Remembering-"The Old Days"


Do you ever pass by a certain area, smell a particular smell or hear a destinctive sound that just takes you back to your younger years? I guess its like someone said -Every man will "feel young" twice in his life.


Senior Member
Back in my younger days

Everytime I go by a camp ground and smell a wood fire or some one cooking breakfast it reminds me of when my family would camp. We would usually be in the Smokies or up in north Georgia. That was some 40 years ago but the smell of a campfire stills stirs the memories.


Joe Moran

Senior Member
Frying bacon on an iron skillet at camp. That smell always reminds me of camping with my folks when I was a kid.


Senior Member
hooters does it for me!

;) :D :bounce:


Remember back when there were no remote control tvs or no cable and just black and white tv when your friends parents or your parents plural mom and dad use to disciplin the whole neighborhood and didnt get sued by another parent for it there were real glass coke bottles and you got a deposit refund for bringing them back and gas was way under a dollar a gallon just some of the good ole days oh yea and no computers sometimes that was a good thing and what happened to the good cartoons whats up with the stuff on tv now wheres foghorn leghorn gone and andy griffith thats one of my favs.
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Senior Member
that avatar does it for me!!!! (the ones on either side of ya that is)....