Keeping touch with the hunt club


Gone But Not Forgotten
Several years ago, we formed a page for our club on face book. Problems with FB this year convinced me to move the club page to MeWe. Gave all members the notice, and have given them couple months now to move to the new page on MeWe. Half of them have come to the new page, the rest have not.
First month, had one who did move with me, copy and past to FB so everyone would know what we were doing, what was going on etc. Those who have not moved must like being in the dark so to speak. They wont know when we're having a work weekend either, a plus for them. I have stopped the copy and paste to FB.
Next subject related to the hunt club. Some people think all there is to deer hunting is putting up a stand and watching a feeder or food plot. Those folks only show up when the season opens. It's like they were trained to hunt management areas. That's how it's done on state management areas.
After last deer season, there were some members who wanted to relocate blinds, or put up new blinds. I recommended they do that before the summer heat arrived. Well, it's getting hot, suppose to be in the 90's next week and none have done anything. Except for the assistant manager and myself. We've been working on the property all along, repairing our blinds, relocating etc. We have all our summer plots planted. Bottom line is, Everyone benefits from what some have done to improve and promote a successful deer season. In the past we've had members who never helped with anything. They were the one's who complained the most, and expected the most.
How many of you have a club page on FB or on MeWe? I think it's a great way to stay in touch. I left FB because they kept me in I didn't fit their community standards. Shucks, they don't fit my standards either, so we're even.
Every thread needs a photo. One of my blinds, far from the roads. No feeder, no plot, just watching where those old bucks love to slip around. And a photo of a buck that was killed there.


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Senior Member
WE n't do FB OR WHAT EVER IT WAS . We call are text in a group if needed. Good luck with that and hope y'all have a great season.


Gone But Not Forgotten
We also have text for contacting. No service in some areas, like here at lake Seminole. I have to go outside to use the cellphone. We have a metal roof.
I wouldn't Facebook or wewe or any other social media for anybody. Text everyone.
The problem with a few not working has been going on for a 100 years. Expect and enjoy your off-season deer camp with no crowds.
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“Rabbit Man”
We group text the first of the month for a weekend workday that month where everyone has to be there. All have to reply to text showing they got it. All must show Up or pay. We text who will be hunting where and when. No problems with this method for us.


Senior Member
Tiered payment scale.

$1500 dues paid in advance.
Show up for 10 scheduled club work days and $750 dues are returned.
Show up for 5 and $300 are returned.
Less than 5 and none is returned.
Work day = 8 hours.
Member is responsible to be sure club KNOWS he was there and has club officer sign off on it. No good memory needed.
(dollar figures are just examples...your mileage may vary)


Gone But Not Forgotten
Oh there's ways to tighten up, but too many rules and regulations can ruin a club. We understand those who live several hours distance away not being able to run up for work. We have a couple like that. But to give them credit, they do come up now and then when we really need then. And when up for hunting, they jump in if work is needed. It's the group who live the closest that forgets the place unless it's deer season. I'll never understand that. Many years ago, when I lived about 8 hours from a lease. I would go up for weekends, even a weeks vacation to work on plots, stands, camp etc. Guess there's not that many that dedicated these days. And it wasn't just me, couple other guys would come along with me. Each trip we would take turns with our vehicles. After all, just how much work is it to drive a tractor? I furnish the tractors and other equipment needed. I do have one member who will call and schedule work on the lease. Few photo's. I do tractor work, bush hogging, mowing camp, hauling etc. for the club. In the past, at this lease I have had several members who were always involved and they loved it. Even had some who would cook evening meals at camp. None of that now, it's like people are not into being like a group. They are independent, come and go without too much comradery. Some wont even come by camp to show off their buck. Out the gate and to home they go. Everybody likes to see what was killed. Seems the younger folks is where I see most of the change. Club used to have many family members and old friends of many years. They are all gone now, or not able to hunt. I'm still hanging on, but it's frustrating to say the least.


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Gone But Not Forgotten
Photo of when we used to have evening meals at camp. Photo of equipment our fartherest member brings up couple times a year to help out with cleaning up roads, camp, cutting trails etc. What ever needs done, he will do it.
My assistants son helps a lot. Drives the kubota, helps relocate equiptment etc. I could use a dozen like him.


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Gone But Not Forgotten
The two guys who live the fartherest from the lease, hours away. These two will always chip in when they can. Most all ten members will come help with getting a deer out. That's a plus. This thread shows a little about how it is to be a club manager. Been doing it sine 1975 and have seen many changes. First lease was in Alabama black belt area at a cost of .25 cents an acre for 2400 acres. Doubt we'll ever see that again.


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"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
I grew up hunting in a deer camp, all of the members were forever friends and family. I was to young to know of any drama, but I’m sure there was some. It was fun to say the least and some of those old timers could tell some tales. One Ol guy kept the clubhouse so hot with fat lighter and mineral spirits in a burn barrel that you couldn’t stay in it. I remember flames shooting out of the 15 foot chimney.
Since they have grown old or passed on I’m down to Wma’s and the small plot here at my house. I hate that my two boys are missing out on the deer club atmosphere, but high dues and heavy drinking in some of the clubs I’ve visited keeps me away from them. And my crazy work schedule would keep me from making many work days.
Reading these various club threads makes me realize even more how fortunate I am to have my own small place to hunt. And even more fortunate to have friends that invite and allow us to hunt their land.


Senior Member
We do ours via group text messages that way everyone can see the message and everyone can see the other’s responses. Our club is set up to private areas so what the members do to their areas is totally up to them. If they want their trails or roads going to their stands clean that’s their responsibility not the other members. We don’t plant summer plots and when it comes to planting fall plants we all work out a weekend that everyone can be there and we get busy. In the past it’s usually just me and my brother planting plots and it’s fine with me cause I’m not very fond on people standing around doing nothing while I’m working. Our camp is pretty much in the middle of the club and me and my brother keeps the main road easy accessible and keeps the limbs trimmed back since all our spots are between the gate and camp. So far there’s been a few that has done very bare minimum but this yr is looking like we got a few good new members.
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Gone But Not Forgotten
We have a new challenge this coming season. About 250 acres we've had for many years, connecting to our north line has sold. A timber co has bought it, found it to be land locked. They have bought an easement through our gate, using our main road to get to that property. We tried to keep that property, but the new owner decided to lease to someone else. We had no idea this was going on. Now we can only hope it's a very small group, 3 or less. Any more on 250 acres would be too many. Plus, it's all swamp, no plot areas and is a very rough area since the hurricane of 2018. We've mostly used that area as a refuge area, as most members were too lazy to hunt it.
In the 80's, there was a group on that 250 with ten members plus guest. They killed everything and would drive in and out our road all times of the day. I even caught them hunting on our lease. I'm waiting to meet the new club to discuss our management plan, how much we spend on plots, road improvement etc. Hope they will go along with the same type management, it has worked for 34 years so far. That 250 acres is full of hogs now. I've taken over 200 off our woods in less than two years with the largest weighing 340 pounds.

Havana Dude

Senior Member
Son, you are much wiser than I, but I think I wouldn’t tell them a dadgum thing I’m doing on lease. The more they know, the worse for you in my opinion. And I dang sure wouldn’t tell em about any kills. Again, just my opinion.
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7 point

Senior Member
A lot of good times and memories are made in the off season during work days .I think my dad enjoys tractor time more than hunting .


Senior Member
I consider myself a killer.. I got paid to kill things more than half my life but I have hunting buddies that Trump me in all aspects and they don't use any social media.

They use a old school tool called a phone.


Gone But Not Forgotten
In the past, would always share information gained by my scouting. Not anymore, some people will move in on ya. Maybe not too close, but where your deer might be coming from. Learned a lesson one turkey season. Talked too much about where a mature gobbler was roosting. Two guys got between me and the gobbler, then missed him. Most of my members are good folks and wouldn't think of doing anyone like that, but there's always one or two. In the past, when noticed a new member wasn't setting up in a good spot, would guide them to a spot where they would be productive. Not anymore, I'll keep those spots to myself. The club has always been first come to hunt any area on the property. A map with magnets with names on them should mark where they will be hunting. Have always let the club use any of my stands. Now I have a couple I don't share. But if they beat me to the map and want to hunt the area, they can if they have a stand.