Florida State investigating Jameis Winston


Redneck Emperor
Glad to see all the Dwag fans are still worried about everything FSU.

Nah man you've got me wrong. Y'all finally convinced me. Guys like you and alpha chief are so smart. I finally see what y'all have seen all along.

I'm on the FSU bandwagon baby. Because it is all about getting to brag. See everybody knows that you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. And so what if your team is lead by a criminal. Winning and getting to brag are the only things that matter in this life.

Because if your team wins a championship that means there must be something special about you if you are a fan of that team. I mean the fans have as much to do with the championship as the players. Really more if you think about it. If they didn't have guys like y'all sitting in the seats they wouldn't win anything. So y'all get to act like you had something to do with it and talk to people who root for other teams like somehow they don't measure up because their team didn't win a championship. I want in on that. I want to be part of that.

I mean who are these people to say anything about Famous and what he did. I mean who cares if he stole something? Their team doesn't have a championship. That's all we have to say. And how do they know he stole anything. They weren't there. The police could have made that up. Those cops are probably fans of a team that didn't win a championship and they're just jealous. Yah that's it!

Besides we know that nice guys finish last. They don't win championships. And if your team doesn't win championships that means there is something wrong with YOU. You have somehow failed as a person. You might as well not even get up in the morning.

And those SEC people. puuuhleeeeeeeeease. Florida State's championship means like a million times more than those seven that came before it out of the SEC. Why? Because we say it does and the only year that matters is the one when we win it all.

I'm on board! Who cares if I'm from Georgia. Everybody knows that if your home state team doesn't give you what you want you go find one that will. Because championships and getting to brag are the only things that matter.

FSU baby!


Redneck Emperor
Apparently all u mut fans do, maybe uga should steal one, then u would feel better about yourself and your crappy program. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Nah man don't laugh. That's just the truth. That's why I'm jumping n the bandwagon. See the reason our team won last year is because of us. Yeah baby!:cheers:

I'm loving this already.


Redneck Emperor
When your team hasn't done diddly squat IN 34 YEARS that's really all you can do is worry about teams that win the big game.

In the last 25 years FSU - 3 Titles. UGA - goose egg.


High five! Hahaha!

Ouch is right baby!

Tell em again.

When their team wins a championship the. And only then are they anybody who has a right to be here.

go Noles!

garnet and gold

Senior Member
Nah man you've got me wrong. Y'all finally convinced me. Guys like you and alpha chief are so smart. I finally see what y'all have seen all along.

I'm on the FSU bandwagon baby. Because it is all about getting to brag. See everybody knows that you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. And so what if your team is lead by a criminal. Winning and getting to brag are the only things that matter in this life.

Because if your team wins a championship that means there must be something special about you if you are a fan of that team. I mean the fans have as much to do with the championship as the players. Really more if you think about it. If they didn't have guys like y'all sitting in the seats they wouldn't win anything. So y'all get to act like you had something to do with it and talk to people who root for other teams like somehow they don't measure up because their team didn't win a championship. I want in on that. I want to be part of that.

I mean who are these people to say anything about Famous and what he did. I mean who cares if he stole something? Their team doesn't have a championship. That's all we have to say. And how do they know he stole anything. They weren't there. The police could have made that up. Those cops are probably fans of a team that didn't win a championship and they're just jealous. Yah that's it!

Besides we know that nice guys finish last. They don't win championships. And if your team doesn't win championships that means there is something wrong with YOU. You have somehow failed as a person. You might as well not even get up in the morning.

And those SEC people. puuuhleeeeeeeeease. Florida State's championship means like a million times more than those seven that came before it out of the SEC. Why? Because we say it does and the only year that matters is the one when we win it all.

I'm on board! Who cares if I'm from Georgia. Everybody knows that if your home state team doesn't give you what you want you go find one that will. Because championships and getting to brag are the only things that matter.

FSU baby!

Dangit boy, im sorry. I didnt realize cfb was your whole life. Maybe you should try posting after your meds kick in, and its not my fault that the team in your home state didnt give u what u want, but Im so glad mine did. :crazy:

Rebel Yell

That depends if you were the starting QB at FSU at the time...:rofl::rofl:

Actually, at the time of the rape, he was 3rd string, at best. He had never stepped on a football field or baseball diamond.

However, our starting wr was charged with rape around that same time. Yep, we protect 3rd string qb's, but those starting wideouts have to go.

Rebel Yell

You left out LIAR.

I was drugged....oops, no drugs found in my system.

Then, I had too much to drink... doh, BAC wasn't high enough to black out.

I must have been hit on the head..... dangit, no head injuries.

Who is the liar?

I bet y'all were all for throwing those boys at Duke under the jail, too.


Senior Member
Actually, at the time of the rape, he was 3rd string, at best. He had never stepped on a football field or baseball diamond.

However, our starting wr was charged with rape around that same time. Yep, we protect 3rd string qb's, but those starting wideouts have to go.

Didn't cha mean to say alleged???:huh::biggrin2:


Senior Member
Nah man you've got me wrong. Y'all finally convinced me. Guys like you and alpha chief are so smart. I finally see what y'all have seen all along.

I'm on the FSU bandwagon baby. Because it is all about getting to brag. See everybody knows that you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. And so what if your team is lead by a criminal. Winning and getting to brag are the only things that matter in this life.

Because if your team wins a championship that means there must be something special about you if you are a fan of that team. I mean the fans have as much to do with the championship as the players. Really more if you think about it. If they didn't have guys like y'all sitting in the seats they wouldn't win anything. So y'all get to act like you had something to do with it and talk to people who root for other teams like somehow they don't measure up because their team didn't win a championship. I want in on that. I want to be part of that.

I mean who are these people to say anything about Famous and what he did. I mean who cares if he stole something? Their team doesn't have a championship. That's all we have to say. And how do they know he stole anything. They weren't there. The police could have made that up. Those cops are probably fans of a team that didn't win a championship and they're just jealous. Yah that's it!

Besides we know that nice guys finish last. They don't win championships. And if your team doesn't win championships that means there is something wrong with YOU. You have somehow failed as a person. You might as well not even get up in the morning.

And those SEC people. puuuhleeeeeeeeease. Florida State's championship means like a million times more than those seven that came before it out of the SEC. Why? Because we say it does and the only year that matters is the one when we win it all.

I'm on board! Who cares if I'm from Georgia. Everybody knows that if your home state team doesn't give you what you want you go find one that will. Because championships and getting to brag are the only things that matter.

FSU baby!


Nah man you've got me wrong. Y'all finally convinced me. Guys like you and alpha chief are so smart. I finally see what y'all have seen all along.

I'm on the FSU bandwagon baby. Because it is all about getting to brag. See everybody knows that you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. And so what if your team is lead by a criminal. Winning and getting to brag are the only things that matter in this life.

Because if your team wins a championship that means there must be something special about you if you are a fan of that team. I mean the fans have as much to do with the championship as the players. Really more if you think about it. If they didn't have guys like y'all sitting in the seats they wouldn't win anything. So y'all get to act like you had something to do with it and talk to people who root for other teams like somehow they don't measure up because their team didn't win a championship. I want in on that. I want to be part of that.

I mean who are these people to say anything about Famous and what he did. I mean who cares if he stole something? Their team doesn't have a championship. That's all we have to say. And how do they know he stole anything. They weren't there. The police could have made that up. Those cops are probably fans of a team that didn't win a championship and they're just jealous. Yah that's it!

Besides we know that nice guys finish last. They don't win championships. And if your team doesn't win championships that means there is something wrong with YOU. You have somehow failed as a person. You might as well not even get up in the morning.

And those SEC people. puuuhleeeeeeeeease. Florida State's championship means like a million times more than those seven that came before it out of the SEC. Why? Because we say it does and the only year that matters is the one when we win it all.

I'm on board! Who cares if I'm from Georgia. Everybody knows that if your home state team doesn't give you what you want you go find one that will. Because championships and getting to brag are the only things that matter.

FSU baby!



Something I can agree with you there TJ!:cheers::cheers:
Actually, I mean to say rape allegation. Sometimes I get ahead of myself. Good one, though. :cheers:

Back peddling like the FSU administration.. :bounce::bounce:

Bowden taught the next generation well! :biggrin2:

Rebel Yell

Back peddling like the FSU administration.. :bounce::bounce:

Bowden taught the next generation well! :biggrin2:

Well dadgummit, you know, sometimes, you just leave out a word here or there.

Seriously, though. Has anyone here ever addressed the three times the accuser completely changed her story? It's not the homer in me, because I am a human being first and a football fan second. Greg Dent needed to be kicked off the team and hopefully he will rot in a jail cell. The Duke rape case never sat quite right with me because of the variances in the accusers story. The Winston case sounds alot like a self proclaimed "cleat chaser" got treated like a piece of meat and what started as a lie to a friend blew up way bigger than she ever expected.

I don't think the girl is out to get Winston, she is in over her head and it's too late to turn back now. Her lawyer/aunt's "life partner" is an ambulance chaser with a big stage. She might as well have Called Saul.
Well dadgummit, you know, sometimes, you just leave out a word here or there.

Seriously, though. Has anyone here ever addressed the three times the accuser completely changed her story? It's not the homer in me, because I am a human being first and a football fan second. Greg Dent needed to be kicked off the team and hopefully he will rot in a jail cell. The Duke rape case never sat quite right with me because of the variances in the accusers story. The Winston case sounds alot like a self proclaimed "cleat chaser" got treated like a piece of meat and what started as a lie to a friend blew up way bigger than she ever expected.

I don't think the girl is out to get Winston, she is in over her head and it's too late to turn back now. Her lawyer/aunt's "life partner" is an ambulance chaser with a big stage. She might as well have Called Saul.


It's football season so I got to get ANY jab in I can.. Seriously, I could care less what is going on down at FSU.. I've been fond of FSU since I was 18 and started spending every other weekend down in St Marks fishing. Saturday nights the bus would drop off a bus load of FSU ladies at Posey's on the Wakulla River and I would party with them!! Good times!:cheers::cheers:

Rebel Yell


It's football season so I got to get ANY jab in I can.. Seriously, I could care less what is going on down at FSU.. I've been fond of FSU since I was 18 and started spending every other weekend down in St Marks fishing. Saturday nights the bus would drop off a bus load of FSU ladies at Posey's on the Wakulla River and I would party with them!! Good times!:cheers::cheers:

The ladies at FSU will make any straight male a fan. :cheers: