Traditional Family Hunter From Alabama Needed


Senior Member
Guys I know most everyone here has a opinion on “BAITING vs NON BAITING. I have a close family relative that is a reporter for the N.Y. TIMES. He is looking to do a report based on the current passing of the Alabama Baiting Law. He is bringing total neutrality to this story and trying to get to the very root of our hunting heritage. I can tell you I’m ok with Baiting and he and I have had numerous conversations about hunting. He also would like to make non hunters and anti gun activists aware of the fact that just because they don’t own a gun, everyone who does is not a bad guy. This mans intelligence is off the charts and he’s very PRO SOUTHERN HERITAGE. Please be respectful. I have hunted all my life and in no way would I advocate negativity to WHAT I LOVE. With that being said these people bringing positive light to our traditional heritage is what we need. I will post his information below. Thanks

Hunters: Hey there. My name is Richard Fausset. I’m a reporter at the New York Times and I’m writing a story about Alabama’s new law allowing deer hunting over bait. I’m hoping to spend a morning hunting this season with an experienced woodsman (or -woman) who is opposed to this law — and, quite specifically, I’m looking to spend some time with a parent who is teaching good hunting practices to his/her children and opposes hunting over corn on the grounds that it encourages an “immediate gratification” culture. I am not going to be taking sides in this piece. I’m also going to be speaking to hunters who welcome the new law and would encourage hunters on both sides of this debate to email me if you are interested in sharing your opinion. But for storytelling purposes, I think it would be best for me to actually hunt with an opponent of the Alabama law on an Alabama plot of land. I know this is a very specific request. Thank you for considering it and passing it along to your friends and family. Finally, I know we are living in a time of divided politics and hot emotions. All I can tell you is that my aim with this story is to honor your sport and the ideas, policies and passions that are informing 21st century deer hunting. It is an important part of our heritage as Americans and I’m eager to learn from those of you who are keeping it alive. // If you are interested in getting in touch, please email me at, and happy 2020.

Mr Bya Lungshot

Yep, its a trap. basically wanting to find an alabamian that dont bait is like trying to find a New York city reporter who really hunts. You got about one of each.
Good Luck Baiters!!!


Senior Member
There is not one employee of the New York Times I would trust. I honestly believe that every reporter and all members of the editorial staff should be tarred and feathered. Seriously, how could any person with any integrity at all work for such a dishonest, biased, and immoral business?

Rolltide, I am not responding directly to your relative, but you should really try to talk him into getting a job with more integrity! Perhaps he could take a step up in the world and peddle meth and crack outside an elementary school?


Senior Member
Guys if your not interested that’s fine no problem. Like I said in the original post I would never allow anyone the opportunity to bring negative attention to the sport I love. I would not have even posted this if I didn’t trust the individual reporting. But I would ask don’t judge a book by its cover.
Guys if your not interested that’s fine no problem. Like I said in the original post I would never allow anyone the opportunity to bring negative attention to the sport I love. I would not have even posted this if I didn’t trust the individual reporting. But I would ask don’t judge a book by its cover.
Then quit calling it bait. It’s legal now and no different than any other food source introduced by man. Educate your friend.


Chief Big Taw
It’s “supplemental feed”


PF Trump Cam Operator !20/20
I'm going to put some "bait" out this weekend. It's the only way I can see enough pictures on my cell cam from home for the off season. All my other food sources don't work as good as bait.


Senior Member
Why are folks in Alabama only hunting traditional families? This is 2019 where we're all equal, non-traditional families should be hunted too!

(PSA: If I ever run for public office in 30 years, this post is a joke and is not intended in any way to hurt anyone's feelings...)


Senior Member
Well from what I read , New York State made it illegal to bait or even feed deer in the off season. I have read a few other states in the north have been leaning towards going that way as well. So yes Georgia made it legal, but in my opinion it is still bait. They still call worms fish bait, so corn is deer bait.

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