What Is True?


Of the hard cast variety
That's your opinion.

You are incapable of knowing the difference between definition and opinion, how can we accept your knowledge of anything else?


Senior Member
With the exception of the killing folks part, why are the other things you mentioned so bad?

Is Sharia law bad?
Is dancing bad?
Should the only reason you act nice be because you fear h3!!?
Should you celebrate the end of the world and long for it to get here sooner?
Teaching kids we just popped up rather than evolution, bad?
"Mother Teresa said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction." --C. Hitchens

I could go on. There is very little good.


Of the hard cast variety
If there were 500+ eyewitnesses that came forth and said they saw a mermaid off the coast of Florida, you would want to find out how all 500 saw the exact same thing and testified the same thing.

But yet there were 500+ eyewitnesses of Jesus' resurrection. You reject that testimony. Don't you think they investigated the testimonies in that day with scrutiny over such a miraculous claim? You know they did.
Welder I want you to explain to me in detail about Who investigated these 500 witnesses, where it was recorded, and what their testimony said.


Senior Member
How do you know you're helping and not actually hurting?
If you say you're open to the existence of unicorns, but then turn around and constantly discredit the possibility they exist to a believer in unicorns, how is that helping?

Sounds to me that you're talking out both sides of your mouth.

I'm not talking out of both sides of my mouth. How else can I get you to believe me that I accept that Unicorns might exist somewhere? How many times do I have to say that? Do I operate as if they exist? No, and for the EXACT same reasons that you don't either.

So do you believe in Unicorns; not just accept that they might exist somewhere, but you truly believe they exist, and do you base your actions on the wishes of Unicorns?

What would you say to someone who said that they hear the Unicorn talking to them in their spirit and it tells them what to do? What if they told you they asked the Unicorn to tell them how to vote or what job to take or what school to send their kids to? Wouldn't you want to help them?

red neck richie

Senior Member
you are stuck in the same debunked rut and instead of taking the help you are given you just floor the accelerator digging yourself deeper.

NOWHERE except the bible are any of those witnesses mentioned.
NOBODY outside of the bible mentioned it. It is recorded NOWHERE else in Jewish or Roman history.

Yes welder they did investigate miraculous claims.
They did not invesigate 500 witnesses to a resurrection because no resurrection took place.

Your argument of ignorance is only surpassed by your willingness of ignorance.

You keep bringing up the very things you have been shown are incorrect over and over and over. It is borderline insanity.

Bullet why are you so quick not to believe eye witness testimony? Both in the Bible and by millions of Christians today. It is admissible evidence in any court to determine the truth of what happened. Yet you don't even consider their testimony to be true. This is the main thing I don't understand about your position.


Senior Member
Bullet why are you so quick not to believe eye witness testimony? Both in the Bible and by millions of Christians today. It is admissible evidence in any court to determine the truth of what happened. Yet you don't even consider their testimony to be true. This is the main thing I don't understand about your position.

If I may, the testimonies I have heard from "millions of Christians today" are no more compelling than the testimonies of UFO abductees or people who have seen ghosts. I'm more compelled by testimonies that relate a supernatural occurrence involving physical matter: An object like a car passing through another object undamaged (video would be excellent), Stigmata, or recordings of demonic possession; something real, not merely "I got a felling" or "I heard a voice".

Even then, almost all of such evidence points to a hoax or
a misunderstanding of what actually happened.

And to the question that you and Welder avoid: What to make of the testimony of those that have had experiences and give testimony that they claim points to a God different than yours? Can we stay on that issue for at least 15 posts?


Of the hard cast variety
Bullet why are you so quick not to believe eye witness testimony? Both in the Bible and by millions of Christians today. It is admissible evidence in any court to determine the truth of what happened. Yet you don't even consider their testimony to be true. This is the main thing I don't understand about your position.

Name one court that accepts any of that as proof that a god exists.


Of the hard cast variety
Bullet why are you so quick not to believe eye witness testimony? Both in the Bible and by millions of Christians today. It is admissible evidence in any court to determine the truth of what happened. Yet you don't even consider their testimony to be true. This is the main thing I don't understand about your position.
By your standards Elvis is still alive.
Why hasn't the courts announced that Elvis is pulling a fast one on the public and has faked his own death?

red neck richie

Senior Member
By your standards Elvis is still alive.
Why hasn't the courts announced that Elvis is pulling a fast one on the public and has faked his own death?

Let me give you an example. When I get back to deer camp the boys say did you see anything? If I tell them I saw a big eight point you better believe they will hunt my stand. When I go out fishing they ask did you catch anything? I tell them I located a school of stripers busting the surface and give them the location they will go fish there. Even though they did not witness these things themselves. They believe me why would I lie. Is it just a trust issue with you or what? I'm not saying there are not people out there that make things up. But so many eyewitness's with the same accounts come on.


Senior Member
Let me give you an example. When I get back to deer camp the boys say did you see anything? If I tell them I saw a big eight point you better believe they will hunt my stand. When I go out fishing they ask did you catch anything? I tell them I located a school of stripers busting the surface and give them the location they will go fish there. Even though they did not witness these things themselves. They believe me why would I lie. Is it just a trust issue with you or what? I'm not saying there are not people out there that make things up. But so many eyewitness's with the same accounts come on.

You're not talking about stuff that everybody knows is real. If I told you that I foul hooked the Loch Ness Monster at Clarks Bridge in Lake Lanier would you believe me? What if I showed you the rod he snapped in half? How about if I showed you the tooth marks in my hull? How about a picture I took with my phone as he sounded, clearly showing what appears to be a giant pectoral fin? What if I told you I believe it with all my heart?

Would you believe that there is a Loch Ness Monster in lake Lanier? I'd go check it out. Lots of people might. Some of them will see it.

And to the question that you and Welder avoid: What to make of the testimony of those that have had experiences and give testimony that they claim points to a God different than yours? Can we stay on that issue for at least 15 posts?


Of the hard cast variety
Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God? With your right hand on the Bible.

You didn't answer my question.

Ill make it even more simple.
Tell us which court accepted that type of proof and declared your god as real.

red neck richie

Senior Member
If I may, the testimonies I have heard from "millions of Christians today" are no more compelling than the testimonies of UFO abductees or people who have seen ghosts. I'm more compelled by testimonies that relate a supernatural occurrence involving physical matter: An object like a car passing through another object undamaged (video would be excellent), Stigmata, or recordings of demonic possession; something real, not merely "I got a felling" or "I heard a voice".

Even then, almost all of such evidence points to a hoax or
a misunderstanding of what actually happened.

And to the question that you and Welder avoid: What to make of the testimony of those that have had experiences and give testimony that they claim points to a God different than yours? Can we stay on that issue for at least 15 posts?

I have answered this question before. If I saw a ufo I would have said that if I saw a unicorn I would have said that. I only have reference to what I have witnessed and experienced.


Of the hard cast variety
Let me give you an example. When I get back to deer camp the boys say did you see anything? If I tell them I saw a big eight point you better believe they will hunt my stand. When I go out fishing they ask did you catch anything? I tell them I located a school of stripers busting the surface and give them the location they will go fish there. Even though they did not witness these things themselves. They believe me why would I lie. Is it just a trust issue with you or what? I'm not saying there are not people out there that make things up. But so many eyewitness's with the same accounts come on.
Do the same guys flock to your stand when you tell them that a gaggle of bigfeets use the trail nearby?
How many of your buddies cast lines at your favorite 'Nesse hotspot?

Yes, I have a trust issue with you.


Of the hard cast variety
I have answered this question before. If I saw a ufo I would have said that if I saw a unicorn I would have said that. I only have reference to what I have witnessed and experienced.

Then why do you dismiss others for what they have experienced and expect us to believe you?

red neck richie

Senior Member
So do you believe them like I should believe you?

I'm not about to tell you who or what to believe. I am telling you what I believe and why I believe it. You are the one in search of answers I have found mine. I have never talked to anyone that has seen a ufo. I have never talked to anyone that has seen bigfoot. I am basing what I share with you on my own personal experience.