Schools can now pay em’ directly


Senior Member
So if the NIL collective highest bidder crap isn’t brought under control with this,…..then we’ve accomplished nothing and just added another layer of payments to the equation. That’s another step in the wrong direction.
Will college football suffer?…..NOPE! Between the fans that don’t give a rip about the integrity of the game and those that love their betting sites, the game will continue with a different fan base. Of course I equate those fans with the reparations crowd in our sosociety.
I agree with you.
They have to get the NIL back to what it was supposed to be which is "AFTER" the player is on campus then he makes deals with anyone that wants to pay him for his Name Image and Likeness. Right now it's flat out pay for play and that has to get fixed.


Staff member
What’s that the 6th time you said that in 3 years? :bounce: …. Come September and it’ll be Go Dawgs again…:bounce:

Nope. My participation in here has dropped precipitously because I saw this coming. You won't being seeing much of me in any CFB thread. My Go Dawgs days are pretty much over because what will take the field is not the Georgia Bulldogs. It's a pro football team for 18-20 year olds now.


Senior Member
What’s that the 6th time you said that in 3 years? :bounce: …. Come September and it’ll be Go Dawgs again…:bounce:
Nobody that’s talked about losing interest in college football ever said it was going to happen overnight, cold turkey. At this point we can still hold on to the lingering hope that this will get fixed, hopefully sooner rather than later. If it does, in fact, get fixed soon, those that don’t seem to care one way or the other will suddenly be cheering the necessary steps taken to save the game in some sort of its original form of school representation.


Senior Member
The NCAA caving is the first step towards reconciliation with paying players. It was either dissolve the NCAA, or allow it to concede so its platform could be used as the starting point for schools paying players directly. It may be too late though to get reins around it, imo.


Senior Member
Nope. My participation in here has dropped precipitously because I saw this coming. You won't being seeing much of me in any CFB thread. My Go Dawgs days are pretty much over because what will take the field is not the Georgia Bulldogs. It's a pro football team for 18-20 year olds now.
I can remember a time when I couldn’t imagine not watching the NFL, MLB, NBA and NASCAR. Now I can hardly remember a time when I did. Next on the hit parade…college football.


Staff member
I did read it, and these players won't sign for that "mere pittance" with only the HOPE of scoring a lucrative NIL deal. Once the player signs that contract to the school there's no need for the boosters or whoever to pay them squat to get them or KEEP them there. Those deals are only what they are now because that's the only way to get and keep them. Once they are actually under contract to the school/team, bye bye huge NIL deals.

You've got the horse behind the cart. NIL deals are made at the sametime as signing. See Florida getting sued.

There are now NIL analyst who are tainted pro scouts who advise kids on NIL and the schools where they can get the most.

NIL had to happen. It was an illegal usurpation of the athelets NIL by the schools before.

I'm a DAWG and I'm gonna watch my boys until the start doing stupid things like the NFL.


Senior Member
I can remember a time when I couldn’t imagine not watching the NFL, MLB, NBA and NASCAR. Now I can hardly remember a time when I did. Next on the hit parade…college football.

The NBA and NASCAR were the biggest drops for me…. And you’re right, never would’ve thunk it.


Keeper of the Magic Word
Check my math a total of 2.7B divided by 5 conferences equally is approximately 500,000,000M. Divide that by say an average of 14 universities is 31M per school. Now for example uGA awards 600 schols a year across all sports and the settlement is for the last 10 years so 6000 to receive a share of the payout. That comes to roughly 5,000 per athlete who must give up some rights to take the money.

That is nothing compared to the current stars who get NIL money and lots of athletes get some NIL to attend a given school.


Staff member
Some still won't get paid.

And won't they be happy campers? They will be playing for pride and school while the little NFL darlings will get the cash and the stardom. You have to really want to play football bad to put up with that crap, scholly or not.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
You've got the horse behind the cart. NIL deals are made at the sametime as signing. See Florida getting sued.

There are now NIL analyst who are tainted pro scouts who advise kids on NIL and the schools where they can get the most.

NIL had to happen. It was an illegal usurpation of the athelets NIL by the schools before.

I'm a DAWG and I'm gonna watch my boys until the start doing stupid things like the NFL.
Under Title IX, NIL is no problem, the schools actually contracting and directly paying the players is. In the NFL, with only 55 players on a roster the odds that a particular player plays and therefor their NIL is of value to whoever is footing that bill is higher than in college where there are 85 on the scholarship roster. Once these kids have to sign a binding contract to the school team, they'll be back to where they were pre-NIL.

A few may/will score lucrative deals, but it will be nothing like it is now.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
Here is one more thing to consider. I predict that once this new "Super League"(NFL Lite) is formed, that there will then be a draft held instead of recruiting. This will be done in order to make all teams in it competitive because as we all know, right now there is only maybe 8 teams that stand a real chance of winning a Natty in any given year. That will never change if the current recruiting system stays in place and those same teams can continue to lock up most of the top talent year after year. This will effectively kill these massive NIL deals we are seeing now. Right now thise are o ly being offered to entice the kid to a certain school. Once a draft is instituted, they will no longer have a choice where they go, hence no need to entice them there beforehand.

Right now there is still a chance the a TCU or FSU "catches lightning in a bottle" and makes waves one year every 20, but once the new NFL Lite is formed and they have to play the likes of Texas, Alabama or Georgia during the "regular" season, you can kiss that hope goodbye.

The entire landscape of "college" football is about to be ripped up and replanted, and in ways that most have not even contemplated. Do I know it all? No, but I do have a pretty good track record over the last couple of years of how this would work out. From these NIL deals getting out of hand to the new "unlimited" transfer portal to the new "Super League" forming and breaking away from the rest of college football, I haven't missed yet.


Senior Member
I don’t watch college football because it’s a lower level of play than the pros. I watch college football because it’s a purer level of play than the pros.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
And as if the media is reading my mind, or maybe just my posts here, along comes this little gem.

There’s a monetary settlement with past athletes, and a proposal here to share annual revenue with schools and let them dispense payments to athletes, with $20 million a reported figure. There’s no clarity on how that money should be distributed, if it needs to adhere to the equality standards of Title IX, and what happens if athletes win the right to collectively bargain and renegotiate.
Finally others are starting to acknowledge the elephant in the room. It's not the schools or the NCAA, at least not all by themselves, causing these athletes to not get paid.
There will be casualties in nonrevenue sports, and likely women’s sports, but let’s not act like those parties hadn’t already been trampled over by conference realignments fruitful for football but a travel nightmare for everyone else. The same voices now agonizing about the end of college sports were the ones signing up to send the softball team across the country.

As for public reaction, it’s possible you’ve hit your limit. If NIL reform didn’t do it, and transfer portal madness didn’t do it, if geography-indifferent conference realignment didn’t do it, maybe this is the moment that sends you over the edge. It’s worth pointing out that there’s been no major fan exodus YET!
Just as some here, most notably myself and @elfiii have been saying, we're done with it. IMHO many are still holding out in the hopes that what comes out the other end is something they can live with, but will they truly be able to? Only time will tell. This guy acknowledges in the opening here that some have already had it.
Despite an astonishing lack of foresight from the people in charge, the golden goose still flaps its tired wings. (Look at private equity’s effort to crash the party.)
And this here is the final nail that I have been predicting. The fact that "private equity" is sniffing around means they see the writing on the wall, and this "Super League" will become it's own, separate, private league and they want in on the ground floor.

Add all this together and you end with what I've predicted all along which is a new, private NFL Lite, separate and apart from the schools, keeping ALL the revenue generated by it for itself and it's PRIVATE owners. The schools will continue to some small portion through naming rights and leasing of facilities but that's it. And with the loss of that revenue will come the inevitable decline of the non revenue generating sports.

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