Mr Mean Face

slow motion

Senior Member
May be forced to change my original stance. I'm off today so I just put on a hat and ran some errands. Got back home and took off the hat and change clothes so I can do maintenance on the work and play trucks. Work truck needs brake pads so the turnaround is near the road but between 2 big maples so it's nice and shady. Pull in there. Keep a floor jack in back of play truck so I back it down also which blocks driveway. So as I'm finishing up FedEx man pulls in. I glance over. He goes in back of truck for a few minutes I'm assuming to find the delivery. Hear something and look up. He's up front of truck with a package. Back to the task at hand. Hear a door slam. Look up. Guess he's gonna climb out the drivers side. Start putting jack back in truck bed. Guy starts truck and leaves. Hmm. Look around no package. Catch my reflection in truck. I'm in need of a haircut badly and it's sticking straight up. Beard is pretty unruly and clothes are dirty and tattered. Guess I scared the young fella off. Maybe I look a bit menacing after all.