Do y’all buy gas if the fuel truck is refilling store tanks?

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
I’ve heard that you shouldn’t get gas when the fuel truck is refilling the store tanks because it stirs up all the debris at the bottom of the tank, which may find it’s way into the fuel system of your car. My wife refuses to get gas if the tanker truck is there. I think the gas pumps are filtered so I don’t give it much thought. What do y’all think?


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Nope. There is always a little water and trash in the bottom of the tanks, and it does get stirred up when they are dumping gas and diesel in the tanks.


Keeper of the Magic Word


Senior Member
at my work, we flush and filter our fuel tanks periodically. I would like to think fuel stations do too.

There are a couple hundred thousand old wives tales, superstitions, lore, legend, and myth out there.

Until I see and experience compelling evidence that any of them are true, I will continue to do what ever the heck I want and believe only those that were instilled in me from my own culture, upbringing……or wife.


Staff member
Folks worry about this but few worry about moving what’s settled in your tank through the system. Need to run a cleaner/dryer through occasionally. Kerosene based fuels are really bad about water seperation. We run a surfactant in the jet fuels to move the water in solution through the engine.


The Oracle
I ain't never paid it no attention.

Maybe I have?

Maybe I ain't?

I have heard to use big places like Race Trac and Quick Trip because they go through more gas. Supposed to always be "fresh" gas.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Every underground storage tank that I checked always had at least an inch of water in the bottom of the tank. The average was around 2 inches. If one had 4 inches of water the station was notified and measures taken to remove it.

When fuel is being dumped in it does stir up the water, sediment, and debris. If you fill up during this time chances are good you`re gonna get some in your vehicle tank.


Senior Member
Yes I have, Don't make it a priority but if it happens it happens.
As for the debris, I got a fuel filter. Hope it filters the fuel.


Senior Member
I never let my tank get below 1/4 for the same reason.


Senior Member
Never heard this before but know that I have I'm not going to be able to at least be mindful of it for now on.


Senior Member
Nope. There is always a little water and trash in the bottom of the tanks, and it does get stirred up when they are dumping gas and diesel in the tanks.
^^this, first hand wife got gas at walmart while they were filling tanks and didnt make it a mile. They got close to a gallon of water from hers, and she was not the only one. Mechanic told her exactly what nic said above. Walmart paid the bill for repairs.

Pig Predator

Useles Billy’s Fishel Hog Killer ?
I think the contamination is mostly a non issue since the epa made every in ground storage plastic or whatever. I haven't heard of anyone getting bad gas since the late 90's/ early 2000's unless it was diesel or kerosene.

Fuel pumps will burn out pretty often if you only put a couple gallon in at a time on account of the pumps using the fuel for coolant.


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
Nope. When I was 8, we were sitting in the car as dad pumped gas. The fuel tanker was there filling the tanks, and caught on fire. Dad stopped pumping and hauled butt without paying. Never heard what happened, but to this day, I'll not stop at a gas station when a tanker is there filling.

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
I’d think that depending on how much gas is in the storage tank and the fact that the tanker is dumping gas on top of what’s in the tank, it’s buffered pretty well and doesn’t stir up the stuff on the bottom.