

Senior Member
Looks like the fly larvae that people refer to as "wolves" have hatched out from under his skin.
I can't really zoom in on pics. I'm thinking your seeing something I can't.
I have heard old timers talk about wolves but I have never seen them in action. A quick Google search will detour must from hunting before the first Frost.


Senior Member
It looks really painful when those things hatch out. I've seen squirrels going through it before and you could walk right up to them. A giant grub just erupts out of their skin.

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
An old squirrel will getting to eating fermented persimmons and get bout half drunk. I have a video some where's of one that kept falling off a tree. Some people call them wolves, but I always heard wobbles. Bot fly larva either way.


Senior Member
I just figured they were just little things like tics just a little worse put the pictures I found were horrible!!! That is just torture. I heard bot flies as well.


Senior Member
An old squirrel will getting to eating fermented persimmons and get bout half drunk. I have a video some where's of one that kept falling off a tree. Some people call them wolves, but I always heard wobbles. Bot fly larva either way.
Hey hillbilly would you be able to load the video? I would like to see a drunk squirrel.

Hooked On Quack

Er uhm, is this thread about squirrels eating turpentine (aka, green pine cones) ???

Mark K

It was to you...and your fascination with ole bushy tail! Post away man! At least no one is disagreeing with anything, lol.


Senior Member
10 4.
I have no idea why I am so intrigued by furry tails. It's just what I'm into. I might out grow it one day.

Mark K

The flying squirrels brought back a memory...
Sitting in a ladder stand leaned up against an oak. Just breaking day and all of a sudden something above me explodes and critters and leaves are falling all over me!! The only way I stayed in the stand is because the gun strap had hooked the corner of it when it was laying across my lap...otherwise I would have hit the deck!
Turns out an owl or pair of owls hit a nest of flying squirrels (and I thought they were cavity nesters). When they hit that thing flying squirrels and the nest came raining down on me. Squirrels were gliding every which direction, lol!! Talk about an adrenaline rush!! Been fascinated with those things ever since.
I’ll see their eyes on trail cams near one of my feeders, guess they do their feeding and roaming at night because I’ve seen very few during the daylight hours.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
a few years ago, my son and I were in a 2 man ladder stand, down on the river bottoms. There are lots of really tall poplar trees down in there, and all the leaves were off the trees. The sun had come up, and warming things up. Sqwerls were out, running on the ground, and up and down those poplar trees. There was one sqwerl that was way up in the tip top of one of the taller trees, and I pointed it out to Dylan. Looked like he was sunning and warming up. Right then, a big ole red tail hawk came in from the north, and snatched him right out of the top of the tree, banked to the left and and headed east. It was the last the sqwerls played around there for a good 30 minutes or more. They all went into hiding


Senior Member
If one sees a hawk the go crazy. Not crazy like when they see a human or yote. You can literally hear the woods all around screaming with squirrel chatter. You can watch them all go crazy searching for a hiding place.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
That hawk never made a sound, he was in, swoop, and gone with that sqwerl. It got real still and real quiet after the hawk came thru.

Dylan did manage to kill a small doe about 45 minutes later that morning. He really loves deer jerky