My 5th summer garden: Expansion and more beans


Staff member
I usually can up a generic marinara sauce in half-pint jelly jars. You can use it as is, or doctor it up as needed. Perfect amount for a great big pizza, chicken parm or suchlike for two folks.


I Gots Goats
JB how many pages back we gotta look for more current and up to date pics of your veggie paradises?...both corn fields too!!!

I haven't posted any in a minute. These folks in here put mine to shame. I keep meaning to get some and then get roped into something else. Ill get some tonight.

Outside the garden, the main field is gonna be a few acres of soybeans a few acres of corn, some sunflowers (which were just planted) and a small patch of heirloom corn over in a corner. It'll be hard to get a good pic of all of it, but I will do my best....


I Gots Goats
Here’s the garden, just went outside n took pic, red beans are on the far right, can’t see them good in pic but they are doing well…..View attachment 1307468

In this pic, the other little sunflower patch is behind the telephone pole to the right of the barn, the heirloom corn is also in the very back corner by that little hedge row up there. That was about the furthest I could put it away from the sweet corn and field corn, it's 100 yards from both, and was planted two weeks after both.


Staff member
Been hoeing.
Peas are starting to bloom. Corn coming up good. Planted another sweet corn and some okra. Frm more hills of squash. Some peppers. Few tomatoes. Egg plant. Wondering what else. May start more peas for a second batch. Garden work in progress. Never ending. I got wild turnips coming up in the corn. May eat the leaves. LolsBB05BD6F-23E2-416D-ABD6-186CFBC146AF.jpegA879F70C-A2BB-4D0C-A192-2AF67579CFE7.jpeg21B932F1-6D82-414A-A7CA-B09E71DD432E.jpeg


I’m Billy’s Useles Uncle.
We up and running perty good. I got some more transplants (squash n such) sat out while back. Replanted peas and GBs. My first attempt didn’t come up worth a flip. Peas are coming up now. Beans will be shortly. Tomatoes have really jumped last few weeks. Got a little space left. Gonna get sum sweet potatoes goin eye reckon.
