What Have You Given Up For Christ?


Senior Member
But I continue to see those disciples dropping their nets and walking away from their father, and everyone else in their family.
Why shouldn't we be obsessed with Jesus also? And what if we were obsessed? Obsessed with Christ rather than our beliefs. Obsessed with Christ rather than our pastor. Obsessed with Christ rather than being "right"?

Everything would change wouldn't it?

The disciples did have a special purpose and Jesus needed them to drop everything. I don't believe he is asking the same thing of every person. If every person did that we could not procreate. We would live as monks totally giving away everything. I'm not sure if this is what Jesus wants.
I do believe we would be better off to give up worldly goods and bad traits. Lots of Biblical examples of giving away our stuff, verses against the rich man, etc.
Maybe if we see a certain item/trait is hindering us we should definately let that item/trait go.
I can't believe Jesus would want us to abandon our families to follow him. Following Jesus is as you say totally different from following a pastor/dogma/church/religion.


Senior Member

And the flesh will continue to pursue them.

New ones pop up from time to time. Just when I think I have a certain 'belief' down pat (in my own strength), the Spirit gently reminds me that there is no profit in the self-will, the "do it yourself" religion of ought to's, shoulds and musts.

He leads us to acknowledge the New Man within serves in the Newness of the Spirit, not the oldness of the letter. All of His, none of mine.

I find the statement "I can't" very liberating when brought to the Throne of Grace. Apart from Him? I can do... nothing.

Such freeing, incredible spirit-to-Spirit knowing we have available; to rest and trust, and watch what He will do as we surrender our rights, fears and old beliefs in the things seen. There is so much better from His hand than mine. Thank you Lord... !

gordon 2

Senior Member
Putting me on the spot Ezrider. I've asked this question several times in my life but always left the other person to answer the question for themselves, without me answering the question.

Last night I included some things in a response but I didn't like the idea that I used the word "I" so many times..... "I" no longer do this, and "I" no longer do that.

I did not do like those disciples in Matt 4 did. I did not give everything up for Jesus. And I'm afraid I still haven't! Not like they.
But the change that occurred in me is no less than a miracle. At age 31.
The amazing thing that I see, as I look back, is that I believe I walk in the light today, rather than in the darkness. 1 John chap 1.
I still have issues, but my heart, thinking, and motivation have changed.
God is more important to me than my family, and my family knows it. The church I serve is not more important than my family, but living for Christ is.

But I continue to see those disciples dropping their nets and walking away from their father, and everyone else in their family.
Why shouldn't we be obsessed with Jesus also? And what if we were obsessed? Obsessed with Christ rather than our beliefs. Obsessed with Christ rather than our pastor. Obsessed with Christ rather than being "right"?

Everything would change wouldn't it?

The focus of deciples and even as the focus of all of us old in the faith and as little children--is Christ. He is our rightiousness, our unity, our Judge and our guide, our Justice. He is our Savation to all of --us. Doctrines--are smears in our glasses--they (doctrines) are never as complete as Jesus is to each and everyone of us.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
The focus of deciples and even as the focus of all of us old in the faith and as little children--is Christ. He is our rightiousness, our unity, our Judge and our guide, our Justice. He is our Savation to all of --us. Doctrines--are smears in our glasses--they (doctrines) are never as complete as Jesus is to each and everyone of us.

Doctrines stopped being the pulse of life for those who are disciples of Christ, didn't they? They're the stuff folks talk about at church.


Senior Member

And the flesh will continue to pursue them.

New ones pop up from time to time. Just when I think I have a certain 'belief' down pat (in my own strength), the Spirit gently reminds me that there is no profit in the self-will, the "do it yourself" religion of ought to's, shoulds and musts.

He leads us to acknowledge the New Man within serves in the Newness of the Spirit, not the oldness of the letter. All of His, none of mine.

I find the statement "I can't" very liberating when brought to the Throne of Grace. Apart from Him? I can do... nothing.

Such freeing, incredible spirit-to-Spirit knowing we have available; to rest and trust, and watch what He will do as we surrender our rights, fears and old beliefs in the things seen. There is so much better from His hand than mine. Thank you Lord... !


gordon 2

Senior Member
Doctrines stopped being the pulse of life for those who are disciples of Christ, didn't they? They're the stuff folks talk about at church.

Yes and in Bible Study or Sunday School we who death rattle our doctrines and worship on them... At Sunday School we, these same, teaching our children to look to the example of Jesus--and a resurection in Him alone...

In the Spirit we know we all are as them whom we tell not to devide in focus. Yet we sin as we brave our death rattles...like tempting the Lord, "Really, how much do you love me? Are you gona leave me to die?" And yet to our children, we feed what is best, what we know is best. To them we feed life.


Senior Member
Are you saying we should give up "doctrines" to follow Jesus? What do we tell people when we witness? Can we repeat John 3:16 and end it there? Why do we delve into the scriptures if not to learn more?
I agree we need a balance but I can't ignore Biblical doctrine. Church denominational doctrine I can ignore.
Jesus doesn't want us to be Pharisees but I don't believe he wants us to give up doctrine.

Michael F. Gray

Senior Member
Mountain Woman, I truly enjoyed your response. I share your answer insofar as the totals of my sacrifices seem insignificant in light of what Jesus has done for me. Paul summed it up well by saying "that which I would do, ...that I do not. That which I wouldst not do, ...that I do." As long as our race is incomplete, and we dwell in this flesh it's going to be a daily battle to surrender our personal will to that of the Lord for our lives. Wishing all a Blessed Lord's Day.


Senior Member
I've given up in wanting to send one downrange everytime someone crosses me the wrong way.

Whew! I'm glad to hear that MrT...:bounce:


Senior Member


Senior Member
Don't remember the last time I fired one.
Been a long long time. :)

It's like ridin a bicycle! :) My wife hasn't shot in years and when we went to a range a couple of months ago it all came back to both of us.
Back in '93, she took down 4 out of 6 clays the very 1st time she held a shotgun. A funny line she often quips... if you're movin, you're in trouble! :D

Sorry for some off topic... !! No No:


Senior Member
Fowl language, looking at inappropriate materials, friends, girl friends, alcohol, pride, arrogance, etc, etc, etc. Not nearly enough.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
The hardest thing I have battled with giving up, and there has been a lot, is my time. It seems between my job, large family, Church, there is just not enough time to do the things I truly enjoy like hunting and fishing, and because I am so busy, if I dedicate more time to God, it's those two areas where that time must be cut from. I realize its selfish,and I wrestle with it a lot. I have to remind myself that I have never given anything up for God that he hasn't rewarded me greatly, but sometimes that's hard to remember when everybody is catching fish and I have prior obligations to the Church.