Useles Billy’s Spiritual Counselor
Before you can believe in anything you got to believe in what you’re reading. As for me I believe The Bible. If I don’t believe it to be 100 percent accurate I can’t stand on a firm foundation. There are many different religions but none has the proof that the Bible has. The heavens declare his glory through creation. Studying the Bible and how it was handed down is a great study. Studying prophecy and seeing it fulfilled several hundred years later makes it accurate cause no man could fulfill prophecy but God.
Then we see that The Word was made flesh(Jesus). We see that Jesus was crucified and raised by the dead. First hand witness of not only the diciples but 500 seen him after he was risen in 1st Corinthians 15. That’s not made up by man but we see first hand eye witnesses that saw him risen from the dead. As for I’ll believe “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. I’ll believe Jesus when he said “let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me”. You see it isn’t about believing in God, the devils believe the is one God and tremble. It’s about believing in Jesus, denying ourselves and realizing the only way to heaven is through him.
Then we see that The Word was made flesh(Jesus). We see that Jesus was crucified and raised by the dead. First hand witness of not only the diciples but 500 seen him after he was risen in 1st Corinthians 15. That’s not made up by man but we see first hand eye witnesses that saw him risen from the dead. As for I’ll believe “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. I’ll believe Jesus when he said “let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me”. You see it isn’t about believing in God, the devils believe the is one God and tremble. It’s about believing in Jesus, denying ourselves and realizing the only way to heaven is through him.