Maybe We Should Just Make Mel Happy

Dixie Dawg

Senior Member
***WARNING TO THOSE EASILY OFFENDED (You know who you are!!) This was written by a Jew! (and should be taken lightly with a little HUMOR... if you know what that is anymore....)***


Maybe We Should Just Make Mel Happy
Attacking anti-Semitism hasn't got us far in 3,000 years. It's time for some changes

Posted Sunday, Aug. 6, 2006
Most times, when someone spouts off about how awful the Jews are, I blow it off as ignorance. If the guy just got to know us, he would totally dig us. We're funny and warm and smart and totally self-effacing. We send Ben Stiller to Iran for a few weeks, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be opening up Noah's bagel shops in all the strip malls in Tehran. The only problem is that with just 0.02% of the world's population, we can't do nearly as many personal appearances as we'd like. That's why we took over the media.

But Mel Gibson knows us--personally. He's been in Hollywood for more than 20 years, virtually surrounded by Jews. If Mel doesn't like us, maybe it's finally time to stop blaming everyone else for the bigotry and scapegoating and start to look at ourselves. As the saying goes, If people hate you for 1,000 years, you can blame them; if you're persecuted for 2,000 years, maybe you're unlucky; but if they still want to kill you after 3,000 years, you have to ask yourself if you're doing something wrong.

So we Jews are going to have to make some slight adjustments to get on the world's good side. No more smiting our enslavers with locusts or refusing to convert during Inquisitions or giving ourselves Oscars for Holocaust documentaries. We've got to up our likability, get on people's good sides.

The first thing we have to do is drop the Chosen People™ marketing bit. It's not working. Not only is it not scaring people off as it was designed to do, but it comes off as sort of arrogant. I'm suggesting we change our official slogan to Just One of the Guys™ or the People Who Believe in Most of Your Bible™ or even the People Who, If History Is a Guide, Are Not Among God's Favorites.™ We'll need to get Karl Rove involved.

You know how a lot of Jewish performers change their names so they don't offend anyone with all that Jewishness? Emmanuel Goldberg changed his name to Edward G. Robinson, and Jonathan Leibowitz threw us all off the trail with Jon Stewart. How about if all the rest of the Jews do that too? I'm considering Joe Crockett. I also like the sound of Johnny Slayer. Plus, coming up with 14 million new names will be a kind of WPA project for all the Jewish writers. Because we have to back off the controlling-the-media thing a tad.

We could do ourselves a lot of good by stopping our whole Protocols of the Elders of Zion plan. It's been more than 100 years since the book has been out, and we have yet to come close to our goal of (I'm using the Iranian translation here) "extracting from the hands of the Lord many stars and galaxies." In fact, we have to yet to extract one single star or galaxy. Let's drop it! One of our methods of controlling the universe, according to the book, was to get people hooked on alcohol. And look how that backfired last week.

Also, we need to stop killing other people's messiahs. O.K., it was actually the Romans who killed Jesus, but we were there. And even if it had been us, you'd think the Catholics would thank us, since otherwise they'd have churches today full of statues of a bald old guy clutching his heart in hospice care, and who's showing up every Sunday for that? But still, it's better if we stay far away from any messiahs. Even if a guy clearly isn't the Messiah but is just saying he is--walk away. There's nothing to gain there.

Until Gibson told his arresting officers that "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," I didn't realize that was our thing. If it is, let's drop it. I would have thought that the guy who made Braveheart, The Patriot, Gallipoli and When We Were Soldiers and has directed some of the most violent, angry scenes in cinema would love war. But I guess he doesn't.

And most of all, we have to stop this finger wagging at Gibson. Endeavor agent Ari Emanuel has written that no studio should work with him anymore. Bad call. We don't want to get in a battle here. In a popularity contest between Mel Gibson and Jews, it doesn't look good for the Jews. Better we laugh this off, maybe respond with a gibe at the Australians, like how they make simplistic, overly fruit-forward red wines. Then we all have a chuckle and subtly suggest another dead language for him to teach himself for his next movie. We've got to give that guy as much busywork as possible.,9171,1223357-2,00.html


Senior Member
Funny stuff.

Dawg In the Swamp

Senior Member
Purdy funny.


Resident Homesteader
:D :D He is just an entertainer:yawn:


Senior Member
discounthunter said:
nice try to convert this to a religous forum but it still says Woody's OUTDOOR forum at the top.
its a spiritual debate and study forum. thats why it was posted in here and not in the deer hunting section or the turkey section, or the motor vehicles section. it is in order and in the right place.


Gone But Not Forgotten
I agree with PWalls about the ridicule of Jesus, and FestusHagin about this being the correct placement.
I enjoyed it; like you said, it was tongue-in-cheek.


Senior Member
Yes but even tongue and cheek can be blaphemus, even coming from one of my own.
He should get some new material, that stuff has been around for decades.


Senior Member
festus your right it is in the right spot my post perhaps is in the wrong one,just curious why someone would join an outdoor forum only to debate biblical stuff.would it be relavant for a hunter to join a religous site to discuss the newest in hunting gear.

Jeff Phillips

Senior Member
discounthunter said:
festus your right it is in the right spot my post perhaps is in the wrong one,just curious why someone would join an outdoor forum only to debate biblical stuff.would it be relavant for a hunter to join a religous site to discuss the newest in hunting gear.

It would be fine. If the site had a hunting forum along with the spiritual stuff:D


Senior Member
discounthunter said:
festus your right it is in the right spot my post perhaps is in the wrong one,just curious why someone would join an outdoor forum only to debate biblical stuff.would it be relavant for a hunter to join a religous site to discuss the newest in hunting gear.
if there was a section for such discussion then yes it would be appropriate


Senior Member
discounthunter said:
festus your right it is in the right spot my post perhaps is in the wrong one,just curious why someone would join an outdoor forum only to debate biblical stuff.would it be relavant for a hunter to join a religous site to discuss the newest in hunting gear.
I guess if a nonoutdoorsperson joined this site JUST for the spiritual forum(s) that might be a little odd but they'd obviously be welcomed.
Hey, Linwood joined JUST for the political forum. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Hey, show me an outdoorsman who doesn't marvel at God's creation and appreciate His majesty everytime they go outside, and you will have an example of a dead or still heart.

Dixie Dawg

Senior Member
discounthunter said:
festus your right it is in the right spot my post perhaps is in the wrong one,just curious why someone would join an outdoor forum only to debate biblical stuff.would it be relavant for a hunter to join a religous site to discuss the newest in hunting gear.

If you are referring to me :rolleyes: I didn't join this forum 'only to debate biblical stuff'. I joined nearly 2 years ago, long before this part of the forum existed. I've learned a lot of non-biblical 'stuff' from the folks on here. If you don't like what I post, there is always the option to ignore me ;)

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