Do you lock your doors?


Staff member
Mine will rip your ankles off. He would rip your throat out, but he can't reach anything but ankles. :bounce:
Except if you bring an ice cream sammich, he'll probably show you where I hide all the valuables. :rofl:


Old and Ornery
Staff member
I brought all my suburban metro stuff to the swamp. We lock all doors, have security cameras, and the house is lit up like Las Vegas.
No issues here except a few reports of porch pirates around Christmas.

I don`t like outside security lights and keep our place in the dark at night. If a thief or anybody goes plundering around he`s gonna have to bring his own light. I`m not gonna give him the light to see. And he`s taking a chance walking around my place after dark on a warm night, I won`t even walk outside around my place with no flashlight. And I`m not scared of the dark.


Senior Member
My front and back door are usually unlocked during the day. We lock them before bed or occasionally when we are not home.


Senior Member
I didn't used to lock my doors.

Then one day I realized my neighbor had let her meth head nephew move in with them. Then his friend started staying there too. Then their skinny girlfriends, then the babies,,,, vicious cycle. The guys had a favorite past time of throwing knives into the tree in their yard. It was obvious that they thought they were ninja's and were preparing to use these throwing knives in "self defense". One day they came up my driveway seeking help to get their truck out of a mud hole and I got a good look at these hoodlums. Boy these kids were rough. I declined and sent them on their way. Most of that gang has since relocated/prison/dead,,, who knows.

About five or six years ago I had my truck stolen out of my driveway,,, never to resurface. A few doors down a neighbor had his truck stolen the same night.

So yes,,,,,, I do currently lock my doors.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
I live in the city. In a small town. Back in the day nothing was ever locked. Just in the last few years we lock the house. The boy started that and now it's just habit. Don't lock the cars, just don't leave anything in them. I'd rather them take a pair of sunglasses or something than have to repair a broken window or worse trying to break into the car. We do have cameras and LOTS of flood lights.


Senior Member
I don`t like outside security lights and keep our place in the dark at night. If a thief or anybody goes plundering around he`s gonna have to bring his own light. I`m not gonna give him the light to see. And he`s taking a chance walking around my place after dark on a warm night, I won`t even walk outside around my place with no flashlight. And I`m not scared of the dark.
It’s a good debate. We kept the lake house super dark, but when I say Las Vegas, I mean Las Vegas :rofl:

I have an excellent security system that we won’t go into in the web, but one day over a campfire I will divulge what an OCD system entails. :bounce:

I will send you a PM picture but don’t want to put on here.


Senior Member
When we remember. forget to lock the house all of the time; forget the garage door open at least a few times a month. At the shack in the hills, always as there are local pillbillies roaming around at night. Even then though, I have forgotten Dewalt tools on the front porch many times and have never had anything stolen. There is a sticker on both doors that says, 'nothing inside is worth dying for'.
Stickers like that do nothing but announce the likelihood of unattended and easy to steal guns when the homeowner is gone.


Senior Member
We all know locks will only keep some people out.If some fool wants to burgle you,nothing but a gun or a big dog will stop the meth heads..


Goatherding non socialist bohemian luddite
I have a friend that hunts in Eastern KY and he said it is terrible there. Poverty and meth...
You might as well draw a little circle round that mid atlantic appalachian region and just label it "we all gave up." I feel bad for the folks that live there and try to do something with their lives.


Goatherding non socialist bohemian luddite
Their plight is similar to the Natives on the reservations.
Their plight is the same as all men who choose excuses instead of effort. Unless you are talkin bout the folks tryin. Then i see your point
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Yep lock up the house, cars, you name it, it’s locked. When living in Conyers, wife and daughter drove the truck somewhere and failed to lock it. It was hunting season and I left a heavy coat in the back seat, next morning came out and it and a cheap phone charger were gone. I was smart enough not to leave any other hunting gear in the truck. I never leave anything of value in a vehicle overnight.


GON Weatherman
Mine will rip your ankles off. He would rip your throat out, but he can't reach anything but ankles. :bounce:
Nope...that's their MO. Attack the ankles simultaneously, taking the intruder to their knees and subsequently a horizontal position, then straight for the throat.

A multi-staged attack, carried out in a smooth, deathly precision. DBD="death by dachshund".


Nearly impossible to thwart everything, we're aiming to move the would-bes along to the next target. Lock up, pay attention, have a plan, have a backup plan, invest in a great dog, and roll the dice.


King Casanova
Is this what you are talking about EE 444?

Core Lokt,
That is it and they have worked great for me over the past 12-15 years or so. I have also given several of these units to my relatives and friends and they all have advised that they work fantastic for them and their families as well. The sensor noise level can also be adjusted to be a loud sound or also a much lower sound as I keep the receivers nearby me as I sleep each night and they easily wake me up with either setting.
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Senior Member
Ever since I've lived at 4321 Georgia Drive, I leave all my money in the cookie jar and my doors wide open. Never any issues.


Senior Member
Core Lokt,
That is it and they have worked great for me over the past 12-15 years or so. I have also given several units to my relatives and friends and they all have advised that they work fantastic for them and their families as well.
I will be buying this,on your say-so.