Anybody seen the comet?


Staff member
Supposed to be visible for about 10 days. Took the kids last night and once it got dark, we could see it with the naked eye. Not much more than a smudge without using optics. A good set of binoculars makes a big difference. While we were watching the International Space Station flew over and was visible for several minutes. Pretty cool.


...just joking, seriously.
Very cool combo!

There are some good apps out there for the ISS fly over times, along with many other satellites combined.


Senior Member
“Anybody seen the comet say yeeeaahh”

Meant to go take a look last night. Going to see if I can find a good spot tonight hopefully.


Senior Member
Better try and see it while you can...It won't be back for another 6800 years according to what I read about it...Its in the Northwest sky area I think the article said..


Staff member
It's not as impressive as Hale-Bopp was, but it's not every day or every decade for that matter, that you can see a comet with the naked eye.


Senior Member
I hope to take the wife to camp so we can get a good look at it. Saw the Hyakutake comet(ranked as a great comet) in 1996, didn't know about it but sitting around the fire at camp with my brother and camp prez, looked up and saw it, looked like a single head light in the night sky. We watched it all night. Got home Sunday PM and it was on the news. One of the most special and spectacular things and times in my life I will always remember. Always try and catch the ISS when it comes around.


Cuffem & Stuffem Moderator
Staff member
We've watched the ISS go over the last 2 nights.