***Update, shooter charged!*** 2 kids shot while on school B ball court.


Senior Member
The shots did not come from the campus and were not a result of a drive-by, Trevino said.
How could you and why would you be so stupid to make this comment if you did not have a for sure perp. This sheriff sounds like a idjut.


Senior Member
average height for flight 5000 to 10000 feet.

spotting somebody on the ground 400-800 yards away isn't hard.

plus the fact that they were all carrying guns, kinda a red flag if you ask me..esp if your job is to locate shooting suspects.

take em

Senior Member
Wow people! We have a little bit of everything in this thread. Finger pointing, cop bashing, denial, sensationalism from the media, and more. People are quick to defend what they like. Just like the antis being quick to point fingers as well. Frankly if the sheriff came to me and told me there was two children shot at a school 800 yards away and he was doing an investigation, I would hand him my rifle so he could compare rifling on the bullets. That's the quickest way to clear myself. Of course I would expect the sheriff to return it immediately if there were no match. If there was a match, well, I don't want to even think about that to be honest. The police are doing their job. No reason to bash them. The media will always report these type of stories as though hunters are the culprit every time. Just look at the DC "snyper" case. The media repeatedly reported that the people were being shot with a "deer rifle".

I sincerely hope that the two hunters were not responsible for the shootings but it is entirely possible. A .30 caliber round will easily travel that distance and retain enough energy to do considerable damage. I would even venture to say that it could skip off a rock at 100 yards and still do damage at that distance. As for the comments about them being idiots and such, how do you know? With the school being new, did the hunters even know it was there? Were they shooting into a backstop but hit a limb on the way to the berm that deflected the bullets? Skipped off a rock? We are no better than the media on this one folks. Everyone is making statements based on emotion and not facts. The police have the 3 rifles and the bullets will be recovered from the victims. When the facts are out, the hunters will either be guilty or innocent. Though it may be guilty of nothing more than a tragic accident. Let's be better than the media and wait for the facts.


Senior Member
Who says it had to be a drive-by? The shooter could have been there as a "witness."


Senior Member
You got it, take em.

there is a surprising amount of animosity towards law enforcement on gon.

bad mouthing DNR or police, and in the same breath telling people to CALL THE DNR!! when there is a post about a trail camera that turns up missing.:crazy:


Senior Member
Negative Ghostrider, that pattern is full.

Whomever fire a rifle is responsible for where the bullet travels. Period. End of discussion.

Arresting an irresponsible person doesn't bring back a person killed by them. The school was dumb enough to put a bunch of kids in the middle of a big hunting ranch, they should take the initiative to protect the kids against any possible incident without affecting the rights of others. Rent a bulldozer for a couple days and pile up some dirt. Hunters get to hunt, kids don't get shot. Problem solved. But as I said before and others have said, this was not an accident--not two hits on separate people , one of which was in motion.

Big Eights

Senior Member
Arresting an irresponsible person doesn't bring back a person killed by them. The school was dumb enough to put a bunch of kids in the middle of a big hunting ranch, they should take the initiative to protect the kids against any possible incident without affecting the rights of others. Rent a bulldozer for a couple days and pile up some dirt. Hunters get to hunt, kids don't get shot. Problem solved. But as I said before and others have said, this was not an accident--not two hits on separate people , one of which was in motion.

I,m sorry but pileing up dirt may be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. I think giving kids a good education is more important than a few acres to hunt on. I think Hunter and gun safety should be taught in school because kids that dont hunt are still able to use guns but donot have a clue about gun safety.(sorry for geting off topic). Maybe it was not a hunter doing the shooting. And always I hope the two boys will be o.k.


Authorities will analyze the projectile to determine whether it came from the gun of the illegal immigrant or the men shooting targets, Trevino said. Results are expected within a month.

A month???????

To put a caliper across the base of the bullet to determine if it's a .223 or .30 cal or other?

There is something rotten in Denmark.
To say the deputy is an idiot for telling the media the shots didn't come from the school, really is talking about something you know little about. That deputy has direct knowledge of the case. It's common to not share everything with the media. It's an ongoing investigation!

To detain the hunters is perfectly legal, and responsible. An investigator does not have to have probable cause to make a detention. Once the bullets are recovered from the kids, and the bullets fired from the rifles are compared, then a determination can be made if a particular rifle fired the bullet that struck the kid. That takes time.

We simply do not know the circumstances regarding this case to make most of these comments! We don't even know if the men detained gave consent for their rifles to be tested, or if a search warrant was issued. On it's face, and with what we know so far, there seems to be probable cause to believe one or two of those rifles fired the bullets that hit the kids. That's enough for a search warrant for the rifles. Once the results get back, then the arrest will or will not be made. Assuming, of course, that the bullets recovered from the kids are not so deformed as to have no evidentiary value.

These comments amaze me! It's as if some of you believe the investigators have an agenda to go after hunters and ignore any other facts. Those deputies were there. They know more than you do about this. They made decisions based on that knowledge. They found it reasonable to suspect the hunters may have fired the bullets. The investigation moves forward from there.


To say the deputy is an idiot for telling the media the shots didn't come from the school, really is talking about something you know little about. That deputy has direct knowledge of the case. It's common to not share everything with the media. It's an ongoing investigation!

To detain the hunters is perfectly legal, and responsible. An investigator does not have to have probable cause to make a detention. Once the bullets are recovered from the kids, and the bullets fired from the rifles are compared, then a determination can be made if a particular rifle fired the bullet that struck the kid. That takes time.

We simply do not know the circumstances regarding this case to make most of these comments! We don't even know if the men detained gave consent for their rifles to be tested, or if a search warrant was issued. On it's face, and with what we know so far, there seems to be probable cause to believe one or two of those rifles fired the bullets that hit the kids. That's enough for a search warrant for the rifles. Once the results get back, then the arrest will or will not be made. Assuming, of course, that the bullets recovered from the kids are not so deformed as to have no evidentiary value.

These comments amaze me! It's as if some of you believe the investigators have an agenda to go after hunters and ignore any other facts. Those deputies were there. They know more than you do about this. They made decisions based on that knowledge. They found it reasonable to suspect the hunters may have fired the bullets. The investigation moves forward from there.

It's nice to see you have faith.

However, ever so often......


Ruby Ridge

Fast and Furious

Ask the Innocence Project how many times those not guilty have been railroaded so some LEO doesn't have to admit they are wrong.

Don't know, and ain't claiming, that they are here. Just know that things they have said so far don't add up.

Think about this for a moment. Two shots fired from at least 400yds or more. Both hit center of mass. No misses reported. Both accidental shots just coincidentally hit like directed shots?

Add in what you (may) know about ballistics of .30 cal rounds (assuming they got that part right). What angle would you have to shoot to still have a hit on someone standing up (or even jumping) 600-800yds away?

Now think about every time you have ever been out to target practice. Ever placed your target *UP* above you? Sure some idiot could do that, But now add the unlikelyhood of that plus, two perfect shots thru at least 400yds of woods.

I just would like more info since the media is being fed a "Hunters are shooting school kids" story line.


Senior Member
In my years in law enforcement I was involved in several instances where the media reported them. In NO instance did the media get the facts any where near correct......

make yer own conclusions about the current instance....


"In the state of Texas if you are legally hunting in a pasture or in a ranch on a hunting lease there are no regulations as far as how close you can get to a school or not," Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño said, adding that it's not unheard of to have hunting grounds as close as 600 yards from a school.

"That is not unique to that school or unique to this county," he said. "This is nationwide. You can go anywhere in the union and you're going to find schools situated in rural areas that have hunting around them."

This is something that bugs me, separate from everything else.

You have something that apparently has lottery like odds of happening again. But in full hysteria mode they are going to spend who knows how many thousands (gvt contract: maybe millions) on a fence around the school. The antis will use this to push for more restrictions etc.

"Hunters are shooting school kids" despite logic, give the local LEOs a pass, because the media always gets it wrong and the LEOs never do?

Because of documented incompetence and mendacious behavior by both I apply scrutiny to BOTH.
It's nice to see you have faith.

However, ever so often......


Ruby Ridge

Fast and Furious

Ask the Innocence Project how many times those not guilty have been railroaded so some LEO doesn't have to admit they are wrong.

Don't know, and ain't claiming, that they are here. Just know that things they have said so far don't add up.

Think about this for a moment. Two shots fired from at least 400yds or more. Both hit center of mass. No misses reported. Both accidental shots just coincidentally hit like directed shots?

Add in what you (may) know about ballistics of .30 cal rounds (assuming they got that part right). What angle would you have to shoot to still have a hit on someone standing up (or even jumping) 600-800yds away?

Now think about every time you have ever been out to target practice. Ever placed your target *UP* above you? Sure some idiot could do that, But now add the unlikelyhood of that plus, two perfect shots thru at least 400yds of woods.

I just would like more info since the media is being fed a "Hunters are shooting school kids" story line.

Things don't add up for you because, as I said before, they have not told you everything there is to know about the case. That's standard operating procedure in an ongoing investigation. Once it's complete, get a copy of the report, read it, and get back to me. Until then, neither one of us has enough information to make anything close to an informed decision.

It does not makes sense to talk about distances, trajectories, points of aim etc, unless YOU HAVE SEEN THE AREA AND KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TYPE OF CARTRIDGE IN WHAT TYPE OF RIFLE was used, and the EXACT distance from the kids. And you don't. Neither do I.


Yup, we don't know.

But I don't give them a pass to keep you and me ignorant of the facts.

Even more so not keeping the parents and students informed first.

I understand the need to sometimes keep information out of the public arena, while the perps may be at large and/or a case is being prepared. In which case they should keep their mouths shut about things they haven't proven.

It's not just LEOs, it seems like there is an overwhelming urge to run off at the mouth whenever there is a microphone present. It's impossible for them to just say "We don't know at this time but will follow all leads to their conclusion and advise the public as we can legally do so".


Flop Thief
Yeah, from first hand experience, the media doesn't get very many facts right during initial reports.


Its possible one shot could have passed through the first victim and deflected into the other... But im calling :nono::nono: on two accidental shots at that distance through that kind of cover.


Part of my objection to how this is being handled is the way it plays out to the media.

Right now on one of the news sites, there is a headline that reads "Texas Hunter Charged After Middle School Shooting".

That's what people are seeing.

You have to click on the link to get the full headline "Texas Hunter Charged With Trespassing After Shooting at Middle School"

The shortening of the headline for space is partly to blame as is the looseness in today's version of journalism. But it started with the Sheriff providing partial information that at this time has not been verified. But hunters are taking the black eye.

Even if it turns out to be the target shooters, they weren't hunting!


Senior Member
Part of my objection to how this is being handled is the way it plays out to the media.

Right now on one of the news sites, there is a headline that reads "Texas Hunter Charged After Middle School Shooting".

That's what people are seeing.

You have to click on the link to get the full headline "Texas Hunter Charged With Trespassing After Shooting at Middle School"

The shortening of the headline for space is partly to blame as is the looseness in today's version of journalism. But it started with the Sheriff providing partial information that at this time has not been verified. But hunters are taking the black eye.

Even if it turns out to be the target shooters, they weren't hunting!
The one jailed is an illegal immigrant, tresspassing and hunting without a license. Headline should read "Illegal Emigrant Poacher jailed"