Career changer seeking information


New Member
Hopefully, I have the correct subforum for this particular question. If not, then I apologize in advance, and will gladly relocate my question to the right place as soon as someone calls it to my attention.

Anyway, I'm looking for information on jobs in natural resources, forestry, agriculture, etc. Kind of a "where could I fit in" sort of issue.

Here's some background. I'm in my seventh year of teaching high school English. I started teaching because I wanted to write, not because I wanted to teach. Big mistake on my part. I've since discovered through speaking with several career counselors that a career in natural resources is more up my alley.

I love being outside. I love camping, fishing, and would probably love hunting if I ever had the opportunity (and cash) to go out and do it. Without getting all "nature boy" on all of you, when I'm out in the woods, it feels like I'm coming home. Like I'm more myself. I simply cannot thrive in those whitewashed cinderblock classrooms.

I know I want to do something that allows me to be outside, lets me walk in the woods, explore, problem solve, create, etc. Something that lets me be close to nature. I don't know if that means DNR, forestry, working with the USGS, the USDA, working with conservation societies, working in national parks, or what. I even had someone suggest possibly working for a power company.

Here's the problem: My college degree is in English. English education, to be specific. Aside from taking a few geology/astronomy courses here and there to satisfy my core, I have no educational experience working with science. I love science, and most of it I can figure out on my own, but I'm pretty much entirely self-taught.

As far as skills go, I have plenty. I can write, speak, present, communicate, negotiate, and analyze with the best of them. I'm great with computers and technology. I can teach/train, too, but I'd rather not be stuck back in a classroom if I can avoid it.

So, the big $64 question: Where could a creative, nature loving communicator and problem solver fit in these sorts of industries? What sort of niche could someone with my experience find in this outdoor-centric sort of work? Would it be possible to find any jobs with salaries comparable to my current teaching salary (~$37,000 per year)?

Thank you all in advance for your help.



Hmmmm....I know the market is tough right now, but have you ever thought about a career in land surveying?