Wear those snake boots y'all


Goatherding non socialist bohemian luddite
We wil never stop the fear and outright hysteria that snakes carry.

Sad part is people are afraid of and fear driven by snakes and many think it is ok to have two beers and then drive.
I agree that snakes are not hiding under every log waiting to kill hunters, and that statistics show you are way more likely to get killed by somethin else in life.BUT....... most of the general public aint trompin through the brush a mile from the truck. Just think snake boots are cheap insurance. Plus its hard to trust safety advice from a fella who wears flip flops to the stand???? i mean, what if you have to run from yellow jackets or a hog or rabid sqwerl?

Bud Man

Senior Member
I remember a LONG time ago I was around 5 or 6 years old picking night crawlers to sell for a penny each and reached down and picked up about a 15" garden snake . Scared the crap out of me . Had a bad fear of snakes for a long time and still not fond of them. I wear boots and chaps in south Ga. when I'm in the woods and sweat a lot less than without them due to my nerves. Snake are in their environment and I'm invading their space . When they are in mine , its another story . Was working on a Polaris last week and had a snake crawl in my shop. Sorry but he was in my environment. As with deer hunting ,if we remove a deer we utilize all the parts , if I remove a snake , I always make sure its going to good use . I have a good friend that makes holsters , belts , knife cases , hat bands etc. I'm not taking sides on yes or no to wear the boots , Just expressing my feelings on the matter. Yall stay safe out there however you choose


Senior Member
the five foot Timber Rattler that bit me never rattled even when it bit me. I took a stick and broke it's neck and it rattled then.

I had a friend that got bit by a big copperhead in his backyard. He ended up in the hospital for a couple of weeks, never fully recovered and died of heart failure within a year. He was 50 years old and in great shape before the incident.


Senior Member
And those of you who think a cottonmouth is bad, well, it`s obvious you`ve never fooled with a really mad diamondback, or a normal tempered pygmy rattler. :rolleyes:
The only negative snake encounter that I have ever had involved a Copperhead. He was rather cantankerous. That was back in 1985. Any other poisonous snake I’ve encountered since then has either fled the scene or just remained still in hopes that I’d just pass on by.

I wear snakeboots so I don’t have to worry so much when I’m walking out and stepping in that four foot briar patch my foolish self walked into. It’s not the snake it’s the price tag.

It’s that for me as well and also the long walk back to the truck by myself.
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I’ve never worried much about snakes and have tromped through all kinds of swamp and woods barefoot when I was younger with no problems. Last fall I was standing in my front yard with my kids (ages 7 & 2) when I felt what I initially thought was a hornet stinging my ankle. I jumped back, looked down and saw a copper head about 12 inches long. My ankle felt like it was on fire so I hacked the snake with a shovel, went to the hospital and everything turned out ok. I did NOT need anti venom but my foot swoll up and then later got a nasty black bruise looking color to it but eventually went back to normal. Only time I notice it now is occasionally when a storm is coming it will start to ache, not sure why that is. Needless to say I wear boots in the woods now. The little guy gave me a healthy respect for those fangs and I don’t want to feel them again. I’m not on the war path with the snakes but around my yard the venomous ones have to go.


Senior Member
Never much worried about snakes in my younger years and still really don’t. We do wear our snake boots and they’ve ”worked” a couple times with copperhead encounters.

But, made a mistake and didn’t look where I was reaching a couple years ago. Was moving a tree stand that had been on the ground awhile. Reached down and Mr. Copperhead popped my forearm a couple inches below the elbow. Reminded me of a bald-faced hornet sting...x10. It welted up quite a bit immediately. One fang grazed me, the other went deep.
Drove myself to the hospital. They tested and said I didn’t need anti-venom, but it sure put a hurtin on me. Got pumped full of all sorts of anti-biotics during my 6 day hospital stay. This pic is at 3 days, whole arm from shoulder down was red and swollen.
Thank the Lord I fully recovered and have not had any lingering issues!
Needless to say, I’m real, real, real careful about reaching for things in the woods now



Senior Member
A friend of mine and I walked up on this copperhead while doing some scouting this past Friday on Chattahoochee National Forest. We were walking in knee-deep poison ivy for at least a quarter-mile. I’ve never been so glad to have my turtle skins on. He didn’t bother us, and we didn’t bother him. Real pretty snake.