Over pressuring stands


Political Forum Town Crier
I give stands a break for a few days not because they are pressured, just because I get tired of looking at the same stuff!

During the rut pressure or not I’m hunting where I see the most does at!

Longhorn 16

Senior Member
I hunt the same stand all season. The guys who bounce from stand to stand don’t get the results their after.

With that being said I am in a ridge that I can access without bothering the deer. It’s common to get in my spot while deer are in the plot and leave after the hunt and deer are still there. The wind is your friend.


Senior Member
Depends on the situation. If I have one patterned I hunt him hard as I can until i feel like he has spooked or he’s dead. But now that my bucks are grazing around eating all these acorns I’m just shooting from the hip huntin food sources hoping I come across one. Not hunting one stand to often unless you never get busted or spook deer.

Wayne D Davis

Senior Member
I jump back and worth from wma to wma to Corp land..... doe down today makes 3.... now I can relax and buck hunt. Found 2 rubbed trees and 4 scrapes today while trailing blood


Senior Member
Scout more than you hunt until you find out where it's really happening. Once you find the IT spot wear it out, with a climber you can hunt the same area but vary your aproach and tree depending on wind direction etc.....
Most folks get caught up in doing the same thing that worked last year or the year before. With the obvious exception of travel coridors too much changes from year to year for the same old spot to produce


Senior Member
I'm not as young as I used to be. And am about 75 pounds heavier, not all fat. But it wasn't nothing for me to climb three or four different trees in an area over a full days hunt. I will and always will believe you have the best opportunity to kill a mature buck in your first sitting. I now only hunt a stand once and want hunt it again for a week or two. You can do all the prep you want but after a sitting or two your scent, your sweat your bug spray whatever will taint that area. My .02


Senior Member
I generally don't hunt a spot over 3 times a season, never 2 days in a row. Seems like I see less and less deer the more I hunt an area. If I don't see any deer after 2 tries I won't go for a third.

Buck Dropper

Senior Member
I think every property, every stand, and every group of deer are different.

I have plenty of places to hunt so I typically move around quite a bit just to see a different spot.

I hunted the same ladder stand many times last year. Probably the most I have ever hunted one stand in a close time frame. From Oct. 1 to Oct. 29th, I hunted it 14 times. On the 14th sit, I killed a mature 8 point. I saw deer every sit. I was hunting a clear cut right in the middle of a big travel corridor. The buck I killed on the 29th was on trail camera over a mile away on the night of the 27th. Me sitting that stand 14 times made zero difference to him; he wasn't even in the area. But, I knew the rut was on and eventually I would catch a big one slipping through.

On a few of my other stands, that would never happen. After the 4th or 5th sit, they are already sensing my pressure and wait until dark.

You have to get to know your property.

Mark K

I think every property, every stand, and every group of deer are different.

I have plenty of places to hunt so I typically move around quite a bit just to see a different spot.

I hunted the same ladder stand many times last year. Probably the most I have ever hunted one stand in a close time frame. From Oct. 1 to Oct. 29th, I hunted it 14 times. On the 14th sit, I killed a mature 8 point. I saw deer every sit. I was hunting a clear cut right in the middle of a big travel corridor. The buck I killed on the 29th was on trail camera over a mile away on the night of the 27th. Me sitting that stand 14 times made zero difference to him; he wasn't even in the area. But, I knew the rut was on and eventually I would catch a big one slipping through.

On a few of my other stands, that would never happen. After the 4th or 5th sit, they are already sensing my pressure and wait until dark.

You have to get to know your property.
Best answer yet!! Providing the wind is right I have several stands I could sit the entire season and still see deer and mature bucks.