Blaze orange law tweak!

red neck richie

Senior Member
And you seem to be missing mine. The reason for the hunters orange in a blind, climber or ground blind is not for the purposes of being seen by other hunters, it's because of those that would go beyond the law and NOT wear them to the stand/ground blind or climber and then get shot walking to or from their spot. They are already doing that now as you can read on this thread, and that's with a law on the books that says you can't!! Change that law and you are just opening it up for more people to do that and push the law even more. Speed limit is 55 what do people do, go 65, move the speed to 65 what to people do, go 70, move the speed limit to 70 what do people do they do 75, you see it's just human nature to push the limits. The way the law reads is safer and easier to enforce as you have to put it on and leave it on at all times while hunting, see no loopholes, you either have it on at all times or you don't, easy to enforce and less we have to worry about other hunters being shot.
I think what Miggy is saying is isn't that on them?


Senior Member
I think what Miggy is saying is isn't that on them?

I don't care who it's on, someone shot and someone got hurt or worse, died!! Does it matter that the guys who shot other hunters while turkey hunting were in the wrong....NO, not to the guy who got shot!!! He could care less at that point..he's been shot and he may have even been in a ground blind when it happened!! You don't or won't even take into consideration the number of hunters NOT shot because the hunter had an orange vest on. Is the government legislating common sense....YES, is it so wrong that they do that on an item that deer can't see anyway....NO. Don't give me this hokum about how the government is telling you what to do on your land, they have more than you to deal with in this situation. They just didn't wake up one day and say hey, hunters should have to wear orange; things happened, bad things that brought this about for the safety of, not just you, but others around you and it might not have been because of anyone in Georgia, it may have been because of hunters in Illinois, Kansas, Iowa, the entire Northeast, who knows. Miggie wants all the blame to fall on the person who shot the gun, but who cares who shot it if you are the one on the other end. The law is there in an attempt to negate that situation from happening to begin with.

This conversation is moot anyways because the laws are what they are and I don't see them changing anytime soon just so you can feel better about hunting in your climber/ground blind or whatever stand you think the deer are seeing you in. I don't care if you wear it or not, that's on you and if you don't wear your orange then you take your chances, not only in getting a ticket but at getting shot at as well.

Feel better now Miggie, I fixed it.
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Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
This conversation is mute anyways because the laws are what they are and I don't see them changing anytime soon
Settle down Alice.

The word you are looking for is "moot" and the laws in Georgia already require that hunters wear blaze orange 100% of the time they are in the woods deer hunting. If you want to change the law to include turkey season (turkeys are not color blind though) then have at it.

If you want to make it mandatory that Buffy wear orange when she leaves her house to walk Fifi and Bowser you are going to get laughed off of the planet and ridiculed by every hunter out there for making it look like all hunters are irresponsible idiots and for drawing the anti's into the discussion.

OR you could take my suggestion and lobby to have it changed to a criminal charge when an idiot hunter fails to identify his target and murders another hunter or even worse, an innocent civilian going about their day.

If you can't see the deliniation between topics there and the fact that they are not one single topic for discussion then might I suggest a strong adult beverage and a Xanax.

We all got what you repeated ad nauseum and you continually missed the point, so drop it.


Senior Member
Settle down Alice.

The word you are looking for is "moot" and the laws in Georgia already require that hunters wear blaze orange 100% of the time they are in the woods deer hunting. If you want to change the law to include turkey season (turkeys are not color blind though) then have at it.

If you want to make it mandatory that Buffy wear orange when she leaves her house to walk Fifi and Bowser you are going to get laughed off of the planet and riciculed by every hunter out there for making it look like all hunters are irresponsible idiots and for drawing the anti's into the discussion.

OR you could take my suggestion and lobby to have it changed to a criminal charge when an idiot hunter fails to identify his target and murders another hunter or even worse, an innocent civilian going about their day.

If you can't see the deliniation between topics there and the fact that they are not one single topic for discussion then might I suggest a strong adult beverage and a Xanax.

We all got what you repeated ad nauseum and you continually missed the point, so drop it.


Dr Coats

New Member
Is it time to look at changing it to having to wear orange to and from the stand but once seated inside you can take it off? Let your camouflage do its purpose instead of covering it up. I have attached three photos of three different blinds and you cant see orange in any of them. Please stay on topic as I am just looking for your opinions.

I have always liked how AL does it; their law states once you are in an elevated position and 12 feet or higher from the ground you may remove the orange, or at least it has been that way for as long as I can remember. I personally don’t like the display option once in the stand, I’d rather be as natural as possible.


Chief Big Taw
I have always liked how AL does it; their law states once you are in an elevated position and 12 feet or higher from the ground you may remove the orange, or at least it has been that way for as long as I can remember. I personally don’t like the display option once in the stand, I’d rather be as natural as possible.

What part of the body is used to determine 12 feet? The highest or lowest?


Slow Mod
Staff member
Yeah, yeah, but what about the doughnut kickbacks from the blaze orange folks.


Senior Member
Hunter Orange was put in place so the wardens can find you easier, it had nothing to do with safety of the hunter.
How many Game Wardens see wearing orange when they are out in the woods..... I have only seen them in khaki shirts and green pants. Natures natual colors.


Senior Member
If you are "IN" a stand aren't you mainly covered up no matter what you're wearing? I thought studies have shown that deer don't see orange like humans, so orange wouldn't matter as far as the deer are concerned.
That is correct. Deer cannot detect orange or any other color in that spectrum.


Senior Member
Don't wear something that would show you are not a deer, then post they should prosecute anyone that accidently shoots someone is dumb. If they changed anything it should be a blaze orange hat, but to worry about wearing your orange when in a blind and deer can't detect it anyway...…………………………..


Senior Member
Line of sight.
If you’re 20’ up a tree, and is someone 200 yards away from you their line of sight is almost eye level to you. Say you are in one side of a clear cut 30’ up a tree with no orange on. Well Billy Bob is 300 yards on the other side of that same clear cut and decides to “check” is rifle. BB fires a shot across the clear cut. Well his line of sight is level with you. But hey do what you want. Deer dont see orange. Movement is your worst enemy. That and scent. Just my 2 cent.

Moose Master

GONetwork Member
This thread is quite entertaining! :pop: I'm glad we still have the old popcorn eating emoji. Should be good entertainment for days.

I would put this discussion in the "natural selection" category. There are some folks who believe that not wearing orange increases their chances of killing a deer, all the while probably sitting in the stand smoking American Spirits and eating pork rinds (for the record I love pork rinds). I too take great issue with big brother and his many thousands of mandates, but they do have a way of educating those without common sense every once in a while.

I may start a thread about who wears seatbelts. My guess is that many folks who don't wear orange are the same ones who don't wear seatbelts. You know, "they're too confining......if my car catches on fire I may not get out....."

Free will is the most amazing gift. You can play the life lottery I guess. Odds are in your favor. Most likely nothing will happen to you. But consider the families of people who have been shot when a simple thing such as a little orange would have saved a life. Amazing how trivial we've gotten.

I too have private land and still wear orange. I've not seen a game warden on our property in the 20 years we've been there, and my guess is I probably won't in the next 20. That being said, I like living, I don't trust poachers, I understand that deer will smell me looooooong before they see me, we have kids and teenagers in our family who hunt, and I was blessed with an average dose of common sense.

My guess is that most of the people opposed to wearing orange in the stand just don't like being told what to do. Just remember, it's for your own good. Do your family a favor and wear your orange. It just might save your life the next time you get out of the stand and forget to put it back on....