
Robust Redhorse

Senior Member
One of the two red-headed woodpeckers that seem to have taken up residence behind my house, came to the suet feeder yesterday and spent about 10 seconds!

I still haven't been able to make a picture...

I saw one this morning, but it stayed 50 yards away.


Chief Big Taw
The first time I saw an actual RCW it was quite underwhelming


Staff member
The first time I saw an actual RCW it was quite underwhelming
Yeah, they just kind of look like a souped-up downy/hairy. The only redheaded woodpecker I've seen was pretty impressive, though. It showed up in my yard one day several years ago. I was fascinated with it, and watched it for about two days. Then, I was out in the yard and heard a scream over in the woods. I looked over there, and a hawk was eating it. Never saw another one. I guess it doesn't always pay to be bright red and white.


Senior Member
We see the red headed wood pecker regularly.
I don’t know how you differentiate male from female.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
I don't think you can tell the difference between a male and female just by looking from a distance.

Male & Female:

View attachment 1295201

When flying, they look the whitest of all the woodpeckers in the South

Thanks for that information. I see redheadeds all the time but never noticed the difference between the rooster and hen till that picture. I see red bellied woodpeckers all the time too, and can tell between the rooster and hen with them.