Championship game tonight! Let's go Atlanta United!


Senior Member
Should've gone. Not having it widely available on TV was crap. Bet it was amazing live.

Another trophy in the cabinet, and another shot at the Champions League.


Senior Member
First 30 were awesome! Team was on fire. Let off the gas before half. Then got punched in the mouth with that goal 2 minutes in the 2nd half. After LGP's red card, things got tense. But the boys got it done!

Reffing as usual, was suspect at best. Weak sauce.


Senior Member
Did you see Josef's interviews? Bahahaha
I watched some of his live stream on Instagram, it was pretty funny stuff. My Spanish is no good, but I chuckled once or twice.

It proved my suspicion that many Latino athletes know English just fine, they choose to use a translator because they don't know "polite" English.


Senior Member
Josef has been taking taking classes on English. When he won the player of the year last year, he tried doing his whole speech in English. Made it 50% through, then got emotional, and switched to Spanish. Props for trying. Many don't!

But to your point, you are totally correct. Understanding, and speaking it on a media driven circus are two different things.