Old Sayings


Senior Member
Curious To hear some old sayings about the turkey woods. The one that I always hear from the old timers is that when a hickory leaf gets as big as a squirrels ear that's the time to be in the woods. That's usually when it gets the best around my house. anybody else know of any?


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Always carry your shotgun with you when your plowin` the field with your mule, in the spring of the year. That way when you hear a bird gobble, you can quit work, and go to him.


"When the dogwoods are bloomin'...."

Probably pretty obvious though...



Senior Member
When the red birds start singing.

Paint Brush

Gone But Not Forgotten
Some where out there one wrapped his toes around a limb for the last time.

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
"Every gobbler out there can be killed on a certain day".

Ole buddy of mine has told me that for years. By killed, I think he meant called to the gun.


Senior Member
Legless crickets don't hop as much and are legal to hunt over.:rofl:


Senior Member
Here are 2 old sayings I still hear all the time; I could have called him in if he wasn't all henned up or another classic one is, I haven't killed one cause them birds done gone and got call shy!


Senior Member
Heres a classic, a deer see's a man sitting in the woods and thinks he's a stump, a gobbler see's every stump in the woods and thinks its a man.


Senior Member
This one pertains to the 15-20 mins before the turkey gobbles.......when the whippoorwill ends his song the bird will gobble


Senior Member
lol mcnasty as i was reading these i was thinking the same thing that when the whippoorwills are singing the turkeys are gobbling

Jamey J

Senior Member
One things that is for sure about a gobbler is that nothings for sure about a gobbler. Another one is - Sometimes kill'n a gobbler is as easy as fallen off a bar stool drunk & sometimes there aint enough money in the world to make one do right.:hammers:


Senior Member
As my Granddad used to say, When the crosses start appearing in the pines its time to hunt. Or my favorite that a guy i was turk huntin with said "It aint over until that Hen calls".


Senior Member
"A turkey ain't gotta be no where, no when."

translation = They operate on their own time/space continuum, not ours.