Old Timey Sayings


Senior Member
"he couldn't trap a hog in a ditch"......somebody who's bowlegged
"copacetic".....how you're doing today if you're doing pretty good
"if you wash your car it'll rain".......self explanatory
"uglier than sin and not nearly as fun"
"he's about as sharp as a hammer".....not real bright
"she don't sweat much for a fat girl"

Maggie Dog

Senior Member
I'm so broke, if it cost a quarter to go around the world, I wouldn't make it to Lithonia.

Boy, Your puttin the wagon before the mule.

Your beating on a dead mule

Your preaching to the choir

Come a cloud- after a rain shower

I swanee- from my mom (often)

I'm glad you got to see me. ( elderly man at the corner store)

Fishlipps Revisited

Senior Member
she's a "butter-head"...(everything looks good but-her head)

Don't squat on your spurs.

As welcome as an outhouse breeze.

Big hat, no cattle.
(All talk and no action)

This ain't my first rodeo.
(I've been around awhile)

You can put your boots in the oven, but that doesn't make them
(You can say whatever you want about something, but that
doesn't change what it is).

She's got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth.
(That woman can talk)


Ain't holdin yer mouth right. (applies to anything someone is failing to accomplish)

You'd screw up a *edit* dream.

Hold on to yer mash potatos and gravy.

You ain't jez whistlin Dixie.

not a sayin but I was told early on if you put salt on a bird's tail, it can't fly and you can catch it.


Senior Member
Heres another
You would just as soon climb up and poop on your Mama's table as to mess with me.


Senior Member
Purdy as a spickled pup
Ugly as a horses butt sewed up with a grape vine

Jam up & jelly tight
Bright as a burnt out light bulb
Slicker than snot
Btween a rock and a hard spot
Clear as mud
Sharp as a tack
Cant run with the big dogs stay on the portch with the pups
Happy as a clam
Smile from ear to ear
Smile so big if he was eating cornbread he would have crums in his ears
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Senior Member
I will knock you into next week.


Senior Member
Dumber than a sack of hammers.

If ifs and buts was candy and nuts it'd be Christmas all year long.

"shoot" fire and save the matches, "pluck" a duck and see what hatches.

Slicker than snot on a doorknob in the rain.
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Swamp Monkey

Senior Member
Lost as last years Easter egg.

That's as good as a Mother's love.


Purveyor Of Fine Spirits
"Nervous as a sportin' lady at a tent revival". Then my grandfather would say "the only way it could be worse was if that sportin' lady greeted you by name at that revival". If you really had cause for concern.


Senior Member
"Nervous as a sportin' lady at a tent revival". Then my grandfather would say "the only way it could be worse was if that sportin' lady greeted you by name at that revival". If you really had cause for concern.

I like that one

I was always skinny and folks said, I looked like I traded legs with a jaybird and got cheated out of a Butt.
Hence the nick name Killdee since I was 11, near 60 and still called Killdee by all my friends and customers.
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Senior Member
*A Man That Picks Up A Cat By Its Tail Learns A Lesson He Can Learn No Other Way.
*If Your In A Hole ...Stop Diggin.
*Doin Wrong Never Has A Happy Ending.
*The Best Way To Remember Your Anniversary Is To Forget It Once.


so cross-eyed or scatter-brained, 'he had one eye huntin and the other eye fishin...'!


'good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.'


Staff member
Stank so bad it'd knock a buzzard off a gut wagon!

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