Barking Squirrels


Senior Member
Since I have a good population of squirrels at my main hunting area I tend to pay attention to them. In years past a squirrel that all of a sudden barks and then gets still and quiet has always ment something else is nearby. I've seen them do it to deer, hogs, coyotes and people.


I try to let my attention be drawn to anything that changes in the woods around me. That would include quiet squirrels that start barking and barking squirrels that become quiet.


nickel back

Senior Member
had a tree rat going crazy one morning, he told on a 8 point trying to slip by.

I have had tree rats tell on deer many times, I always,always pay attention to the direction they are at are looking towards...


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
I have had tree rats tell on deer many times, I always,always pay attention to the direction they are at are looking towards...

This ^^^^^

Not always the cause of barking but many times


Senior Member
I thought you meant "barking" squirrels by shooting the limb under them to keep from messing up any meat with a big rifle or slug. Saw a squirrel barking at a turkey last week.


Senior Member
Was very interested at the first time I got to observe a deer's reaction to a barking squirrel though.

A doe bedded in front of me for a long while paid little to no attention to all the stuff I tossed out of my tree stand hoping to get her up and moving off (lunch time). But she jerked her nodding head up anytime a squirrel sounded off. She awoke and paid attention each and every time.

Sounds like she know the rules for barking squirrels too! Pay attention, something might be coming.