Why are we judging?




His membership in the church makes it their business. He is a direct reflection of that church, and that church will be held accountable by some people for his actions. I can't tell you how many times when trying to share the gospel with someone, I've heard "doesn't so and so go to church there....." Thereby killing the spirit of the conversation and any chance of sharing the gospel.

The way you refer to church as "made of humans" maybe somebody in a church hurt you and now you hold all churches accountable for that persons actions. I'm not saying that is what happened to you but hopefully you can see where it could happen to others. There are plenty of good churches out there.

Thanks for your post...

A church IS made of humans that interpret the Bible and the gospel as each of them as individuals sees fit. Also, isn't gossip as you describe wrong to begin with?!? If one person's membership in or lack thereof in a church can make or break it then it was not much of a church to begin with IMHO.

To close, any church that thinks they can encroach into one's life in the manner you indicate is not much of a church anyhow. To shed some light...yes I was hurt moreover angered by an egghead in a Baptist church that I attended from age 5 until around 12...we missed a couple of Sunday's due to illness in the family (my Grandmother [rest her soul] was on her death bed) and loe and behold on Monday night visitation...the holier than thou, polyester suit and porkchop sideburn wearing head of the deacons showed up on our doorstep unannounced (no phone call or anything) and began telling my Dad about how backsliding and missing church was a major league sin (he obviously knew nothing about getting into Heaven)...well my Dad explained that if it were any type of church to begin with they would show up asking if everything is okay and if they could help instead of JUDGING us with no information...he told him to leave and we never set foot in the church again...to this day I have never forgotten how that hurt and angered my Dad...I do not need that kind of righteousness at all...

Shame is I was Baptised there and thought I had a home...oh well...the most ironic part of it was the church's name included the words "Welcome All"....right....should have also included a qualifier saying "as long as you meet our HIGH moral standards"...
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Senior Member
Yep- I can feel you anger. Got that "church split up merit badge"

Jody Hawk- I assume anyone who elected to be near or around you for any period of time "expected" to and WANTED to hear what you had to say. People reconize peace in a person or a family. Just tell them the truth as to the power behind your peace. Everyone wants to know the "secrect of life" which is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your savour" You are not juding if you speak the truth from your heart.
Sorry if this is somewhat off-topic, but in reading over this series of posts, I found myself wondering about the following:

If John the Baptist lived in our post-modern, secular culture, how would he be received and/or labeled?

As a "judgmental" person?

As an individual filled with "intolerance" and "hate"?

I guess my point is, like so many other concepts, the notion of "judging" appears to have evolved over time, to the point that it now serves as a politically expedient label given to any commentary that the listener does not eagerly welcome.

Sometimes, I don't like watching the evening news, and find its content disturbing.

I've never once thought that my television was judging me, however.



[labeled] As an individual filled with "intolerance" and "hate"?

Your post was excellent...all in perceptions...

The statement I have quoted is the crux of the whole issue right there...a majority of people are filled with these notions simply because someone does not believe as they themselves do...

I think boils down to an intolerance for the whole concept that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...

In other words for everything we believe there is gonna be a group that believes differently...that is when the labels and the hatred flies...

I guess you cannot have rights and only apply them to the people that believe the "popular" beliefs...


Staff member
I usually stay out of here, but here goes.

Yes we judge, and we are supposed to do so. Just because we all are not perfect and fail from time to time does not negate the fact we all (or at least most of us) know the difference between right and wrong.

If we do not uphold those things that are good and right and moral, then we fail as a society. I'm not talking about the "knock on the door" type of judgement pfharris included in his post. That kind of thing is small, petty, and just plain wrong, and I would have done the same thing his daddy did.

What I'm talking about is judging people who take action on their lesser thoughts and cause another harm that rises above what pfharris was talking about, such as criminal harm.

We also judge people in our day to day lives based on our estimation of their character. There is nothing wrong with that either, especially if it helps to point out one's own shortcomings. Like Randy said, what matters is how you present the offense to the offender.

If the purpose of the confrontation is to "punish" the offender, then the person doing the confronting is committing a bigger sin. If the purpose is to show another the error of their ways and help guide them back on the right path, then the judgement is righteous. I have generally found the former to be the judgement of people who just want to score points for themselves, and the latter type of judgement the kind that comes from friends and family who are genuinely concerned about my spiritual salvation. I dismiss the former, and diligently try to take the latter to heart.

Hunting Teacher

Senior Member
[B][/B]I think we get very confused about "Judge not, lest you be judged."
"I " am not to judge others according to my own beliefs, but God makes it very clear we are to use scripture to hold each other accountable [if that person claims to be a follower of Christ.

1 Corinthians :
5:11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolator or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such man do not even eat.
5:12 What business of mine is it to judge those outside the church? Are we not to judge those inside?
5:13 God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you.

It's called church discipline and WAY too many of our churches today don't want to deal with this issue scripturally.
As others have already pointed out, how we handle a brother who is out of God's will is clearly spelled out in Matthew 13.
We are most certainly commanded to deal with someone who is a member of the church body and claims Christ as their savior. Paul is obviously referring to a person who is continuing to live in this sin and not asking forgiveness and repenting.
I'm not the one saying this, it is clearly outlined in Matthew and 1 Corinthians.


Senior Member
[B][/B]I think we get very confused about "Judge not, lest you be judged."
"I " am not to judge others according to my own beliefs, but God makes it very clear we are to use scripture to hold each other accountable [if that person claims to be a follower of Christ.

1 Corinthians :
5:11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolator or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such man do not even eat.
5:12 What business of mine is it to judge those outside the church? Are we not to judge those inside?
5:13 God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you.

It's called church discipline and WAY too many of our churches today don't want to deal with this issue scripturally.
As others have already pointed out, how we handle a brother who is out of God's will is clearly spelled out in Matthew 13.
We are most certainly commanded to deal with someone who is a member of the church body and claims Christ as their savior. Paul is obviously referring to a person who is continuing to live in this sin and not asking forgiveness and repenting.
I'm not the one saying this, it is clearly outlined in Matthew and 1 Corinthians.

Awesome. Not only will the above teach, it'll preach as well. Thanks HT.


Senior Member
well worth a second read...


I usually stay out of here, but here goes.

Yes we judge, and we are supposed to do so. Just because we all are not perfect and fail from time to time does not negate the fact we all (or at least most of us) know the difference between right and wrong.

If we do not uphold those things that are good and right and moral, then we fail as a society. I'm not talking about the "knock on the door" type of judgement pfharris included in his post. That kind of thing is small, petty, and just plain wrong, and I would have done the same thing his daddy did.

What I'm talking about is judging people who take action on their lesser thoughts and cause another harm that rises above what pfharris was talking about, such as criminal harm.

We also judge people in our day to day lives based on our estimation of their character. There is nothing wrong with that either, especially if it helps to point out one's own shortcomings. Like Randy said, what matters is how you present the offense to the offender.

If the purpose of the confrontation is to "punish" the offender, then the person doing the confronting is committing a bigger sin. If the purpose is to show another the error of their ways and help guide them back on the right path, then the judgement is righteous. I have generally found the former to be the judgement of people who just want to score points for themselves, and the latter type of judgement the kind that comes from friends and family who are genuinely concerned about my spiritual salvation. I dismiss the former, and diligently try to take the latter to heart.

This is the issue in a nutshell... thanks for taking the time. :type: