God’s Got This


Senior Member
Part 1

Late to the thread, but wanted to offer input. Sorry for the length, I had to split into two posts. Please consider this one sinner's (and believer's) not completely theologically educated view of all this based on years of growing up in the church and studying. My intent isn't to change anyone's mind in terms of believing or not believing, only the Holy Spirit does that. I consider myself to be still growing and learning, I don't claim to know the mind of God, I'm relaying what I believe below as I think it contributes to the discussion, which is subject to change as I learn more.

I've also struggled with whether to post a longer monologue that informs my responses to various post comments first, or post it after responding to the comments. I decided to include after comment responses on a coin flip.

If god is truly in control, does he want “his children” to become sick and die? Why doesn’t he just wipe out the virus?

In short, no He doesn't want us to become sick and die. As for why He doesn't just wipe out the virus, it's because He's also a God of justice and equity. He lets humanity receive what it has earned for itself en masse. (more on that later)

So why did he let it happen to begin with?

Same response as above - He let's use receive what we earned.

By the way, I dont believe God is responsible for starting or stopping anything.

In our day and age, I agree with you. All authority was given to Christ when he was crucified and resurrected. The Father is a spectator now, watching the Son carry out His plan and will.

This morning, my neighbor that would normally be at church, said this is all in God’s plan. Trying to understand that one, too.

I believe it is. For a believer to explain it though, one needs to be able to take a more heavenly view of life on Earth as it unfolds. I don't believe it's punishment or wrath directed at us. It's all part of what humanity brought on itself via the Fall. God could snap his fingers and fix it, but that wouldn't fit with equity and justice (letting humanity experience the consequences of the choices that led to the Fall), so God doesn't. He has a wiser plan in mind for redeeming us instead. (more on that later)

FIFY......our services are proceeding as usual and the Coronavirus is not even a topic of concern......

My church cancelled services for 2 weeks, and then will re-evaluate. Instead they're posting messages online for people to watch at home. I think it's a wise decision.

Truth, and especially Ultimate Truth should not be able to be questioned and could not be difficult to defend if in fact True...
Don't you agree?

I actually do agree. Understanding Ultimate Truth, though, from the believer's perspective, has to be gained by trying to grow closer to God in your heart so you can begin to see His Heavenly perspective. I actually think way too many of us haven't gotten there yet, and that's why answering the questions raised in this thread becomes difficult and so many of us get run in circles.

You can't understand it. Even many believers can't understand it; the purpose of pain and suffering. I wrestled with it for years.

The purpose of my post is to relay what I came up with after wrestling with the same things for years as well. I hope it sits well with people.

Your question and the answer to your question has zero to do with the point that an omni-everything god either cant or wont teach without using pain and suffering in its lesson plan.

I'm being picky and choosey about which elements to quote and respond to, there are multiple criticisms along these lines, so consider this one a response to all - and it's just that as I said above, God chooses to let humanity reap what it has sown (again...more on that later). God could demonstrate ultimate, even tyrannical power, and make us all think/do/etc. exactly has He wants, but that doesn't demonstrate wisdom, mercy, and love. It would only show power, and that's not what God's about. He's about justice, equity, and love and mercy at the same time. He goes about all this His way, not our way.

Many church services canceled due to this virus. I think that speaks volumes about the God and the congregation.

Yes, and I believe it's prudent to do so and doesn't detract from any aspect of belief at all.

In this circumstance, as I mentioned above, an omni-everything God couldn't possibly fail at teaching us anything regardless of the method used or the students unwillingness to learn.

This is true, but class isn't over yet. Again, God's plan is in His own way, not our way. He doesn't do things the way we think He should.

If His own death were an effective lesson there would be no need for pain and suffering to teach us anything.

Christ's death on the cross was not about teaching us anything at all. It was about sacrifice and paying the price of sin for us. It was about the gift of Grace that is offered to us. His words "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" on the cross even reflect that.

So your guy sends a 1/3 version of himself disguised as his son and "sacrifices" 1/3 of himself for a few days before reanimating 1/3 of himself and ascending skyward to sit next to 1/3 of himself for eternity...

The Trinity aspect of God (3-in-1, Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is something that for now I'll just say I accept that as a human of fallen nature, I don't have the capacity endowed in me to understand. Not everything Spiritual is perceivable to humanity, at least that's my belief. One day, humanity might gain the perception needed, after the first resurrection/when we're redeemed and glorified, but right now, it's just not in us.

So in terms of a more in-depth explanation of my responses above, I offer the following:
  1. Going all the way back to Genesis 1:1, God created everything. When God created everything, He had an intent and purpose for it all. It was all exactly the way He intended, perfect and good.
  2. Humanity (us) are created in God's image, and were created perfect and good like Him. As God is immortal, this means we were created to be immortal beings like him. Hence why we didn't clothes, etc.
  3. Lucifer/Satan, originally a glorious angel, was found to have inequity in him and was cast out of Heaven, along with other angels that followed him. Basically, he wanted to be God, which was obviously a no-go.
  4. On Earth, Satan deceives and manipulates humanity into separating itself spiritually from God.
    1. This is obviously Adam and Eve, and the Apple from the forbidden Tree of knowledge of good and evil. I gotta say, I don't know if I believe this is a literal true story, or an allegory to illustrate the general point that humanity disobeyed and rebelled against God, which broke our spiritual connection with Him, resulting in the Fall, making us mortal.
    2. The story illustrates that humanity changed in the Fall. The fact that they noticed they were naked and made coverings for themselves - they didn't need coverings before. This change marks the transition from immortal being as created, to mortal being.
    3. Big implication I've never heard anyone else say but I believe - after the fall humanity was not an image of God anymore. We went from immortal to mortal, not needing clothes to needing clothes. It illustrates that we changed and for the worse in the Fall. After the Fall, we were no longer perfect and good. Therefore, we cannot have remained an image of God in our fallen state. When I hear a pastor say we're in God's image, I always silently disagree.
    4. Just my own commentary here - why would Satan do this? Well, he wants to be like God, but can't. Then God creates humanity, and humanity is more like God than Satan. Satan, in his jealousy, contrives and successfully corrupts God's creation in response. My own thoughts here totally, but it's out of jealousy and hate that God would create something more like Himself than Satan.
  5. This is vitally important to the whole belief - God has the power to just "fix it". God could have flicked a finger and restored humanity to his intent. He didn't because He's a God of justice and equity. Humanity didn't have to choose to go along with Satan's manipulations. Humanity now gets to reap what we've sown in choosing to separate ourselves from God via rebellion and disobedience.
  6. This is another vitally important part - humanity was created as both physical and spiritual beings. When humanity fell, our spiritual aspect died as our spiritual connection to God was cut off. Our existence became purely physical in how we manifest, just like the "beasts of the field".
  7. So as I've said before, God has a mind for justice, equity, and love and mercy at the same time, not just demonstrating omnipotent power. The result of the Fall is that we became mortal, just like any other beast of the field. Humanity chose to rebel and disobey, and the result is our existence today which is not God's original intent or design for us.
    1. For the purpose of justice and equity, we reap what we've sown, which is we've sown an imperfect existence where we toil, suffer, and die. This is where disease, hunger, being too cold, being too hot, having our bodies degrade on us - it all comes from the Fall. We chose it, we reap what we've sown, and God lets us go through it because that's the equity in what humanity made for itself by it's own choices.
    2. To sum this point up - God doesn't create viruses or create suffering against humanity. Humanity's choices have done that all on our own. We've brought it on ourselves through rebellion and disobedience (sin) resulting in the Fall.

See Part 2 - next post, for continuation.


Senior Member
Part 2
  1. Here's where the Good News begins. God is also a God of Love and Mercy. There is a plan and means for humanity to be redeemed and restored to the way God intended for it to be. He didn't intend for us to endure this suffering and toil. He intended better for His creation.
  2. Just my opinion here, but I believe the whole Old Testament highlights to us the big point that the price of sin is death. We see over and over, from Adam, through Abraham, Moses, ancient Israel, etc. - they followed ritualistic sacrifice to atone for their sins. Humanity no longer being perfect, had to sacrifice to atone for sin because the wages of sin is death.
    1. A powerful point here - they could make atoning sacrifices, comply with God's laws and commands, but none are perfect, all fall short of God's glory, and throughout all the stories of the people that God was satisfied with or not, they all still died. None could ultimately save themselves from being Fallen in nature. No sacrifice was holy and clean enough before God to do that and pay the death price that is due from each of us. The lesson is ultimately we can't save ourselves.
  3. This is where Jesus comes in. By coming to Earth in the form of a fallen man, living sinless, and dying, Jesus earned worthiness to stand before the Father and claim humanity as his. Jesus was the first and only human to ever live sinless, and die undeservedly from a Heavenly perspective. That's why the Father resurrected him, because that resurrection was what was equitable for Jesus.
    1. In resurrecting Jesus, the Father also redeemed and glorified him as a man, restoring Him as human to as was intended at humanity's creation.
    2. Jesus is referred to as the first fruits - He is the first fruits of God's plan and the path God has given us to redemption and restoration. We follow Jesus's example to redemption.
    3. This ties back to what I said before about we changed when we fell. The story of the transfiguration shows it, Jesus glowed, being a sinless man and member of the Trinity, God's spirit entered him on that mountain for his chosen Apostles to witness it. He demonstrated to them what we will be like when we are restored to God's intent for how we are supposed to be so they could write it down and tell us today.
    4. Further - after his resurrection, he wasn't initially recognized. Think about it, as we are born, we are aging towards death. Upon His resurrection, Jesus wasn't aged anymore. It changed how he looked, it took a bit for the disciples to recognize him as a result.
    5. This further goes to the argument that we aren't the way we were intended to be - God's plan restores us to that intent.
  4. Jesus performed the miracles He did to fulfill the prophecies and demonstrate who He is.
    1. On a side note - God gives us prophecy so that when it's fulfilled, we know the truth of his Word. And there's a lot of prophecy that is fulfilled from the Bible. Sometimes people ask "why doesn't God speak to us?" like their anticipating booming voices in the sky. The answer is that God HAS spoken to us, through his Word, and through the fulfillment of prophecy. We just need to be willing to open our hearts and minds to see and hear it. This is a case of God doing things His way, not our way.
  5. So what is the Gospel and Good News really? It's the message that all we today need to do to be redeemed and restored is accept the lordship of Jesus over our lives. We fell by trying to go our own way. Jesus offers grace to those who willingly chose to end disobedience and rebellion, and return to Him.
  6. It's the message that we will ALL be resurrected like Jesus, but not all at the same time or to the same thing. There are two rounds of resurrections.
    1. Throughout the Bible, there are references in the Old and New Testament to the coming resurrections. One is a resurrection to life, this is the first resurrection of which Christ is the first fruits. At the appointed time, Christ will come back, the dead in Christ and believers who are still alive will be caught up, redeemed and glorified as Christ was. Nobody knows the appointed time but the Father.
      1. This is also known as the "Rapture".
      2. I believe it will happen when the whole world has heard the Gospel and had a chance to accept or reject. There's scripture that speaks to it, but God desires to lose not a soul, so this won't happen until every soul living on Earth has had their chance at acceptance. In today's day and age, only now is it becoming possible for this happen.
    2. The Second Resurrection is a resurrection "to death". The unbelievers are resurrected and judged based on their works. (more on this below - it deserves it's own major point)
    3. Timing of both resurrections - there's lot of room for debate/interpretation of when these will happen. I'll just say I believe (currently, my mind could be changed by those more learned than I!) that the 1st Resurrection happens 3 1/2 years into the Tribulation described in Revelation, Daniel, and other scriptures.
    4. The Tribulation culminates in the 2nd Coming, Christ's victory at Armageddon, leading into the 1000 year Millennial Reign.
    5. At the end of the 1000 year Millennial Reign, the 2nd Resurrection occurs. Everyone who died in a state where they were not justified before God is resurrected at this time.
  7. After Christ's resurrection, He ascended to Heaven, giving the Great Commission to spread the Gospel and the Good News that we can be redeemed and restored to how God intended us, perfect and good again.
  8. Going into Revelation, it describes John's vision of Christ in Heaven before the Throne of God, with the hosts of Heaven watching. There's a scroll that nobody is worthy to unseal. Enter Christ (the Lamb). Through his sacrifice on the Christ, He has earned worthiness to open the scroll.
    1. The 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls unsealed are descriptive of God's plan to redeem and restore humanity. To "heal" what happened to humanity in the Fall.
    2. Christ's statements that all authority had been given to Him in Heaven and Earth by the Father - one aspect of this is demonstrated by Christ the Lamb being the only one worthy to unseal and open the scroll. God sits back and let's Christ do it.
    3. The imagery of Christ opening the scroll and the seals is demonstrating that Christ the one who is given authority over Heaven and Earth to execute God's plan for redeeming and restoring us, and He has already started the process.
  9. The imagery in Revelation is part prophecy of the future, but also showing things that have already happened. It shows us what Christ did when He ascended to Heaven. He went before the thrown and opened the scroll! He started the process to bring humanity to redemption and glorification! Opening those seals isn't something to come. It's already happened.
  10. Look at the first 4 seals - the 4 horsemen so to speak. The first is a conquoror - look at the ages of empires that have come and gone. It has happened. The second is war - history has had wars aplenty in greater and greater scale. The third with the balances, a measure of wheat costing what was a whole day's wages (denarius) - we see the escalation of costs making it harder and harder to make a living today in all manners of our lives. The fourth - the pale (or sickly) horse - famine, pestilence, death. Look at the plagues, the Holocaust, how many have just been plain murdered around the world in genocides?
  11. This post is long enough, but there's tons of prophecy in Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, and many others that can be shown as fulfilled already. I won't detail it, but I believe this is one aspect of "God already spoke to us through his Word!"
  12. Romans says when men insist on sin, God gives them over to it. In the same way, through these trials we are starting to experience more and more, God is demonstrating what happens without Him.
  13. All of this shows God's omnipotent power by virtue of being resurrected. It shows God's justice and equity in that we reap what we've sown from being sinful and fallen in nature (humanity at large that is) - we suffer, toil, and die. It also shows God's love and mercy in that He has devised a way to redeem us and rescue us while still maintaining justice and equity with us. His Wisdom is shown to be what drives everything, not just omnipotent power and control. And that, I believe demonstrates His Glory more than anything else could.
  14. Another point that rumbles in my head - we all hear Christians talked about "being redeemed". That when we were saved, we were redeemed. And then we still get sick, we still get hungry, cold, and toil, and we still mess up and sin like everyone else. So how can we truly be "redeemed"? I at least have come to think of it when the Bible speaks of us having been redeemed already (and it does) that it's meaning that the certainty of our redemption is strong and certain that we should live like it's already happened, but I don't think believers today are truly redeemed yet. However, we should live like we're already redeemed and restored, glorified after our resurrection. Don't worry about hording wealth, material things. Do not conform to the pattern of this world.
  15. About human vs. Heavenly perspective - God is the beginning and end. He sees everything, now, the past, the future. Christian faith, I think at least, has to recognize that because of this, when people ask "where is God? why doesn't he speak?" in all the various forms that question gets asked, the answer is God already did. Looking at heavenly perspective, human existence on a time line so to speak, like we're outside it and can observe it, you can point to events on it and those events are how God has spoken to us.
    1. This will become much more evident in the future. After the 2nd resurrection, when the unsaved dead are physically alive again, in a world ruled by Christ and the saints for 1000 years where nobody has been hungry, sick, cold, hot, etc. They'll be able to look back at history and see the undeniable points where God injected such communication, He didn't do it our way, He did it His way. He doesn't answer to us. We answer to him, and it's incumbent on us, as part of accepting his dominion and ending our rebellion and disobedience to accept that we answer to Him. We have no standing to demand that he do anything our way.
  16. Last thing, and I'm really going to plunge into something that's on my mind. I still research and study it, I don't have my mind made up about it yet. Please consider it a question.
    1. Has to do with the 2nd resurrection.
    2. The Bible says those brought back in the 2nd resurrection will be judged on their works.
    3. It then says that when the judgement is complete, Satan, his false prophet, and the wicked will be thrown into the lake of fire.
    4. Then Heaven and Earth are remade completely, perfect and good forever and ever.
    5. Traditional view is that all those in the 2nd resurrection are equated with the wicked. I am not sure about that.
    6. I've become what I've read is defined as an "Annihilationist". Ie - I believe that all those thrown in the lake of fire don't suffer for eternity. I believe they are truly annihilated instead, dead and gone eternally.
      1. I've come to believe that God doesn't want to **** and punish anyone eternally. He doesn't want this at all. So why do it?
      2. Because God also has an intention for his creation! God will not allow any aspect of his creation to exist in a fallen state indefinitely or eternally. Those that insist on sinful living aren't allowed to continue outside his will indefinitely or eternally.
      3. God also doesn't want anyone to suffer eternally. Therefore, those that are thrown into the lake of fire, it's basically a mercy killing. It's putting them out of their misery. The same as we put down a loved pet that is suffering and can't be healed.
    7. About those brought back in the 2nd resurrection - if Annihilation is correct, why bring them back only to annihilate them again?
    8. The Bible also says the wages of sin is death. Well, those brought back in the 2nd resurrection, have they paid their death price for their sin already?
    9. When it says they will be judged on their works, my question is it they will be judged on their works after their resurrection? Their works as informed by the undeniable state of things they are resurrected into? How could they reject God again? Only the truly wicked would do so.
      1. What I'm getting at here - and it's a question - is this a chance to earn redemption via works for anyone not in the 1st resurrection?
      2. The 1st resurrection is via grace only. We can't earn it. I know that.
      3. Does the 2nd resurrection give a chance at redemption to say - an uncontacted tribesmen that lived, died, and never heard the gospel?
      4. There is much debated scripture regarding saved via works or grace. Is the difference - grace for us today is possible in the first resurrection, everyone else (before Christ came or didn't hear His message?) is based on works after the 2nd resurrection?
      5. Like I said, it's a question, I've seen many say no, a few say yes. I raise the question here as I think it's good food for thought.
Like I said, I'm not the most knowledgeable, it's all my current belief, but I'm definitely still learning. I could learn something new today that would change something. I don't claim to be right in everything. The main point I guess is that God does have this, but in His way. It's not our way, and we're going to have to suffer along the way because that's the lot that we've made for ourselves.

If you made it through my novel, thank you for reading, and God Bless!


Of the hard cast variety
I still think he could have answered "yes" and his bases would be covered according to Christian belief.
Or "both" could have worked too.
Although I guess differing denomination beliefs could throw a monkey wrench in that.
The silence in trying to explain it says all I need to hear.


Of the hard cast variety
Part 1

Late to the thread, but wanted to offer input. Sorry for the length, I had to split into two posts. Please consider this one sinner's (and believer's) not completely theologically educated view of all this based on years of growing up in the church and studying. My intent isn't to change anyone's mind in terms of believing or not believing, only the Holy Spirit does that. I consider myself to be still growing and learning, I don't claim to know the mind of God, I'm relaying what I believe below as I think it contributes to the discussion, which is subject to change as I learn more.

I've also struggled with whether to post a longer monologue that informs my responses to various post comments first, or post it after responding to the comments. I decided to include after comment responses on a coin flip.

In short, no He doesn't want us to become sick and die. As for why He doesn't just wipe out the virus, it's because He's also a God of justice and equity. He lets humanity receive what it has earned for itself en masse. (more on that later)

Same response as above - He let's use receive what we earned.

In our day and age, I agree with you. All authority was given to Christ when he was crucified and resurrected. The Father is a spectator now, watching the Son carry out His plan and will.

I believe it is. For a believer to explain it though, one needs to be able to take a more heavenly view of life on Earth as it unfolds. I don't believe it's punishment or wrath directed at us. It's all part of what humanity brought on itself via the Fall. God could snap his fingers and fix it, but that wouldn't fit with equity and justice (letting humanity experience the consequences of the choices that led to the Fall), so God doesn't. He has a wiser plan in mind for redeeming us instead. (more on that later)

My church cancelled services for 2 weeks, and then will re-evaluate. Instead they're posting messages online for people to watch at home. I think it's a wise decision.

I actually do agree. Understanding Ultimate Truth, though, from the believer's perspective, has to be gained by trying to grow closer to God in your heart so you can begin to see His Heavenly perspective. I actually think way too many of us haven't gotten there yet, and that's why answering the questions raised in this thread becomes difficult and so many of us get run in circles.

The purpose of my post is to relay what I came up with after wrestling with the same things for years as well. I hope it sits well with people.

I'm being picky and choosey about which elements to quote and respond to, there are multiple criticisms along these lines, so consider this one a response to all - and it's just that as I said above, God chooses to let humanity reap what it has sown (again...more on that later). God could demonstrate ultimate, even tyrannical power, and make us all think/do/etc. exactly has He wants, but that doesn't demonstrate wisdom, mercy, and love. It would only show power, and that's not what God's about. He's about justice, equity, and love and mercy at the same time. He goes about all this His way, not our way.

Yes, and I believe it's prudent to do so and doesn't detract from any aspect of belief at all.

This is true, but class isn't over yet. Again, God's plan is in His own way, not our way. He doesn't do things the way we think He should.

Christ's death on the cross was not about teaching us anything at all. It was about sacrifice and paying the price of sin for us. It was about the gift of Grace that is offered to us. His words "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" on the cross even reflect that.

The Trinity aspect of God (3-in-1, Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is something that for now I'll just say I accept that as a human of fallen nature, I don't have the capacity endowed in me to understand. Not everything Spiritual is perceivable to humanity, at least that's my belief. One day, humanity might gain the perception needed, after the first resurrection/when we're redeemed and glorified, but right now, it's just not in us.

So in terms of a more in-depth explanation of my responses above, I offer the following:
  1. Going all the way back to Genesis 1:1, God created everything. When God created everything, He had an intent and purpose for it all. It was all exactly the way He intended, perfect and good.
  2. Humanity (us) are created in God's image, and were created perfect and good like Him. As God is immortal, this means we were created to be immortal beings like him. Hence why we didn't clothes, etc.
  3. Lucifer/Satan, originally a glorious angel, was found to have inequity in him and was cast out of Heaven, along with other angels that followed him. Basically, he wanted to be God, which was obviously a no-go.
  4. On Earth, Satan deceives and manipulates humanity into separating itself spiritually from God.
    1. This is obviously Adam and Eve, and the Apple from the forbidden Tree of knowledge of good and evil. I gotta say, I don't know if I believe this is a literal true story, or an allegory to illustrate the general point that humanity disobeyed and rebelled against God, which broke our spiritual connection with Him, resulting in the Fall, making us mortal.
    2. The story illustrates that humanity changed in the Fall. The fact that they noticed they were naked and made coverings for themselves - they didn't need coverings before. This change marks the transition from immortal being as created, to mortal being.
    3. Big implication I've never heard anyone else say but I believe - after the fall humanity was not an image of God anymore. We went from immortal to mortal, not needing clothes to needing clothes. It illustrates that we changed and for the worse in the Fall. After the Fall, we were no longer perfect and good. Therefore, we cannot have remained an image of God in our fallen state. When I hear a pastor say we're in God's image, I always silently disagree.
    4. Just my own commentary here - why would Satan do this? Well, he wants to be like God, but can't. Then God creates humanity, and humanity is more like God than Satan. Satan, in his jealousy, contrives and successfully corrupts God's creation in response. My own thoughts here totally, but it's out of jealousy and hate that God would create something more like Himself than Satan.
  5. This is vitally important to the whole belief - God has the power to just "fix it". God could have flicked a finger and restored humanity to his intent. He didn't because He's a God of justice and equity. Humanity didn't have to choose to go along with Satan's manipulations. Humanity now gets to reap what we've sown in choosing to separate ourselves from God via rebellion and disobedience.
  6. This is another vitally important part - humanity was created as both physical and spiritual beings. When humanity fell, our spiritual aspect died as our spiritual connection to God was cut off. Our existence became purely physical in how we manifest, just like the "beasts of the field".
  7. So as I've said before, God has a mind for justice, equity, and love and mercy at the same time, not just demonstrating omnipotent power. The result of the Fall is that we became mortal, just like any other beast of the field. Humanity chose to rebel and disobey, and the result is our existence today which is not God's original intent or design for us.
    1. For the purpose of justice and equity, we reap what we've sown, which is we've sown an imperfect existence where we toil, suffer, and die. This is where disease, hunger, being too cold, being too hot, having our bodies degrade on us - it all comes from the Fall. We chose it, we reap what we've sown, and God lets us go through it because that's the equity in what humanity made for itself by it's own choices.
    2. To sum this point up - God doesn't create viruses or create suffering against humanity. Humanity's choices have done that all on our own. We've brought it on ourselves through rebellion and disobedience (sin) resulting in the Fall.

See Part 2 - next post, for continuation.
Then what did Jesus die for?
Did the death of Jesus only cover humanity up and until that point or forever?


Senior Member
Then what did Jesus die for?
Did the death of Jesus only cover humanity up and until that point or forever?

I would argue Christ's sacrifice allows him to cover humanity up from the beginning to the end, everyone, everywhere, at any time - with the caveat that said individual humans chose to follow him.


Of the hard cast variety
Part 2
  1. Here's where the Good News begins. God is also a God of Love and Mercy. There is a plan and means for humanity to be redeemed and restored to the way God intended for it to be. He didn't intend for us to endure this suffering and toil. He intended better for His creation.
  2. Just my opinion here, but I believe the whole Old Testament highlights to us the big point that the price of sin is death. We see over and over, from Adam, through Abraham, Moses, ancient Israel, etc. - they followed ritualistic sacrifice to atone for their sins. Humanity no longer being perfect, had to sacrifice to atone for sin because the wages of sin is death.
    1. A powerful point here - they could make atoning sacrifices, comply with God's laws and commands, but none are perfect, all fall short of God's glory, and throughout all the stories of the people that God was satisfied with or not, they all still died. None could ultimately save themselves from being Fallen in nature. No sacrifice was holy and clean enough before God to do that and pay the death price that is due from each of us. The lesson is ultimately we can't save ourselves.
  3. This is where Jesus comes in. By coming to Earth in the form of a fallen man, living sinless, and dying, Jesus earned worthiness to stand before the Father and claim humanity as his. Jesus was the first and only human to ever live sinless, and die undeservedly from a Heavenly perspective. That's why the Father resurrected him, because that resurrection was what was equitable for Jesus.
    1. In resurrecting Jesus, the Father also redeemed and glorified him as a man, restoring Him as human to as was intended at humanity's creation.
    2. Jesus is referred to as the first fruits - He is the first fruits of God's plan and the path God has given us to redemption and restoration. We follow Jesus's example to redemption.
    3. This ties back to what I said before about we changed when we fell. The story of the transfiguration shows it, Jesus glowed, being a sinless man and member of the Trinity, God's spirit entered him on that mountain for his chosen Apostles to witness it. He demonstrated to them what we will be like when we are restored to God's intent for how we are supposed to be so they could write it down and tell us today.
    4. Further - after his resurrection, he wasn't initially recognized. Think about it, as we are born, we are aging towards death. Upon His resurrection, Jesus wasn't aged anymore. It changed how he looked, it took a bit for the disciples to recognize him as a result.
    5. This further goes to the argument that we aren't the way we were intended to be - God's plan restores us to that intent.
  4. Jesus performed the miracles He did to fulfill the prophecies and demonstrate who He is.
    1. On a side note - God gives us prophecy so that when it's fulfilled, we know the truth of his Word. And there's a lot of prophecy that is fulfilled from the Bible. Sometimes people ask "why doesn't God speak to us?" like their anticipating booming voices in the sky. The answer is that God HAS spoken to us, through his Word, and through the fulfillment of prophecy. We just need to be willing to open our hearts and minds to see and hear it. This is a case of God doing things His way, not our way.
  5. So what is the Gospel and Good News really? It's the message that all we today need to do to be redeemed and restored is accept the lordship of Jesus over our lives. We fell by trying to go our own way. Jesus offers grace to those who willingly chose to end disobedience and rebellion, and return to Him.
  6. It's the message that we will ALL be resurrected like Jesus, but not all at the same time or to the same thing. There are two rounds of resurrections.
    1. Throughout the Bible, there are references in the Old and New Testament to the coming resurrections. One is a resurrection to life, this is the first resurrection of which Christ is the first fruits. At the appointed time, Christ will come back, the dead in Christ and believers who are still alive will be caught up, redeemed and glorified as Christ was. Nobody knows the appointed time but the Father.
      1. This is also known as the "Rapture".
      2. I believe it will happen when the whole world has heard the Gospel and had a chance to accept or reject. There's scripture that speaks to it, but God desires to lose not a soul, so this won't happen until every soul living on Earth has had their chance at acceptance. In today's day and age, only now is it becoming possible for this happen.
    2. The Second Resurrection is a resurrection "to death". The unbelievers are resurrected and judged based on their works. (more on this below - it deserves it's own major point)
    3. Timing of both resurrections - there's lot of room for debate/interpretation of when these will happen. I'll just say I believe (currently, my mind could be changed by those more learned than I!) that the 1st Resurrection happens 3 1/2 years into the Tribulation described in Revelation, Daniel, and other scriptures.
    4. The Tribulation culminates in the 2nd Coming, Christ's victory at Armageddon, leading into the 1000 year Millennial Reign.
    5. At the end of the 1000 year Millennial Reign, the 2nd Resurrection occurs. Everyone who died in a state where they were not justified before God is resurrected at this time.
  7. After Christ's resurrection, He ascended to Heaven, giving the Great Commission to spread the Gospel and the Good News that we can be redeemed and restored to how God intended us, perfect and good again.
  8. Going into Revelation, it describes John's vision of Christ in Heaven before the Throne of God, with the hosts of Heaven watching. There's a scroll that nobody is worthy to unseal. Enter Christ (the Lamb). Through his sacrifice on the Christ, He has earned worthiness to open the scroll.
    1. The 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls unsealed are descriptive of God's plan to redeem and restore humanity. To "heal" what happened to humanity in the Fall.
    2. Christ's statements that all authority had been given to Him in Heaven and Earth by the Father - one aspect of this is demonstrated by Christ the Lamb being the only one worthy to unseal and open the scroll. God sits back and let's Christ do it.
    3. The imagery of Christ opening the scroll and the seals is demonstrating that Christ the one who is given authority over Heaven and Earth to execute God's plan for redeeming and restoring us, and He has already started the process.
  9. The imagery in Revelation is part prophecy of the future, but also showing things that have already happened. It shows us what Christ did when He ascended to Heaven. He went before the thrown and opened the scroll! He started the process to bring humanity to redemption and glorification! Opening those seals isn't something to come. It's already happened.
  10. Look at the first 4 seals - the 4 horsemen so to speak. The first is a conquoror - look at the ages of empires that have come and gone. It has happened. The second is war - history has had wars aplenty in greater and greater scale. The third with the balances, a measure of wheat costing what was a whole day's wages (denarius) - we see the escalation of costs making it harder and harder to make a living today in all manners of our lives. The fourth - the pale (or sickly) horse - famine, pestilence, death. Look at the plagues, the Holocaust, how many have just been plain murdered around the world in genocides?
  11. This post is long enough, but there's tons of prophecy in Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, and many others that can be shown as fulfilled already. I won't detail it, but I believe this is one aspect of "God already spoke to us through his Word!"
  12. Romans says when men insist on sin, God gives them over to it. In the same way, through these trials we are starting to experience more and more, God is demonstrating what happens without Him.
  13. All of this shows God's omnipotent power by virtue of being resurrected. It shows God's justice and equity in that we reap what we've sown from being sinful and fallen in nature (humanity at large that is) - we suffer, toil, and die. It also shows God's love and mercy in that He has devised a way to redeem us and rescue us while still maintaining justice and equity with us. His Wisdom is shown to be what drives everything, not just omnipotent power and control. And that, I believe demonstrates His Glory more than anything else could.
  14. Another point that rumbles in my head - we all hear Christians talked about "being redeemed". That when we were saved, we were redeemed. And then we still get sick, we still get hungry, cold, and toil, and we still mess up and sin like everyone else. So how can we truly be "redeemed"? I at least have come to think of it when the Bible speaks of us having been redeemed already (and it does) that it's meaning that the certainty of our redemption is strong and certain that we should live like it's already happened, but I don't think believers today are truly redeemed yet. However, we should live like we're already redeemed and restored, glorified after our resurrection. Don't worry about hording wealth, material things. Do not conform to the pattern of this world.
  15. About human vs. Heavenly perspective - God is the beginning and end. He sees everything, now, the past, the future. Christian faith, I think at least, has to recognize that because of this, when people ask "where is God? why doesn't he speak?" in all the various forms that question gets asked, the answer is God already did. Looking at heavenly perspective, human existence on a time line so to speak, like we're outside it and can observe it, you can point to events on it and those events are how God has spoken to us.
    1. This will become much more evident in the future. After the 2nd resurrection, when the unsaved dead are physically alive again, in a world ruled by Christ and the saints for 1000 years where nobody has been hungry, sick, cold, hot, etc. They'll be able to look back at history and see the undeniable points where God injected such communication, He didn't do it our way, He did it His way. He doesn't answer to us. We answer to him, and it's incumbent on us, as part of accepting his dominion and ending our rebellion and disobedience to accept that we answer to Him. We have no standing to demand that he do anything our way.
  16. Last thing, and I'm really going to plunge into something that's on my mind. I still research and study it, I don't have my mind made up about it yet. Please consider it a question.
    1. Has to do with the 2nd resurrection.
    2. The Bible says those brought back in the 2nd resurrection will be judged on their works.
    3. It then says that when the judgement is complete, Satan, his false prophet, and the wicked will be thrown into the lake of fire.
    4. Then Heaven and Earth are remade completely, perfect and good forever and ever.
    5. Traditional view is that all those in the 2nd resurrection are equated with the wicked. I am not sure about that.
    6. I've become what I've read is defined as an "Annihilationist". Ie - I believe that all those thrown in the lake of fire don't suffer for eternity. I believe they are truly annihilated instead, dead and gone eternally.
      1. I've come to believe that God doesn't want to **** and punish anyone eternally. He doesn't want this at all. So why do it?
      2. Because God also has an intention for his creation! God will not allow any aspect of his creation to exist in a fallen state indefinitely or eternally. Those that insist on sinful living aren't allowed to continue outside his will indefinitely or eternally.
      3. God also doesn't want anyone to suffer eternally. Therefore, those that are thrown into the lake of fire, it's basically a mercy killing. It's putting them out of their misery. The same as we put down a loved pet that is suffering and can't be healed.
    7. About those brought back in the 2nd resurrection - if Annihilation is correct, why bring them back only to annihilate them again?
    8. The Bible also says the wages of sin is death. Well, those brought back in the 2nd resurrection, have they paid their death price for their sin already?
    9. When it says they will be judged on their works, my question is it they will be judged on their works after their resurrection? Their works as informed by the undeniable state of things they are resurrected into? How could they reject God again? Only the truly wicked would do so.
      1. What I'm getting at here - and it's a question - is this a chance to earn redemption via works for anyone not in the 1st resurrection?
      2. The 1st resurrection is via grace only. We can't earn it. I know that.
      3. Does the 2nd resurrection give a chance at redemption to say - an uncontacted tribesmen that lived, died, and never heard the gospel?
      4. There is much debated scripture regarding saved via works or grace. Is the difference - grace for us today is possible in the first resurrection, everyone else (before Christ came or didn't hear His message?) is based on works after the 2nd resurrection?
      5. Like I said, it's a question, I've seen many say no, a few say yes. I raise the question here as I think it's good food for thought.
Like I said, I'm not the most knowledgeable, it's all my current belief, but I'm definitely still learning. I could learn something new today that would change something. I don't claim to be right in everything. The main point I guess is that God does have this, but in His way. It's not our way, and we're going to have to suffer along the way because that's the lot that we've made for ourselves.

If you made it through my novel, thank you for reading, and God Bless!
I appreciate you taking the time to explain your opinions, assertions and beliefs.
If you are ever able to back them up with indisputable facts and evidence that backs them up I would absolutely be interested in reading that also.


Of the hard cast variety
I would argue Christ's sacrifice allows him to cover humanity up from the beginning to the end, everyone, everywhere, at any time - with the caveat that said individual humans chose to follow him.

To sum this point up - God doesn't create viruses or create suffering against humanity. Humanity's choices have done that all on our own. We've brought it on ourselves through rebellion and disobedience (sin) resulting in the Fall

the "good, better and best" followers of Christ get the disease just as easily as the non.
Your first quote above does not correlate with the 2nd below it


Senior Member
If you are ever able to back them up with indisputable facts and evidence that backs them up I would absolutely be interested in reading that also.

Such as? What are you looking for? Asking genuinely...


Senior Member
the "good, better and best" followers of Christ get the disease just as easily as the non.
Your first quote above does not correlate with the 2nd below it

Referring back to Part 2, Point 14 above - yes, followers get the disease as anyone else. We're all flawed, fallen, sinners. I even acknowledged we remain as fallen as everyone else.

When God created humanity, He placed humanity in a position of Stewardship over the Earth (I'm simplistically interpreting Genesis by saying that). When humanity fell, everything under human stewardship fell as well.

In short, humanity broke God's creation (the Earth). Hence why new viruses come out and these things happen. I don't believe it's God's intent.


Of the hard cast variety
Such as? What are you looking for? Asking genuinely...
We all can say whatever we want to say. We all can make claims, assertions and what we believe or need to be truthful. Saying those things and then backing them up with examples that are indisputable separate the claims from facts.
People speak for a god they have never met. They tell us what god wants and thinks and they never never spoken to god. It never ceases to amaze me how god thinks just like one individual and yet just like another individual, and yet again just like another individual. All of which tell us what god means, what god thinks, what god likes..meanwhile each is different from the next. None being able to provide anything to back up what they are saying with facts...just claims, assertions and beliefs as to what they THINK a god means.


Senior Member
Part 2
  1. Here's where the Good News begins. God is also a God of Love and Mercy. There is a plan and means for humanity to be redeemed and restored to the way God intended for it to be. He didn't intend for us to endure this suffering and toil. He intended better for His creation.
  2. Just my opinion here, but I believe the whole Old Testament highlights to us the big point that the price of sin is death. We see over and over, from Adam, through Abraham, Moses, ancient Israel, etc. - they followed ritualistic sacrifice to atone for their sins. Humanity no longer being perfect, had to sacrifice to atone for sin because the wages of sin is death.
    1. A powerful point here - they could make atoning sacrifices, comply with God's laws and commands, but none are perfect, all fall short of God's glory, and throughout all the stories of the people that God was satisfied with or not, they all still died. None could ultimately save themselves from being Fallen in nature. No sacrifice was holy and clean enough before God to do that and pay the death price that is due from each of us. The lesson is ultimately we can't save ourselves.
  3. This is where Jesus comes in. By coming to Earth in the form of a fallen man, living sinless, and dying, Jesus earned worthiness to stand before the Father and claim humanity as his. Jesus was the first and only human to ever live sinless, and die undeservedly from a Heavenly perspective. That's why the Father resurrected him, because that resurrection was what was equitable for Jesus.
    1. In resurrecting Jesus, the Father also redeemed and glorified him as a man, restoring Him as human to as was intended at humanity's creation.
    2. Jesus is referred to as the first fruits - He is the first fruits of God's plan and the path God has given us to redemption and restoration. We follow Jesus's example to redemption.
    3. This ties back to what I said before about we changed when we fell. The story of the transfiguration shows it, Jesus glowed, being a sinless man and member of the Trinity, God's spirit entered him on that mountain for his chosen Apostles to witness it. He demonstrated to them what we will be like when we are restored to God's intent for how we are supposed to be so they could write it down and tell us today.
    4. Further - after his resurrection, he wasn't initially recognized. Think about it, as we are born, we are aging towards death. Upon His resurrection, Jesus wasn't aged anymore. It changed how he looked, it took a bit for the disciples to recognize him as a result.
    5. This further goes to the argument that we aren't the way we were intended to be - God's plan restores us to that intent.
  4. Jesus performed the miracles He did to fulfill the prophecies and demonstrate who He is.
    1. On a side note - God gives us prophecy so that when it's fulfilled, we know the truth of his Word. And there's a lot of prophecy that is fulfilled from the Bible. Sometimes people ask "why doesn't God speak to us?" like their anticipating booming voices in the sky. The answer is that God HAS spoken to us, through his Word, and through the fulfillment of prophecy. We just need to be willing to open our hearts and minds to see and hear it. This is a case of God doing things His way, not our way.
  5. So what is the Gospel and Good News really? It's the message that all we today need to do to be redeemed and restored is accept the lordship of Jesus over our lives. We fell by trying to go our own way. Jesus offers grace to those who willingly chose to end disobedience and rebellion, and return to Him.
  6. It's the message that we will ALL be resurrected like Jesus, but not all at the same time or to the same thing. There are two rounds of resurrections.
    1. Throughout the Bible, there are references in the Old and New Testament to the coming resurrections. One is a resurrection to life, this is the first resurrection of which Christ is the first fruits. At the appointed time, Christ will come back, the dead in Christ and believers who are still alive will be caught up, redeemed and glorified as Christ was. Nobody knows the appointed time but the Father.
      1. This is also known as the "Rapture".
      2. I believe it will happen when the whole world has heard the Gospel and had a chance to accept or reject. There's scripture that speaks to it, but God desires to lose not a soul, so this won't happen until every soul living on Earth has had their chance at acceptance. In today's day and age, only now is it becoming possible for this happen.
    2. The Second Resurrection is a resurrection "to death". The unbelievers are resurrected and judged based on their works. (more on this below - it deserves it's own major point)
    3. Timing of both resurrections - there's lot of room for debate/interpretation of when these will happen. I'll just say I believe (currently, my mind could be changed by those more learned than I!) that the 1st Resurrection happens 3 1/2 years into the Tribulation described in Revelation, Daniel, and other scriptures.
    4. The Tribulation culminates in the 2nd Coming, Christ's victory at Armageddon, leading into the 1000 year Millennial Reign.
    5. At the end of the 1000 year Millennial Reign, the 2nd Resurrection occurs. Everyone who died in a state where they were not justified before God is resurrected at this time.
  7. After Christ's resurrection, He ascended to Heaven, giving the Great Commission to spread the Gospel and the Good News that we can be redeemed and restored to how God intended us, perfect and good again.
  8. Going into Revelation, it describes John's vision of Christ in Heaven before the Throne of God, with the hosts of Heaven watching. There's a scroll that nobody is worthy to unseal. Enter Christ (the Lamb). Through his sacrifice on the Christ, He has earned worthiness to open the scroll.
    1. The 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls unsealed are descriptive of God's plan to redeem and restore humanity. To "heal" what happened to humanity in the Fall.
    2. Christ's statements that all authority had been given to Him in Heaven and Earth by the Father - one aspect of this is demonstrated by Christ the Lamb being the only one worthy to unseal and open the scroll. God sits back and let's Christ do it.
    3. The imagery of Christ opening the scroll and the seals is demonstrating that Christ the one who is given authority over Heaven and Earth to execute God's plan for redeeming and restoring us, and He has already started the process.
  9. The imagery in Revelation is part prophecy of the future, but also showing things that have already happened. It shows us what Christ did when He ascended to Heaven. He went before the thrown and opened the scroll! He started the process to bring humanity to redemption and glorification! Opening those seals isn't something to come. It's already happened.
  10. Look at the first 4 seals - the 4 horsemen so to speak. The first is a conquoror - look at the ages of empires that have come and gone. It has happened. The second is war - history has had wars aplenty in greater and greater scale. The third with the balances, a measure of wheat costing what was a whole day's wages (denarius) - we see the escalation of costs making it harder and harder to make a living today in all manners of our lives. The fourth - the pale (or sickly) horse - famine, pestilence, death. Look at the plagues, the Holocaust, how many have just been plain murdered around the world in genocides?
  11. This post is long enough, but there's tons of prophecy in Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, and many others that can be shown as fulfilled already. I won't detail it, but I believe this is one aspect of "God already spoke to us through his Word!"
  12. Romans says when men insist on sin, God gives them over to it. In the same way, through these trials we are starting to experience more and more, God is demonstrating what happens without Him.
  13. All of this shows God's omnipotent power by virtue of being resurrected. It shows God's justice and equity in that we reap what we've sown from being sinful and fallen in nature (humanity at large that is) - we suffer, toil, and die. It also shows God's love and mercy in that He has devised a way to redeem us and rescue us while still maintaining justice and equity with us. His Wisdom is shown to be what drives everything, not just omnipotent power and control. And that, I believe demonstrates His Glory more than anything else could.
  14. Another point that rumbles in my head - we all hear Christians talked about "being redeemed". That when we were saved, we were redeemed. And then we still get sick, we still get hungry, cold, and toil, and we still mess up and sin like everyone else. So how can we truly be "redeemed"? I at least have come to think of it when the Bible speaks of us having been redeemed already (and it does) that it's meaning that the certainty of our redemption is strong and certain that we should live like it's already happened, but I don't think believers today are truly redeemed yet. However, we should live like we're already redeemed and restored, glorified after our resurrection. Don't worry about hording wealth, material things. Do not conform to the pattern of this world.
  15. About human vs. Heavenly perspective - God is the beginning and end. He sees everything, now, the past, the future. Christian faith, I think at least, has to recognize that because of this, when people ask "where is God? why doesn't he speak?" in all the various forms that question gets asked, the answer is God already did. Looking at heavenly perspective, human existence on a time line so to speak, like we're outside it and can observe it, you can point to events on it and those events are how God has spoken to us.
    1. This will become much more evident in the future. After the 2nd resurrection, when the unsaved dead are physically alive again, in a world ruled by Christ and the saints for 1000 years where nobody has been hungry, sick, cold, hot, etc. They'll be able to look back at history and see the undeniable points where God injected such communication, He didn't do it our way, He did it His way. He doesn't answer to us. We answer to him, and it's incumbent on us, as part of accepting his dominion and ending our rebellion and disobedience to accept that we answer to Him. We have no standing to demand that he do anything our way.
  16. Last thing, and I'm really going to plunge into something that's on my mind. I still research and study it, I don't have my mind made up about it yet. Please consider it a question.
    1. Has to do with the 2nd resurrection.
    2. The Bible says those brought back in the 2nd resurrection will be judged on their works.
    3. It then says that when the judgement is complete, Satan, his false prophet, and the wicked will be thrown into the lake of fire.
    4. Then Heaven and Earth are remade completely, perfect and good forever and ever.
    5. Traditional view is that all those in the 2nd resurrection are equated with the wicked. I am not sure about that.
    6. I've become what I've read is defined as an "Annihilationist". Ie - I believe that all those thrown in the lake of fire don't suffer for eternity. I believe they are truly annihilated instead, dead and gone eternally.
      1. I've come to believe that God doesn't want to **** and punish anyone eternally. He doesn't want this at all. So why do it?
      2. Because God also has an intention for his creation! God will not allow any aspect of his creation to exist in a fallen state indefinitely or eternally. Those that insist on sinful living aren't allowed to continue outside his will indefinitely or eternally.
      3. God also doesn't want anyone to suffer eternally. Therefore, those that are thrown into the lake of fire, it's basically a mercy killing. It's putting them out of their misery. The same as we put down a loved pet that is suffering and can't be healed.
    7. About those brought back in the 2nd resurrection - if Annihilation is correct, why bring them back only to annihilate them again?
    8. The Bible also says the wages of sin is death. Well, those brought back in the 2nd resurrection, have they paid their death price for their sin already?
    9. When it says they will be judged on their works, my question is it they will be judged on their works after their resurrection? Their works as informed by the undeniable state of things they are resurrected into? How could they reject God again? Only the truly wicked would do so.
      1. What I'm getting at here - and it's a question - is this a chance to earn redemption via works for anyone not in the 1st resurrection?
      2. The 1st resurrection is via grace only. We can't earn it. I know that.
      3. Does the 2nd resurrection give a chance at redemption to say - an uncontacted tribesmen that lived, died, and never heard the gospel?
      4. There is much debated scripture regarding saved via works or grace. Is the difference - grace for us today is possible in the first resurrection, everyone else (before Christ came or didn't hear His message?) is based on works after the 2nd resurrection?
      5. Like I said, it's a question, I've seen many say no, a few say yes. I raise the question here as I think it's good food for thought.
Like I said, I'm not the most knowledgeable, it's all my current belief, but I'm definitely still learning. I could learn something new today that would change something. I don't claim to be right in everything. The main point I guess is that God does have this, but in His way. It's not our way, and we're going to have to suffer along the way because that's the lot that we've made for ourselves.

If you made it through my novel, thank you for reading, and God Bless!
If you made it through my novel, thank you for reading,
We've been reading Israel's posts for years. Your "novel" is but a footnote compared to some of his :rofl:
But great post.
As soon as I can get my eyes to focus again I will have some questions for you as there are some contradictions etc.


Of the hard cast variety
Referring back to Part 2, Point 14 above - yes, followers get the disease as anyone else. We're all flawed, fallen, sinners. I even acknowledged we remain as fallen as everyone else.

When God created humanity, He placed humanity in a position of Stewardship over the Earth (I'm simplistically interpreting Genesis by saying that). When humanity fell, everything under human stewardship fell as well.

In short, humanity broke God's creation (the Earth). Hence why new viruses come out and these things happen. I don't believe it's God's intent.
Then again, what was the point of killing his kid?

Man was bad so God drowned EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY but what was in the boat.
He had to hit the reset button.
That didnt work(ya think he would have known that though) so he came up with the plot to impregnate a teenager with his son. Have the kid be known for the first year and last three years of his life staying in absolute obscurity in between. God figured sacrificing his son(who really is also god) would save humanity.And all that for the purpose to Wipe Away the Sins of Mankind. Forever!
In one breath you say yes, that was the purpose of Jesus dying.
In the next you say these awful things happen to us humans because we are sinners.

I mean which is it?
Did God's plan(s) not work as intended?
Why would he go through with it if in fact he is All Knowing?


Senior Member
As soon as I can get my eyes to focus again I will have some questions for you as there are some contradictions etc.

I tried to get it to add spaces in the lists, it wouldn't cooperate.


Senior Member
We all can say whatever we want to say. We all can make claims, assertions and what we believe or need to be truthful. Saying those things and then backing them up with examples that are indisputable separate the claims from facts.
People speak for a god they have never met. They tell us what god wants and thinks and they never never spoken to god. It never ceases to amaze me how god thinks just like one individual and yet just like another individual, and yet again just like another individual. All of which tell us what god means, what god thinks, what god likes..meanwhile each is different from the next. None being able to provide anything to back up what they are saying with facts...just claims, assertions and beliefs as to what they THINK a god means.

There's not much to respond to. Not meaning this in a bad way.

As for never having met God - I think I referred to it but when the Holy Spirit touches you, you know it. I got nothing else besides that for you. There isn't a way to "prove" it. About all a believer can do is testify to it.

As for what God wants - I believe he loves us & wants better for us in our lives than things like virus pandemics and what not. But just stepping in and fixing it doesn't fix our hearts.

Let me add one more statement that's hit me before - He's not a God of equality. He's a God of equity. There's a difference. Forced equality is tyranny. Anyone paying attention to how things went with the Soviet Union, North Korea, Venezuela, etc. can see how forced equality plays out.


Senior Member
In one breath you say yes, that was the purpose of Jesus dying.
In the next you say these awful things happen to us humans because we are sinners.

I mean which is it?
Did God's plan(s) not work as intended?
Why would he go through with it if in fact he is All Knowing?

I'm going to respond to this by reframing it. Yes awful things happen because humanity fell, and we lead a fallen existence that we have brought on ourselves. There is accountability towards us there, not God.

As for God's plan working or not working - it hasn't played out to completion or fruition yet. It's not a matter of working or not working, it's not done yet. And humanity will continue to go through these trials until it is done.

God is going through this PRECISELY because He is All Knowing.


Of the hard cast variety
There's not much to respond to. Not meaning this in a bad way.

="Waddams, post: 12187250, member: 117876" As for never having met God - I think I referred to it but when the Holy Spirit touches you, you know it. I got nothing else besides that for you. There isn't a way to "prove" it. About all a believer can do is testify to it.
So have you been touched by the Holy Spirit?
And if So, the result of that has left you with a total understanding of what God thinks, feels, wants and you are able to speak for him?

="Waddams, post: 12187250, member: 117876" As for what God wants - I believe he loves us & wants better for us in our lives than things like virus pandemics and what not. But just stepping in and fixing it doesn't fix our hearts.
I understand that is what you believe. I believe something totally different.
Are you saying then that since you believe that is what god wants that you have not been contacted by the Holy Spirit and are unable to know what god wants so you have to guess and go with that belief?

="Waddams, post: 12187250, member: 117876" Let me add one more statement that's hit me before - He's not a God of equality. He's a God of equity. There's a difference. Forced equality is tyranny. Anyone paying attention to how things went with the Soviet Union, North Korea, Venezuela, etc. can see how forced equality plays out.
He seems to be a god of individual convenience. He likes the same things and people that individuals like and hates the same also. Gods thoughts, wishes, feelings, wants, needs seem to be along the same lines as the person who I ask, and it changes just as quickly as I ask the next person. That happens with 2 or 2000+ people. All of which will tell me that they were somehow more special than the next belivers due to some added grace being expelled upon them be it through the Holy Spirit or some other of God's ways.
I would tend to think that if a God was involved at all...such thoughts and beliefs would not only be unanimous but 100% infallible and unable to be questioned.


Senior Member
I'm going to respond to this by reframing it. Yes awful things happen because humanity fell, and we lead a fallen existence that we have brought on ourselves. There is accountability towards us there, not God.

As for God's plan working or not working - it hasn't played out to completion or fruition yet. It's not a matter of working or not working, it's not done yet. And humanity will continue to go through these trials until it is done.

God is going through this PRECISELY because He is All Knowing.
Yes awful things happen because humanity fell, and we lead a fallen existence that we have brought on ourselves
So did God create us to fall?
Or did we defy God and trip ourselves?
Are we capable of defying God's plan for us?
I assume you are aware that a number of Christians believe NOTHING happens unless it was at God's direction/plan. Thats why Im asking.


Of the hard cast variety
I'm going to respond to this by reframing it. Yes awful things happen because humanity fell, and we lead a fallen existence that we have brought on ourselves. There is accountability towards us there, not God.

As for God's plan working or not working - it hasn't played out to completion or fruition yet. It's not a matter of working or not working, it's not done yet. And humanity will continue to go through these trials until it is done.

God is going through this PRECISELY because He is All Knowing.
What was the purpose of Jesus dying on the cross? To save Humans from their sin, correct?
If it covers all sin that had already happened and all future sin, then your explanation does not fit. Jesus's death covered our accountability.