't "work" your way to heaven but if you are a believer you should live like one and want to associate with other Christians. They need you and sooner or later you will need them.
May God Bless you all greatly.


Senior Member

Well, before she left for her first practice this evening I told her for about the umpteenth time "Don't be upset if they don't allow you in. It is not unreasonable." She said, "Oh I intend to tell the director first off. Maybe I should just call first rather than drive down there and be embarassed."
She called, no answer, she left early to talk with him before they got started or crowded. She introduced herself and asked if she could speak with him privately for a second. When she told him her situation he simply said "Oh don't worry about that. That 'rule' is primarily there to keep the adult choir 'adult'.
(There is a separate youth choir and a separate children's choir.)
I sent one up for her as she left the house and my wife came home after 3 hours of practice, hoarse and smiling ear to ear and as happy and excited as I've seen her in too long a time. Said they were the most welcoming, nicest folks she's met in a while. I am VERY happy for her. She also admitted this has something to do with her dad's passing. She's now trying to convince me to join. I'm gonna' do the congregation a favor. I ain't joining. They don't give out microphones in the pews..... :eek:

I'll get to see my angel sing from the choir this Sunday morning... :clap: PTL indeed....


Senior Member
Glad it worked out well Phil!


Senior Member
glad to hear both pieces of good news. that she got what she wanted and that the rest of the congregation wont have to look at your ugly mug while they are singing.


Senior Member
You think the looking is bad, be thankful you've never had to endure the hearing! :p

:hair: :hair:

...but great news, way to geaux, Phil !!


Senior Member
Originally Posted by GeauxLSU
You think the looking is bad, be thankful you've never had to endure the hearing!

i thank the lord for all my blessings:bounce:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

gordon 2

Senior Member
I had a similar experience when I inquired if it was OK for a divorced person to teach sunday school. The answer for pastor was it is OK with me. And so be it.

Geaux, the only thing that can happen now, to upset the apple cart, is some prig gets the idea that it is perhaps mortal sin to have a protestant in the choir. When it gets to the pastor or priest his view will be, yea or nay...the last word. Perhaps you should somehow prepare for this eventuality.

Another point. Our priest has some musical training, directs acadian and church choirs. He is a good singer as well. He was invited at a church function once in a local Baptist Church were he took it upon himself after the pastor's OK to sing from the pulpit and unfortunately for some "danced!!!" as well to the the shaker song Lord of the Dance.

A catholic priest dancing at the pulpit of a Baptist church was just to much for the sensibilites of some in the congragation it seems. Both pastor and priest got earfulls I guess.

Old habits were hard to break, I guess. LOL;) ::;