Old Timey Sayings


Senior Member
The saying or phrase that drives me absolutely insane is "I Seen". For the love of God, IT'S I SAW OR I HAVE SEEN!!!!


Staff member
This one drives me up the wall. Not really a saying, but rather a single word. Not just old timers, but pretty much everyone.

"My starter needs a new silenoid", is how it's almost always pronounced.

It's "solenoid", folks. That's an O, not an I, after the S. Where in the heck does the typical pronunciation come from?

It's pronounced "saulenoyd".

"Put a scotch under that wheel, so the truck don't roll".

hmmmm - a chock is a scotch?

I guess that's from when most folks carried a bottle of scotch under the seat, and whipped it out to chock the wheel. :D

Yep - I hear that all the time. Same guy that says that, also owned an Izusu Trooper and Izusu Rodeo. Yep - that's how he pronounces it. And the guy actually has a Master's Degree in education. :crazy:

And "Oconostota" should be spelled and pronounced "A'gan-sta'ta, as there is no long "o" in the Cherokee language as there is in the Anglicized version of many of their words. :rofl:

I wouldn't go around assuming people are ignorant because they refuse to abandon their native accent and speech patterns just to be politically correct. I know exactly how an educated yankee would pronounce most words, but that doesn't mean that I will pronounce it that way. I can write English, but I refuse to speak it. :bounce:


^^ Seems to be kind of a personal attack there.

You seem to be confusing "politically correct" with just (halfway) "correct".

Accents and speech patterns are quite a bit different than completely misspelling (or mis-saying) a word. Accents and speech patterns are cool. The other just makes one sound like school was abandoned in 1st or 2nd grade.

So, how is Ponce de Leon pronounced? "Pawnse duh leeon", or "Poense they Leeown"? (since you seem to imply that I can't even pronounce my own username)

hunter rich

Senior Member
You'd rather shave a bobcats butt with a skoal can lid in a phone booth then mess with me...

Looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch o the way down...

If brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose...

That boys pants were so tight you could tell his religion...

As sharp as a bowlin' ball...

My take home pay wont take me home...

It only hurts until the pain goes away...
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Staff member
Originally Posted by Oconostota:

^^ Seems to be kind of a personal attack there.

You seem to be confusing "politically correct" with just (halfway) "correct".

Accents and speech patterns are quite a bit different than completely misspelling (or mis-saying) a word. Accents and speech patterns are cool. The other just makes one sound like school was abandoned in 1st or 2nd grade.

So, how is Ponce de Leon pronounced? "Pawnse duh leeon", or "Poense they Leeown"? (since you seem to imply that I can't even pronounce my own username)

Chill, dude, I'm just ::ke: at ya for bein' the speech po-lice. Point is, I know very well how to correctly pronounce, say, "wasp," but I just prefer the way the word "wawsper" sounds. I never pronounce the "g" at the end of a gerund or participle. I gen'rally prefur to be a-pronunciatin' 'em jist like this hyere. Many people are probably similar. I didn't abandon school in the first grade, but a lot of flatlander folks would probably assume that I did after talking to me, if they're the type of people who automatically sterotype people by the way they speak and equate an Appalachian accent and idioms with ignorance and not knowing any better. Proper English feels weird and fake coming out of my mouth.


Chill, dude, I'm just ::ke: at ya for bein' the speech po-lice. Point is, I know very well how to correctly pronounce, say, "wasp," but I just prefer the way the word "wawsper" sounds. I never pronounce the "g" at the end of a gerund or participle. I gen'rally prefur to be a-pronunciatin' 'em jist like this hyere. Many people are probably similar. I didn't abandon school in the first grade, but a lot of flatlander folks would probably assume that I did after talking to me, if they're the type of people who automatically sterotype people by the way they speak and equate an Appalachian accent and idioms with ignorance and not knowing any better. Proper English feels weird and fake coming out of my mouth.

Speech police in a thread particularly about such things, eh? Alrighty then.

And are you in your NC vacation home this week (or Summer), visiting there from Georgia? Or do you just like picking arguments with people in surrounding states, on GEORGIA Outdoor News Forum, from high up on your mountain?


Staff member
I just like picking arguments with people in surrounding states, on GEORGIA Outdoor News Forum, from high up on my mountain.

And I think the thread was about celebrating interesting old-timey sayings, not about being aggravated at unwashed people mispronouncing modern words and Japanese car names. No need to get fuzzed up like a settin' hen. :)

Throw that hook out there, and some feller's'll swaller it hook line and sinker, and run plum under tha bank with it. If that don't just beat a hen a-rootin' uphill backwards.
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Miss Moderator Ma Hen
Staff member
Well Bless his pea pickin heart..................


NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
If you asked how they were doing they would say.... somewhere between grass and hay.


Senior Member
You know you have a level headed woman when snuff runs out both sides of her mouth, ill be dern, if u sleep with the dogs u will wake up with fleas


Senior Member
Mad as a hornet, raining cats and dogs


Senior Member
I just thought of a couple more u cant hit the brawd side of a barn, naked as a j-bird, shut that door boy was u born in a barn

Lindseys Grandpa

Senior Member
When i was a kid and probably still most Insurance company's were based up north so when someone who was behind in payment's stuff disappeared or burnt up my Grandaddy would say "He sold it to the Yankee's".

Another one was "Thinking the devil is worse than seeing the devil"

Cabin creek man

Senior Member
That haircuts sharper than a chainsaw
That gals hotter than a Heater door i'n a snowstorm
Ain't no frettin on somebody elses dollar.. Means don't worry about what other people do
Gotta work for them taters old man i'n town always called money taters he had more taters than any one person should ever need
Another tater one is "he's justa tater farmer" around here that ment that it was somebody that lived back i'n the mountains and made their cash selling ginseng.
I've heard so many from my Nannie and poppa I just have to remember them


Senior Member
From my father who passed away Sunday:

That's some good eatin'

I'll slap the taste out of your mouth.

Come go with us - when you leave a friend or relative's house.

Shiny as a new penny

Rough as a cob

Dumb as dirt

Right as rain

Sunday go to meetin' clothes - his best clothes

brogans - work boots

Tough as nails

Stubborn as a mule


Don't count your chickens till the eggs are hatched

Slicker than cat stuff on a linoleum floor

Colder than a well diggers behind

Don't put the cart before the horse

If wishes were horses only beggers would ride

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

35 Whelen

Senior Member
Whenever I irritated my grandmother she would say "I'm going to box your ears boy!"


Senior Member
My butt would make them a Sunday face

Meaner than a two headed snake

I'd be all over that like stink on crap