Rattlesnake in ladder stand.


Senior Member
Wow! Never considered looking on cool mornings. Returned to camp Sat morn (31 degrees Fri night) to find a small scarlet king snake by the table. Will be more cautious early in the season from now on.


Senior Member
Couple weeks ago i was going up a pine tree in a climbing stand with some large bushy limbs as my end goal. Heard a noise above me and braced for the impact from the dead limb i had evidently knocked loose. Instead of a limb a good size black snake fell across my arms but at the time i mistook it for a 10 foot rattlemoccasinpython and let go of the top section. As i sat there on the bottom section fear gripping the tree staring at the top section about six foot above me i realized there was another snake up there hanging out of a squirrel nest. Black snake or not i found another tree......