Ladder Stand Challenges (final pics included!)


Daily Driveler News Team
Thanks Jim,
I had no idea about mid-west trees being “all” harder and always wondered why those jokers on tv always picked the hardest tree on the planet to hunt from. Now I know they mostly all are hard. No wonder. I’ve never been there hunting and didn’t notice hardness when I was there for storm damage. Good luck on your Illinois hunts and thank you so much.

I hunt northern Missouri. I haven't found a tree that I could climb with my climber.I use ladder stands and find I can have a tree stand in most areas without using tree steps and hanging stands.(Most will not carry my weight when I add all my things I carry for a all day sit.)


Senior Member
I enjoy my climber but I also like the ability and it has happened more than once to be sitting in a ladder, opportunity almost happens but doesn't and you are able to quietly ease down and turn that lost opportunity into success.

If you need cad drawings let me know Jim


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
From my early 20s to about age 35 I used a climber exclusively. But when my boys got old enough to go I got into using large ladders and box type stands. I still used a climber sparingly when I had the odd chance to hunt alone.

Fast forward to older age and nerve damage in by back and legs. No ability for using a climber anymore. Full time using ladders and box stands now. My youngest son had a car accident when he was 25 and lost his lower left leg. He cant use a climber anymore either.

Jim you understand better now my interest in your upcoming invention. I hope you get your device perfected and available soon. We will probably need one or two.

Mr Bya Lungshot

Putting up a ladder stand by yourself definitely needs a genius invention. I put one up deep in the yard and it didn’t come down until I moved. I walked it up and walked it down. It was a double and I felt like that was obviously not the “best” way to do it. I did enjoy the extra room and ease of just stepping up and hunting it.


Senior Member
One tip for securing the ladder to the tree before you climb it to secure chains or straps: tie 2 ropes to each side of the seat platform before you pull the ladder stand up to the tree. Once it's up against the tree take each rope and tie it to the opposite side of the ladder as high as you can reach. That will hold it against the tree to help keep it from twisting or coming back on you. If it's a tall stand I will wrap the ropes around the tree, then tie them to the stand upright rails before I climb.
But getting the stand up and then off the tree for removal drives me nuts. With a bad shoulder and bad discs in my back even setting up a 45 lb 15 foot ladder stand is next to impossible by myself unless I use the truck or atv.
Eagerly awaiting what you come up with Mr. Jim.
You also need to come up with some type of shooting rail system that can be used with a hang-on or strap on stand. I hate the things that's out there that has a hard thick pad right between the shoulder blades. I need something that might rest on the bottom of the hangon with a rail that can flip up when you are entering the stand. I've boxed in some ladder stands with wood 2x2's and made a shooting rail out of bent aluminum pipe but haven't figured exactly how to do something similar for a hangon stand. Having seen some of the stuff you've come up with in the past you definitely have the talent and ideas!!

Jim Boyd

Senior Member

I climb in Illinois but am a little more careful. I just climb in the dark til I get to the end of the pull rope and I know I am at 20’. I would have staged the climber earlier so all I have to do is approach it and climb the tree.


I want to get the device out in the open and get it available, but the process seems to be moving slowly. I am all hung up....


Your comments are entirely too kind.

I still have the cameras for you and would like to find a way to get them to you.

With my device, you would not need the straps or ropes from the back of the stand. The stand will be secure enough for the person to ascend and put on the initial strap or chain.

As for your chain on or lock on stands, it would be very difficult to create a universal shooting rail kit that would fit the stand when I don’t know the actual dimensions. What would be a best case scenario would be if you brought the bases to me and allowed me to build you some shooting rails that fit the individual stands. If you had multiple stands that were exactly the same I would only need one of the bases.

I have gotten to the point where I have become afraid of lock on stands, largely due to the fact that I need a shooting rail out in front of me and I do not like the transition from the ladder to the platform of the lock on stand.

I have a future project in mind by which I take a millennium lock on stand and create a shooting rail/right side entry gate on the stand that will make it far more comfortable for me to get in and out of. There are some trees in which a ladder stand is not a great option.

The only problem with this scenario would be if the set up required a left side entry to the stand. I hunted out of lock on stands for a great many years and in almost every case I entered the stand from the right side however.

Be safe, all!


Jim Boyd

Senior Member
J Seph,

Thank you and I may ask you for your help with some CAD drawings!

Appreciate you!

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Heard back from Summit - they said send us a letter when you have a patent....

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Ok Folks...

Prototype # 2 has been completed and I have augmented it with a few capabilities that # 1 did not have - but these can easily be added to the original.

With all of the added capabilities, my final device weight is 43 pounds. A little more than I expected but I had to make some alterations to accept 1” and 1.25” bottom ladder sections (working with a Millenium and it is larger).

I am working now with a L110 21’ Millenium ladder and this thing is a beast. Very well made but it it is certainly heavy.

It takes me about the same time to lay the stand out and get the sections put together and pinned as it does to raise the stand and get it locked to the tree.

The strength needed to raise and secure the stand is much less than putting the stand sections together.

I made this test on some ground that had a little slope to it and the stand did want to swing away from a straight angle to the tree. I lowered the stand back to the point that I could tie a strap to the ladder and applied a little pressure to the strap as I raised the stand and that resolved any issues.

I locked the stand to the tree (with the device) and it was almost as secure as having a chain or strap already connected at the top. Going to the top and adding the first chain or strap is literally a piece of cake - no worries whatsoever. The stand is locked to the tree 3 ways before you ever ascend the first time.

Could you use two persons? Yep, that would help a bit.

But, I remain confident that there is NO standard ladder stand that I cannot erect by myself. I am 61 and the Millenium is a beast!

I will continue testing in various circumstances - to include the fact that I am going to add 4’ to two of the five Milleniums I have - but my device is adjustable to the height of the stand and will easily accommodate the additional weight.

So far, so good!!!

Thanks !



Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
great news Jim............... we continue to wait............. patiently wait. ;)

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Marvin, I am sorry for the delays. I have contacted several stand companies and none are beating down the door to see the device.

I am sure they are pro’s at this game and they are sure that time is on their side.

This delay - and the use of the device in multiple settings as I set stands - will help me gain confidence that the design is solid and will meet the needs of folks that eventually (hopefully) use it.

If I see challenges or areas where the device can be improved, this usage will provide me an opportunity to identify / rectify.

Think I am gonna work to raise one of the Milleniums today by 4’ (wife had foot surgery and I am “stuck” at home”) and then repeat the process of raising the stand again - on a different tree.

Gives me a new challenge and I like TALL stands :flag:

Thanks !

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
SG 25 Double rail ladder is only listed as 13 lbs heavier than the Millenium.

105 vs 92 lbs.

That weight, nor that increase in height, will present any lifting problems whatsoever.

In my torture test, I ran the lifting power up to a measured 350 lbs with no problems at all.

The ability to lift the ladder stand presents no issues.

The lifting effort is so easy a 12 year old child can do it.

At $135 that SG 25’ stand is a deal but they are far from comfortable due to the design of the stand seat being so close to the tree and the fact that you are positioned so far forward (as you sit) over the platform. I have several of the 21’s and had to modify them all - it would be an awful circumstance to try to sit 12 hours in one in the original design.

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Gone But Not Forgotten
Age has made me come up with better ways to put up ladder stands. I lay the stand down with the bottom towards the tree. Rope over a limb above tied to my buggy to pull the stand up against the tree. Will have the bottom of the stand died down to a root or whatever is handy. A rope has already been tied to the top of the ladder. This rope goes around the tree, back to the ladder to be pulled tight. Tied as high as possible. This keeps the stand from coming off the tree when i climb it. That's how i do it these days. But my easiest method is, to have some younger fellers put it up.


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Senior Member
I know it is a little work but putting many ladder stands up by myself 20 to 25'. I use climber to go up the tree put a rope around tree then run one from top of stand through rope on tree and pull it up with 4 wheeler or tractor. Then climb back up and secure to tree using climber. A little work but easier and safer. I can't hunt in hospital bed.


Staff member
Jim, I got cash money whenever you are ready.

I'm just sayin'........:bounce:


Senior Member
Jim, pm me your mailing address and phone number and we'll talk re the cameras.
I'm right behind elfiii in line for this stand hanger!:yeah:

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Sandra - check your pm messages please.

Went to the steel yard today and got the materials to convert one of the Summitts to about 4’ taller.

Work and a wedding are gonna consume the next few weekends however so it may be while before I get that done.

I am going to work to get that done and report back as soon as I can.
