Dumb bean/pea question?


Senior Member
Are all peas bush variety? Are there any climbing of say "cream 40"? What is the best variety of peas that is tasty but not hard to shell? I love beans and my wife loves peas....so were planting peas. But seriously what are y'alls favorites beans/peas. Easy to grow with long production, and tasty.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Purplehulls are my favorite peas to eat fresh, blackeyes are my favorite dried. Speckled and white butterbeans both when fresh, and baby Limas when dried.

I`m not sure of many peas that are runners, but several butterbean types are running beans.

Dustin Pate

Staff member
I'm not sure about climbing, but we plant an ample amount of purple hulls, zipper creams, and other field peas. Also have a couple varieties of lima/butter beans. There are a number of climbing limas. We are growing "Christmas" ones on trellis this year.


frying fish driveler
Are all peas bush variety? Are there any climbing of say "cream 40"? What is the best variety of peas that is tasty but not hard to shell? I love beans and my wife loves peas....so were planting peas. But seriously what are y'alls favorites beans/peas. Easy to grow with long production, and tasty.
Pinkeye purple hulls and Mississippi purple hulls women folks like zipper cream peas. Most all beans are good,I especially like Jackson Wonder, which are bush beans.


Senior Member
I have never seen any running field peas like the pole butter beans and snap beans anywhere. I always bought several varieties of field peas every variety that I could find then mixed them all up in a bucket and planted them. The Wife canned them in jars and all those peas mixed together became our favorites. Yeah I do love black eye and purple hull too but I had those in the mixture. BTW black eye peas and lima beans from the grocery store will come up and grow just as well as the farm store peas, I used them for years and they were cheaper than the farm store peas.


Senior Member
Thanks I'm new to gardening and trying to figure things out. Trying to find varieties that I can grow and be successful with. So far it is not tomatoes lol.


Senior Member
I love them zipper peas but for some odd reason my peas are real spotty this year. Not sure if tried planting to early or if the dirt has been to wet


Senior Member
Must plant purple hulls, they are a crowder type pea.
Growing up you would just ask for crowder peas at the farm store.
There are a few different varieties
Pink eyes taste like black eyes to me, small pea, and if I remember right black eyes produce a purple hull too.
Purple knuckle if you can find them are great!!!!!!
Mississippi purple I have never had.

Let them turn purple and they are pretty easy to shell, if green they are a pain!

Sugar snaps and sweet peas are cool season or that's when I grew them.
As far as climbing, most peas wonder and are not a bush style in my experience.