Why do processors give you more than a pound?


Senior Member
Every deer cooler I've ever used always gives back the ground meat in 1.5 lb packs. Why is that? What a pain.


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
Mine gives you the option of 1lb or 2 lb. Steve Leonhardt in Putnam County


Senior Member
From doing my own, and I tried one pound packs, that ain't much meat at all. I usually put around a pound and a half in a pack. Wastes a heap of packaging I think


Senior Member
I would imagine the more meat they put in a package cuts down on their wrapping time, and packaging costs. but usually they give you a choice, one I had done in ground and cube last year did all my ground in one pound tubes,


"Useless Billy" Fire Chief.
Don’t know, but we package our ground and cube in one pound packs. Straps and neck are packaged big enough for several meals.


Staff member
I do mine in 1 lb packs because that's what most recipes call for.