The Official 2014 Woody's/ G O N Bow Hunting Challenge "SMACK TALK" Thread

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Senior Member
Smack, read this tid bit!! :cool:

This page is brought to you courtesy of "A Tribute to Fred Bear 1902-1988"
Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.

I hunt deer because I love the entire process; the preparation, the excitement, and sustained suspense of trying to match my woods-lore against the finely honed instincts of these creatures.

I come home with an honestly earned feeling that something good has taken place. It makes no difference whether I got anything; it has to do with how the day was spent.

The history of the bow and arrow is the history of mankind.

With a gun you can hunt deer an average of 3 weeks a year. With a bow you can hunt an average of 10 weeks more depending upon the state you hunt in.

Not only is bowhunting fun and a real challenge, but its good for you. The exercise in the fresh air, the chance to get away from everyday pressures and problems, a return to the basic relationships between man and his environment.

When bowhunting, you find you get closer to the woodland critters. The flora and the forest floor becomes clearer. You look at things more closely. You're more aware. You know the limited range of the bow is only 40 yards or so. You must try to outwait that approaching deer. Careful not to make the slightest movement or sound hoping that your scent won't suddenly waft his way. That's when you'll know for sure and appreciate deeply what bowhunting is all about."

. . . there's more fun in hunting with the handicap of the bow than there is in hunting with the sureness of the gun.


Senior Member
Someone cant read directions about the tape measure!!!
Dang rookies!!!!

Lol......that thought crossed my mind too. I didn't know tine length was measured from the bottom of the main beam::ke:::ke::banginghe I could've had and extra inch or so.

ga boy bowhunter2

Senior Member
team money shot

Somebody give these guys a bottle!!
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