Old Timey Sayings


Senior Member
Talk a whale into walkin
weeker than dish water
blackern 3 ft up a bull's @&#%
lunch was called dinner and dinner was called supper
boy we got a smart of rain last night....

pine nut

Senior Member
I cain't wait! Wait's what broke the waggon down!
From the back that looks like two coons a fightin' in a sack!
Don't buy a pig in a poke!
If I'd a knowed you's a comin',I'da baked a cake!
Company's a comin' throw some onions in tha far to mak'em think we having somethin' good fer supper!
After a huge meal like at Thanksgiving, "That wus jist about as good as a full meal!"
Happier than a pig in slop.
Happier than a pig in the sunshine!
Smilin' like a mule a eatin' briars!
She's so purdy I'd camp on her back porch!
About a basset hound, "He's a dawg and a half long and a half a dog high!"
A gullible person: "He swallered it hook line and sinker, and run under tha bank with it!"
You can take his word to tha bank!
If he can't fix it it ain't broke!
That boy'd druther climb a tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell tha truth!

I believe southerners talk in technicolor and yankees talk in black and white. To quote Lewis Grizzard, "Take the words naked and neckked! Naked means you ain't got no clothes on. Neckked means you ain't got no clothes on, and you're up to sumpthin"!"

I have enjoyed this thread. It brings back memories of a simpler time and memories of loved ones!


Senior Member
He's crazy as a run over dog. He looked at me like a cow looking at a new gate. I used to hear these often growing up.

John I. Shore

Senior Member
Momma use to say: He's sweeter'n snuff & not near as nasty.
We use to go huntin: Down to the Hog Waller, and my Uncle was
always: "Fair to Middlin".

John I.


"it's hotter than two fat rats freakin in a wool sock"
"it's hot as blazes"
"I'm sweating like a Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ---- in church"
" That dog won't hunt" -when something just isn't right
" if you can pour salt on a bulls tail you can catch it" -no trick there just saying if you can get close enough to pour salt on it, your close enough to catch it
" He's right as rain"
"if you string fence in the winter, you'll lose your cows in the summer" - in the summer the hotter weather causes the wire to expand making it sag and the cows can get out.
"don't make me start lying"- when you don't know something
"slow as pond water"
"till the cows come home"
"you stumped me"
"he was a running around like a chicken with it's head cut off"
" I'll stomp enough manure outta you to fertilize the whole state of Texas boy" -my grandaddy to me
"I'll snatch a knot on your head"
"well I declair"
"your other left"-when you confuse your right from left
"well don't that just beat all?"
"if the good lord's willing and the creek don't rise"
"it's back to the drawing board"
"she must be from tennessee cause she's the only ten-I-see"
"your can be the dumbest smart kid I know"
"whats missing in his equation"
"It was dark as a new moon in a bat cave"
"she's pretty as a picture"
"cute as a button"
"if I was doing any better I couldn't stand it"
"when it's cold you want it hot, when its hot you want it cold, you always want what it's not!"
"don't you be sucking your teeth at me"
"playing possum"
"don't think when your not use to it"

"im reaching now" so I'll think of more later


Senior Member
rode hard and put up wet,
ill be james brown
and grany used fiddle sticks and fiddle fadle when something didnt go the way she planed it


"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
sit down here and preciate myself. "eating biscuits and syrup.
he'll last through bout one more clean shirt. "being old"
I'll cloud up and rain on you boy.
My daddys favorite, get over it or die totin it.
confused as a duck on a desert.


Senior Member
When someone would ask grandaddy how he was doing he'd say" if id known I was gone live this long I would have taken better care of myself" I didn't understand what that meant as a kid but I do now.


Senior Member
Grandaddy used to commercial fish and we'd spend hours cleaning catfish when he got back from a trip. Whenever we got to the last fish in the cooler he'd always say "here's the one I been waiting on the LAST ONE!" .....miss him everyday


Senior Member
A couple

She's uglier than a mud fence.
He's so ugly they shaved his butt and made him walk backward.
Lower tan a snake's belly.
More nervous than a Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ---- in church.
I'll slap you crosseyed!
Too broke to pay attention.
So ugly she would back a buzzard off a gut wagon.
If wishes were horses then beggers could ride.
When my Mother would tell me to do something and I replied "wait". She would reply, "weight is what broke the cart down."
When I wanted her to give me a ride somewhere when I was a kid and she wasn't getting ready fast enough I would say come on, let's go. Her reply was, "walking isn't crowded, strike out and I will pick you up on the way."

Ole Crip

Senior Member
You smell worse than a pole cat on a hot day.
I'm thirsty-well i'm friday how you doing.
She is uglier than homemade sin.
That girl is finer than frog hair.
Boy you are dumber than a box of rocks.
I am going to beat you like a red headed step child.
Boy you are slower than mollases.
If these walls could talk.
Jimmeny cricketts.


Senior Member
sneakin' up on a bisquit - for eating a meal
more fun than stompin' baby chickens - just for shock value I think
uglier than a train wreck - for an ugly girl
more curious than a preacher's daughter - to compare any curiosity to her promiscuity (hope I spelled that right)


Senior Member
Mama used to say "That feller is quare" meaning strange or off in the head.

He aint got walking around sense.
Shes 2 axe handles across the.... Butt.
Slicker than a Minners .......thang
If you dont pay me my money this Friday, by next Friday, you will have been dead a week.
Deader than John Wilks Booth.
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GONetwork Member
dark as a sack of black cats
sorrrier than a pile of snake droppins
burnt slap up
Hanging in there like a loose tooth, Good as snuff and aint half as dusty, I'll swunney(sp), she's so ugly she would make a freight train take a dirt road, That fish weighed 20 lbs i seen the scales on his back.