Doctrine of Satan


Senior Member
One must realize that ignorance is no guarantee against working of evil spirits. In fact, this is one of the chief means by which they try to control man. If they can get anyone to accept their suggestions, doctrines, ideas, leadings, and guidance in the least degree, then they will be satisfied with that much ground gained; but they will be tireless in activity to gain more ground. Paul warned believers not to "give place to the devil" Eph. 4:27 and to "put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil . . . . to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked" Eph. 6:10-18. When a person becomes contentious over doctrines not plainly stated in Scripture, and that are contrary to Scripture, he is a victim of demon possession and demon teaching. A person under the control of the Holy Spirit will be gentle, humble, honest, and open minded to truth. He will be eager to accept as truth what is shown him to be plainly written in the Word of God. He will not be stubborn to hold on to personal ideas or to prove that he is right in total disregard of what the Bible says. He will be ready and willing to accept new truth and to walk in the light as he receives it 1 Jn. 1:7.


Senior Member
When one is born again and becomes a spiritual person, he enters into the realm of supernatural and spiritual, and he should begin a study of the Bible to see what it teaches and how he should walk and how to conduct spiritual warfare. If he neglects to be on guard and fails to be aggressive against satanic powers, he is liable to be defeated by them. There is not one thing to be afraid of if one lives a conscientious Christian life by reading the Bible and praying daily and by walking and living in the Spirit according to light received by the Bible Col. 2:6-8; Gal. 5:16-26; Rom. 8:1-13; 1 Jn. 1:7. One should get up every morning and pray and have faith in God's help through the day. He should always meditate on the Scriptures and refuse to do one thing contrary to the known will of God as he sees the Bible and there will be no danger of being deceived.


Senior Member
The True Manifestation Of The Holy Spirit Will Be Earmarked By:

A Christ-like spirit of love, patience, and faith in God.

Soberness and keenness of spirit vision.

Deep humility of heart and meekness of spirit, with a lion-like courage against sin, sickness, poverty, disease, discouragement, failure, and every other thing that could cause defeat in the Christian life.

Absolute clearness of the mental faculties in intelligent action to carry out Bible instructions concerning known duty and personal life as a Christian.

Freedom from all fault-finding, surmising, whispering, or slander to anyone, and freedom from all works of the flesh that are listed in Rom. 1:29-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21; Mk. 7:19-21.

The lack of any condemning and judging spirit, or seeking to hurt anyone by thought, word, or deed. All divine leadings will be for edification and betterment of all concerned and will be in accord with the golden rule Matt. 7:12.

Freedom from all ignorance concerning the divine will at the moment. When one is moved upon to act quickly and urgently without knowing whether the act will glorify God or not, it will be best to wait and pray until it is clear beyond all doubt that God wants such action. If it is God moving one to something, it will not insult Him to try the spirit and intelligently judge whether the proposed act is biblical or not, for God commands this kind of judgment on our part before we act. If it is God, one can wait until he is assured by God in several ways before he acts. Like Gideon of old, who sought two impossible signs before he knew the will of God. However, one must not be guided entirely by so-called fleeces. He must judge all fleeces by the Word of God and wait until he knows it is God asking him to do something. All acts of God will be primarily for the liberation of men from sin, for the deliverance of the body from pain, sickness, and want, or for some other good things that someone needs to have done for him. All works of the devil tends to blind, cause sin, discouragement, lack of faith, and failure in life.

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Senior Member
The True Manifestation Of The Holy Spirit Will Be Earmarked By:

A Christ-like spirit of love, patience, and faith in God.

Soberness and keenness of spirit vision.

Deep humility of heart and meekness of spirit, with a lion-like courage against sin, sickness, poverty, disease, discouragement, failure, and every other thing that could cause defeat in the Christian life.

Absolute clearness of the mental faculties in intelligent action to carry out Bible instructions concerning known duty and personal life as a Christian.

Freedom from all fault-finding, surmising, whispering, or slander to anyone, and freedom from all works of the flesh that are listed in Rom. 1:29-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21; Mk. 7:19-21.

The lack of any condemning and judging spirit, or seeking to hurt anyone by thought, word, or deed. All divine leadings will be for edification and betterment of all concerned and will be in accord with the golden rule Matt. 7:12.

Freedom from all ignorance concerning the divine will at the moment. When one is moved upon to act quickly and urgently without knowing whether the act will glorify God or not, it will be best to wait and pray until it is clear beyond all doubt that God wants such action. If it is God moving one to something, it will not insult Him to try the spirit and intelligently judge whether the proposed act is biblical or not, for God commands this kind of judgment on our part before we act. If it is God, one can wait until he is assured by God in several ways before he acts. Like Gideon of old, who sought two impossible signs before he knew the will of God. However, one must not be guided entirely by so-called fleeces. He must judge all fleeces by the Word of God and wait until he knows it is God asking him to do something. All acts of God will be primarily for the liberation of men from sin, for the deliverance of the body from pain, sickness, and want, or for some other good things that someone needs to have done for him. All works of the devil tends to blind, cause sin, discouragement, lack of faith, and failure in life.

The True Manifestation Of The Holy Spirit Will Be Earmarked By:

"Absolute clearness of the mental faculties in intelligent action to carry out Bible instructions concerning known duty and personal life as a Christian."

When I read and hear that the Holy Spirit is the decongestant of the mental faculties as to intelligent action so to carry out bible instructions concerning known duty and personal life of a Christian... this makes the Comforter a headache reliever and the bible our teacher as to duty and personal life. If the Holy Spirit has a heart it is to heal the head and not at all towards the witness of all of Christ for us. It makes me "think" that I'm actually dead spiritually and my heart is a nest of worms at best. At my age my mental faculties are dimming, the only thing that keeps me spiritual is the blind boxer's heart. I worship with my feel. My head is slowly dying. If I must move in Christ it is for my heart. And besides my head and eyes are to old to fool around with mind games. My hits are not from the head... they are from the spine descending down to my feet. I plant them and let my heart move with power. And my head is something to keep out of the way such is the instruction of my God--- even to keep it out of the boxer's bible, but to trust by faith in his promise of a muscular heart--- and letting it do all the work of living.

Ah! the sons of the bible by their fighting lights they present out of the darkness with their doctrines-of-Satan to fight as the sons of God. My head must be ill to assemble such an image that such light is not good, but my heart has its own way to feel and its own eyes to see and formed from another source of light perhaps.

My heart, my arm is still and coiled in the reeds waiting for the saints to come in, a net to catch the woven cradles and hooded baskets made to float down the rivers to the sea. From their highways Christ would come and pluck them out each and every one, from their paper beddings that will only take them so far.
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Senior Member
Just as the devil requires lies in the minds of men to hold them in bondage, so God requires truth in the mind of the true working of the Holy Spirit. Demons will cause one to be hinder in every conceivable way from getting truth that will set one free from their hold on the life. With these things in mind, saints must beware of neglecting those things that will cause enlightenment in spiritual warfare, of falling and easy prey to criticism of others, of pressing cares of life which will keep them occupied from taking time to wage a successful spiritual warfare, forgetting easily those things that will give victory over sin and Satan, of neglecting prayer and reading the Bible to be spiritually prayed up and alert against the foe, of being discouraged when the conflict for the moment seems to be going against them, of failing to use the authority of Christ through His precious blood, His name and the Holy Spirit against evil powers, of failure to call upon God and resist the devil in special conflicts, and of failure to do the whole will of God intelligently as it becomes known as they walk in the light of the Word of God 1 Jn. 1:7.
Man is deceived when he thinks that sin will not have any effect upon him, that he will inherit the kingdom of God regardless of sin 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21, that he will reap what he sows Gal. 6:7, 8; that it is not necessary to obey the Bible Jas. 1:22; 2:10; and that he cannot be deceived 1 Cor. 10:12, 13; 2 Cor. 11:3-15; 1 Tim. 4:1-9; Eph. 6:10-18.


Senior Member
Man must be on his guard concerning doctrine, experience, and every phase of the Christian life. He must learn not to believe anything unless it is definitely stated In Scripture. It matters not if it comes from the best ministers in the land. It Should be judged by what the Bible says before it is accepted as truth. He must learn to guard against every impression, revelation, or whatever it might be, whether it comes from dreams, visions, preaching, or even while in prayer. The fact of a possibility of being deceived should keep everyone on guard and open to test everything by the Bible.
Many latter-day delusions can be traced back to a crisis in the life of the founders of the new religion who wanted truth and more of God. They threw themselves open to the supernatural and accepted demon doctrines and powers instead of judging what they received by the Bible. No man should blindly obey any spirit or believe any doctrine. Many of these leaders were more or less honest to begin with, and may yet be somewhat honest, but honesty is no guarantee against the working of the devil. Satan has no principle of righteousness, and he will take advantage of an honest heart if permitted, as quickly as of a dishonest one.


Senior Member
Until one gets acquainted with the Scriptures and the spiritual realm into which he enters in finding God, he should walk very carefully in prayer and read the Bible for more truth to obey. He must not permit anything to side-track him. If he falls, he must get up and rededicate himself to God and go on more aggressively against his foe than ever before. During the period of learning to distinguish truth from error, very few can guarantee that they are obeying God in every detail, and God only because there are many factors likely to intervene, such as the mind, spirit, will, desires, imaginations, imperfect knowledge and submissiveness, false ideas, and personal feelings, as well as numerous deceptive intrusions of evil spirits.
The beginner must learn to discern false spirits as well as false doctrines.


Senior Member
The knowledge of truth is the first essential in warfare on demons and error, so do not permit anything under the sun to stop you from knowing all the plan and doctrines of God. As you get to know truth, accept it and be thankful for it, and above all conform to it, and your life will become rich in knowledge and experience in the things of God.


Senior Member
God wants you to know He answers prayer and fulfills His promises to everyone that will have faith. He wants you to be healthy and prosperous; so take hold of the promises and pray in faith daily until you get what you want. Do not be discouraged if you do not get everything in a few days. The condition of sin and unbelief in you before you gave your heart to God to be born again was not brought about in a few days, and you faithfully continued for years creating such a condition. Now take the same dogged and patient attitude in destroying doubt and unbelief and in having faith in God and His Word, and He will answer prayer and give you what you ask.
You must be eager for more knowledge. Seek it earnestly fervently, and prayerfully and whit a sincere desire to know it and obey it as light is given. Don't permit one doubt to assail you. Kill all doubt. Refuse to live in unbelief and defeat. This is not your lot in life. You are now a child of God since you have been born again. If not do it now. Deliverance from lies must be by believing truth. Nothing can remove a lie but truth. Nothing can give you complete victory over evil but God through the precious blood of Christ.