Trip Report: Georgia Trophy Hunts



OK, so I finally did my first deer hunt ever. Contacted three outfitter/guides all in south GA. This was in early December. Gary was the only one that called me personally; the other two it was an email discussion, which I hate as it is time consuming. He recommended I NOT come down the week I originally wanted, as the weather was going to be warm and wet and my chances of success were smaller. This with no assurance from me I would be able make it another time. I see that as a combination of customer concern and...what? Honesty? Niceness? Toward the end of December I rang him again, and we found a time that would work. He recommended some days based on the Sol Lunar tables. I drove down early in the morning, and met him at the lodging in plenty of time to stow my gear, get into my huntin' stuff (old military garb I've hung on to), get a safety briefing, review of lodge and hunt procedures, discuss tactics, deer size, etc. OK, now off with one of the guides to a tree stand. As this is my first time, I of course took way to much junk into the stand. Oh yeah, they loaned me a phone as Sprint doesn't have any coverage. The stand was along a creek and faced a food plot with woods to the other side; it was a 40 by 150 yard shooting lane. Alright enough details. Hunted in different stands over the next three days, morning and evening with a short break for a meal at the lodge, discussion of tactics, etc. Bart, one of the guides, ran me into town so I could get some business taken car of on day two. Nice touch. He and Trey, the other guide, showed me rubs, tracks, deer poo, etc. and were patient with so many questions from an enthusiastic noob. Mel, a third guide and general helper, thoughtfully bought me a thermos to take some hot coffee into the blind with me after I forgot to buy one on the trip into town. I didn't forget the Jameson's, though. Ok, now to the numbers: Of the 7 hunters who I overlapped with, two were repeat customers, and a total of 7 deer were killed. Two keeper bucks, three buttons or spikes (all shot in dim light, so while a bummer, understandable) and two does. I got a doe. I saw and could have shot a 2 year old 4 point, but let it pass as the ROE is outside the ears and at least 6 points.
They provided me some hand and foot warmers, and Bart loaned me wind breaking bibs as I didn't have any. Bart and Trey skinned and boned my deer and did the "blooding" rite of passage, which of course involved some Scotch.
I have no experience with this, so lodging I would call adequate to cool. As in, an old farm house, with the Portico, a couple fireplaces, and plenty of bedrooms. I was in the "John Wayne" room with a private bath (and a small space heater with a resident Anole living under it). We only slept and bathed there. The rest of the time we hung out in Gary's and the guides quarters which are next to the main house.
The meals, while not fancy, were perfectly acceptable to my unsophisticated palette. Biscuits, sausage, chili, roast, chicken, etc. Not much in the veggies department, so if you have shall we say system issues bring some fibre.
Overall this was a very good first experience for me. I am planning on retuning next season, hopefully in the full blown rut so I can see what that's all about.
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Da Possum

Campfire Helper
That sounds very cool!! How much did you pay?


Senior Member
Minimum 8 point and 15" spread and the other guys shot 3 button bucks or spikes???? Dang...I'd get deep into their pockets for that if I were the owner of that operation. Glad you had a good time though...that's what its all about.

Core Lokt

Senior Member
A guy at work used to guide at that place for 4-5 yrs. He hasn't in the last 3 yrs. During the time he did some really big deer were killed. Sounds like they went above and beyond on several things other places would have not.


Senior Member
My group hunted with Gary and Mel a couple of years ago. They are truly great people and will do their best for you to get on a trophy buck. We went in November, but ran into 85 + degree weather so you could imagine deer movement was very minimal. The 11 year old son of one of our group ended up with a nice buck, and I ended up shooting a doe. Slow deer movement aside, we had a great time with some great people, and will definitely be returning again soon.


Senior Member
To me a good hunting experience will outweigh a big buck kill with poor services any day.


Senior Member
Was this your first ever deer hunt?

Sounds like you had a great time


Total NOOB

Yes it was my first ever ever ever deer hunt. I got an Elk in New Mexico a couple years ago, also on a guided hunt on private land. I figger I don't do my own doctorin', and I don't have that much time, so go ahead do your due diligence and pay an (keep your finger's crossed) expert to show the way. Both experiences have been successful.