Thoughts on this half rack? Genetic? age?


Bigfoot friendly
Yep. I see something going on with his left side shoulder area. Maybe cause I’m looking for it, but it’s just color variation. I’m thinking injury of some kind and might be normal next year……he looks fine though, gorgeous!


Senior Member
Maybe C Killmaster will chime in..... but it could be genetics, but from what I understand it is more likely some pedicle damage, injury or some bacterial infection known to be is some areas of Georgia. Could have a "normal" growth next season, but maybe not. If you think he is 4.5/5.5 yrs old, then certainly put him on the target list. It's been hashed over and over on here before, can't "cull" out "bad" genetics in a free ranging herd, simply can't do it. And remember, the momma doe contributes at least 50% to buck genetics...killing him will put meat in the freezer, remove a mouth from your carry capacity, and hopefully make for a fun memory for a hunter.... but outside of that it is not going to help/improve genetics.


Senior Member
I shot a deer like that several years ago, that I believe I had shot a couple of years earlier, and he was injured from the shot but needless to say I lost him again if it was him and if both sides matched he probably would’ve been about a 120”-125” eight pointer