Schools can now pay em’ directly


Senior Member

Yep.. like the PGA the NCAA didn’t find middle ground when they could’ve. Instead they drew their line in the sand and got steamrolled. Now they’re no different than what they tried to prevent.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
Here's the money quote

Sources said some of the challenges to solve include figuring out how to distribute the revenue-sharing money in a way that meets market needs while complying with Title IX laws

It doesn't matter what comes of this, THIS is the problem. Title IX is Federal Law and no matter what the NCAA and schools agree to, they can't pay the players directly. At least not just the football and basketball players. It will have to be ALL athletes and EQUALLY, or none at all. Title IX, and all challenges to it, allow for nothing less.


Senior Member
Here's the money quote

It doesn't matter what comes of this, THIS is the problem. Title IX is Federal Law and no matter what the NCAA and schools agree to, they can't pay the players directly. At least not just the football and basketball players. It will have to be ALL athletes and EQUALLY, or none at all. Title IX, and all challenges to it, allow for nothing less.
The way I understand it, and what was said on radio yesterday, that is exactly what will happen. The schools payments won't be based on ability or popularity, it will simply be equal payments to scholarship athletes. NIL will be the vehicle where players are payed based on ability and Title IX won't have anything to do with that as it's not school based.
Again, fine by me and I have no problem with either. Sports is extra curricular to learning and schools have made a mint on athletes and the publics desire to pay to watch what the athletes can do. What the ncaa has done for decades with regards to its regulation of athletes has been unconstitutional as far back as you want to go and the Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY said as such.


Staff member
So now it's officially college pro football. I'm done.


Senior Member
I’ve heard $21 million as the amount per football team to be divided up based on position, starter status, and star rankings out of high school. Also heard that there will be contracts that reel in the portal shenanigans. However, there was no answer to whether or not additional monies could be added through the NIL collectives.
If they can come up with this or any other plan that stabilizes the game and ends the craziness,….great. Otherwise I’m ready to dump CFB and not look back. I’m old school enough to believe a free ride of education, food, board, and hopefully a diploma was a good deal for the opportunity, and letting the school make money on the games was fair play. It’s the schools that built the stadiums, luxury facilities, pay for the medical, pay for the food, and bump smarter kids from classrooms to offer those scholarships. Let the school make money.


Senior Member
So now it's officially college pro football. I'm done.
I will give it a few more years to see how it all plays out. I personally can't wait for September. I think in 3 years it will be just as exciting as it is now.

If in 3 years, the fear of some here is realized, which is a bunch of players not really tied to the college their playing for, is making bank, Becuase a bunch of boosters, fans, or the flying spaghetti monster is pouring money into a league that will still only have 2-3% of players NFL worthy and their not getting a degree, I will eat crow!!! :bounce:


Senior Member
I’ve heard $21 million as the amount per football team to be divided up based on position, starter status, and star rankings out of high school. Also heard that there will be contracts that reel in the portal shenanigans. However, there was no answer to whether or not additional monies could be added through the NIL collectives.
If they can come up with this or any other plan that stabilizes the game and ends the craziness,….great. Otherwise I’m ready to dump CFB and not look back. I’m old school enough to believe a free ride of education, food, board, and hopefully a diploma was a good deal for the opportunity, and letting the school make money on the games was fair play. It’s the schools that built the stadiums, luxury facilities, pay for the medical, pay for the food, and bump smarter kids from classrooms to offer those scholarships. Let the school make money.
I agree with most of your point. My issue is the ncaa wrongly not allowing a college player to make money as well off of his NIL. Both could have Co existed had the NCAA addressed this 40 years ago. It's not hard. Becuase they didn't, it went to the other extreme, which we have now, but I believe will be legally reeled back in and all though will not be the same as the "old days", it will still be a great sport.


Staff member
I will give it a few more years to see how it all plays out. I personally can't wait for September. I think in 3 years it will be just as exciting as it is now.

If in 3 years, the fear of some here is realized, which is a bunch of players not really tied to the college their playing for, is making bank, Becuase a bunch of boosters, fans, or the flying spaghetti monster is pouring money into a league that will still only have 2-3% of players NFL worthy and their not getting a degree, I will eat crow!!! :bounce:

Not me. I'm old school. College is supposed to still be (mostly) amateur athletics. I gave up on pro football 20 years ago because of the stupid criminals in it. CFB will be no different from that in 3 years. You'll see.

DOUG 281

Senior Member
this will not be good. Getting paid to play and Uncle JOE haven't taxpayers to pay for them to go to college good deal for them but not the workers


Senior Member
Not me. I'm old school. College is supposed to still be (mostly) amateur athletics. I gave up on pro football 20 years ago because of the stupid criminals in it. CFB will be no different from that in 3 years. You'll see.
I hope your wrong but maybe your not?
We will see.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
The way I understand it, and what was said on radio yesterday, that is exactly what will happen. The schools payments won't be based on ability or popularity, it will simply be equal payments to scholarship athletes. NIL will be the vehicle where players are payed based on ability and Title IX won't have anything to do with that as it's not school based.
Again, fine by me and I have no problem with either. Sports is extra curricular to learning and schools have made a mint on athletes and the publics desire to pay to watch what the athletes can do. What the ncaa has done for decades with regards to its regulation of athletes has been unconstitutional as far back as you want to go and the Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY said as such.
Do you really believe that schools can afford to pay a women's basketball player what a Carson Beck or Brock Bowers is worth, let alone say a women's water polo or field hockey player? They sure as heck can't and won't.

Do you really believe that ANY five star football or basketball player is going to accept what they can and will pay all those other "useless" (non revenue generating) athletes? I mean stupid me to apply a little logical reasoning to things. These guys are gonna expect NFL/NBA type salaries and Title IX, and all case law surrounding it, demand that everyone else be compensated equally.

Even in the pros the women are getting "shafted". Women's basketball, soccer, bowling, golf, etc not making the money their male counterparts make for the same effort. Was just a thing on WSB radio I heard yesterday about the Atlanta WNBA team playing in a smaller, older, more dilapidated stadium that isn't State Farm Arena that the Hawks play in because they aren't going to pay to staff all of SFA for the pitiful handful of people that come to watch them play.


Senior Member
Do you really believe that ANY five star football or basketball player is going to accept what they can and will pay all those other "useless" (non revenue generating) athletes? I mean stupid me to apply a little logical reasoning to things. These guys are gonna expect NFL/NBA type salaries and Title IX, and all case law surrounding it, demand that everyone else be compensated eqequally.
Maybe you didn't read everything in my reply you quoted but I said NIL will deal with what a player is worth. What the schools will pay will be divided equally becuase of Title IX just as you stated.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
Maybe you didn't read everything in my reply you quoted but I said NIL will deal with what a player is worth. What the schools will pay will be divided equally becuase of Title IX just as you stated.
I did read it, and these players won't sign for that "mere pittance" with only the HOPE of scoring a lucrative NIL deal. Once the player signs that contract to the school there's no need for the boosters or whoever to pay them squat to get them or KEEP them there. Those deals are only what they are now because that's the only way to get and keep them. Once they are actually under contract to the school/team, bye bye huge NIL deals.


Staff member
NFL lite doesn’t interest me at all. I enjoyed college ball for decades, this mess isn’t that.


Senior Member
I did read it, and these players won't sign for that "mere pittance" with only the HOPE of scoring a lucrative NIL deal. Once the player signs that contract to the school there's no need for the boosters or whoever to pay them squat to get them or KEEP them there. Those deals are only what they are now because that's the only way to get and keep them. Once they are actually under contract to the school/team, bye bye huge NIL deals.
Players won't have a choice if their going to college. The colleges will pay based on Title IX just like you stated and NIL will address the Big money just like it's doing now except with guardrails. Players will go where they think they can get the best deal just as they are doing now. They only difference is they will get even more money as the school will now pay them becuase of the rulling. The real money will still be NIL.


Senior Member
Maybe you didn't read everything in my reply you quoted but I said NIL will deal with what a player is worth. What the schools will pay will be divided equally becuase of Title IX just as you stated.
So if the NIL collective highest bidder crap isn’t brought under control with this,…..then we’ve accomplished nothing and just added another layer of payments to the equation. That’s another step in the wrong direction.
Will college football suffer?…..NOPE! Between the fans that don’t give a rip about the integrity of the game and those that love their betting sites, the game will continue with a different fan base. Of course I equate those fans with the reparations crowd in our society.


Senior Member
Hopefully they come up with some workable solution. It's hard to complain with the last couple of years as a Dawg fan but the wild west unrestricted free agency isn't good for the game and I dare say most of the kids.

Kirby said he was fine with all of it but wished the kids had to stay at their school for the first two years. Seems like a reasonable solution. The kids and schools have to honor their contracts for the first two years. After that, hopefully the kids have some maturity and understand the process, opportunities and pitfalls.


Keeper of the Magic Word
College football 2024 starts in under 100 days.