Making your own maps


I received a Vexilar Sonar Phone unit a few months back for testing. I ended up thinking it was really cool, but I didn't think it really had a place on my tournament boat since I have the best Lowrance offers. Nonetheless I thought it was great that I could get clear fish finder readings on my phone and I could use it as a split screen with my Navionics App.

About a month ago I learned about an exciting new program from Navionics called SonarCharts Live, where you could actually make or fine tune Navionics mapping on the App with the Vexilar unit. I got to see it all in action and it was amazing how you could see the maps change instantly as you graphed an area.

I thought that was really cool, so I ended up getting another unit to install permanently on my Nitro.

I know there are some other programs out there but none offer the whole package (using Navionics maps) like this program. I'll let everyone know how it works for me,