The snakeheads are coming


The snakeheads are coming, The snakeheads are coming. To Georgia. Be afraid.

The slithering species was first spotted by an angler fishing in a pond in Gwinnett County.

They are going to take over and we don't have a wall.


The Oracle
The snakeheads are coming, The snakeheads are coming. To Georgia. Be afraid.

They are going to take over and we don't have a wall.

That ain't no joke.
You want to see native fish decimated?
This is the one.

Anyone caught turning any non- native fish, snakes, clam or ANYTHING else, should be made an example of. Even prison.

Who's with me on this one?


They have invaded other parts of North America and even Hawaii. A food fish in Asia. But we can't eat them here. Have to learn new ways to grill them. A Georgian afraid of a new way to grill? Say it ain't so.


The Oracle
And.. All but the largest flat- heads won't be a match for them as far as forage...

Maybe ole' yeller' can eat enough to keep them at bay? Blue's. That's about it. Hopefully, giant Striper will help out.

I sure hope so. BUT, BUT, they don't really have a natural preditor on this part of the continent..


Forage? You think they will be responsible for eating all the free swimming steaks. You know, the ones you could have caught.

Durn all our native fish are so slow. They don't stand a chance.

What brand of crank bait should we use?


Keeper of the Magic Word
Which species was found as some can tolerate colder water than others.


Keeper of the Magic Word
Remember that you must kill them not just throw them on the ground as they can live for 4 days on land, breathe air, and 'walk' to water.


Senior Member
A friend of mine up in Maryland catches them regulatory , They fight hard and cook up well , Some Guide services their specifically target them .
Maryland tried to get ahead of them to eradicate them but they breed to fast , So they are here to stay


Cuffem & Stuffem Moderator
Staff member
Saw on the news recently that they're starting to show up in Fl too.


Gone But Not Forgotten
They were in retention pond at my job site in Orlando a couple of months ago. Pumped one empty so they just walked to another one.