Liv golf Tiger Woods $700 million

Dustin Pate

Staff member
Tiger get a lot of bad press from his off the course transgressions, but he 100% respects the game and knows what it has done for him. He, in turn, has done just as much for the game. Tiger, with his earnings and endorsements, is worth over a billion dollars. He has no reason to risk losing those and tarnishing his golf reputation in the process. Tiger has really matured and begun to a take a mentor role (i.e. Jack and Arnie) the last few years.

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
Tiger is fully aware of realpolitik. We may have to do business with the Saudis, buy their oil, and use them to help stabilize the middle east, but he doesn't have to accept a paid bribe from them and act like their behavior is ok. Besides, like Dustin said, it's not like he needs the money. I wish more of them felt the same way about playing in China.
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Senior Member
Everyone has a price and $700 Mil is not Tigers. We all make decisions and somethings are not worth money. For example, several years ago I was offered a nice promotion. But it required me to relocate to NY and work 7 days a week. I turned it down. I know I could deliver pizza and scrape a living if they let me go after turning down the offer.