

Cap`n Jack 1313
I went deep sea fishing off Panama City in the late 1960’s. When we caught a shark the boat captain would shoot it in the head with an old rusty Winchester 30-30. Needless to say that just brought in more sharks. But it was fun catching them! :biggrin3:
Bet I can name that Captain, fished with his son in the 80's and he was 1st mate... still toted that 30-30... and wasn't afraid to use it. :cheers:


Staff member
IMHO, sharks are being "overprotected" now.

I can hardly get a fish to the boat anymore without a shark grabbing it. Especially in the gulf.

A few years ago in Louisiana, I could see at least one shark on the surface every square 100 yds in every direction for as far as I could see with binoculars. Nothing else could be caught. They even destroyed every artificial trolling lure I had on the boat!

Anyone else having problems with them?

They be known as the "tax man" and they tax you too much.


Staff member
Back in my younger crazier days, I dove on a lot of reefs off of Mayport. Carried a bang stick. Had a spinner keep circling. When I decided it was time to go up, the spinner got too close and I hit it with the bang. That sucker went crazy and put out a cloud of blood like nobody's business. I watched as I ascended and man the tax man called a convention and they finished off that spinner in no time. I decided NOT to do that again. Another dive we had a newbie and told him DON'T shoot the cobia. What did he do, he shot be big'un. I started my ascent and watched the tax man declare another convention. Got to the boat the other three guys I was diving with made a crash ascent. Boat cap't made them go back down to decompress. They were as nervous as a bird dog trying to pass a peach seed.

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