Florida State investigating Jameis Winston


Redneck Emperor
See that wasn't so hard. Glad to have you on board. :cheers:

Glad to be on board.

I can't believe what I've been missing.

I should have jumped on the bandwagon a long time ago.


Senior Member
Say huh?

Nah man we Noles can't be fighting amongst ourselves. We are champions baby! High five!

Everybody else sucks. I mean on a personal level too. Because they didn't win the championship last year. Or Noles did baby! Yeah! And that is the only championship that has mattered since the last one we won. Why? Because we say so.

We made that championship last year happen. I mean, we extended all the fingers on our right hand, bent it at the elbow, the. Straightened it repeatedly and sang, do it with me, ooooooooooooh-oh-wooooooooaaaaaah-oooooooooh-wooooooooooooaaaaah!

And the other teams got scared! They always get scared when we do that. Because we are the Noles! I mean they had better be sacred. We might come out of the bleachers and get on the field and beat them up.

And Auburn was really scared! Because the Noles are back! And they knew it. And they knew they had better lose. I mean the only reason they were even able t make it competitive is because one of their coaches stole our signs! Everybody knows that. That's the my way anybody can compete with us because we are so great. Cheating is the only way anybody has a chance against us. Especially an SEC team! Those SEC teams are all weak! They couldn't play in our conference. Because we are in it and that means it's the best! Because we are the Noles!

Y'all do the chop with me.

Sounds like you have the Warchant down.

Closet fan??

I could see you now in your "Captain Americus"cape practicing the Warchant in your moms basement. :bounce:


Redneck Emperor
Sounds like you have the Warchant down.

Closet fan??

I could see you now in your "Captain Americus"cape practicing the Warchant in your moms basement. :bounce:

That's exactly what I did! How did you know?

High five! Noles baby!


Senior Member
Boring I am falling fast asleep. One and done Noles. But hey its just a game right???


Senior Member
Yeah, at like 13 and 14. By 19, thugs have usually fully formed.
So I guess Winston was not immature at that age. must be a late developer.

Depends on what it is and how much it was worth. I may give them a pass, but Jameis wouldn't step foot in my Publix again.

Why does it matter what it's worth. stealing is stealing right? Why wouldn't he step foot in the store again. maybe the 2bd time he does it he will be closer to becoming mature. I mean how many times does he have to steal before he matures?

I've lived in the projects of Portsmouth before. Trust me, Winston may be alot of things, but right now he doesn't fit the thug description.

Not yet, but if he stays on the same "immature" path he's on he will be.

Maybe I'm just old school and believe that thievery should punished when it hppens. maybe a night in the jail house would help Winston mature a little quicker. But you know how society is now, let the "immature criminals" keep getting away with it.


Senior Member
Yeah, at like 13 and 14. By 19, thugs have usually fully formed.

Depends on what it is and how much it was worth. I may give them a pass, but Jameis wouldn't step foot in my Publix again.

I've lived in the projects of Portsmouth before. Trust me, Winston may be alot of things, but right now he doesn't fit the thug description.

So I guess Jameis was more mature at age 13 and 14?

Why should it matter how much the item cost. stealing is stealing. Usually when a thief goes unpunished for stealing crab legs, they figure they can get away with it and move to bigger items. Or they just continue to steal "cheap" items. Guess that makes it Ok then.

He may not be a thug yet, but trust me, if he keeps doing "immature" things like stealing, he will be a thug.

How much does one have to do crime wise for them to face punishment, according to you?


Senior Member
Guess you chose not to elaborate on the question of how many times does a Petty thief warrant discipline huh.

Rebel Yell

Guess you chose not to elaborate on the question of how many times does a Petty thief warrant discipline huh.

Just got back. I'm never online over the weekend.

I define a thug as a person who has a high propensity for violence. Jameis is at that age where he should be acting like an adult, but let's be real, I wasn't very mature at 20 years old and I wasn't an elite athlete who the world bent over backward for.

He should be on a zero tolerance policy from this point on. Regardless, I'm not gonna root against my team on the field.

nickel back

Senior Member
Just got back. I'm never online over the weekend.

I define a thug as a person who has a high propensity for violence. Jameis is at that age where he should be acting like an adult, but let's be real, I wasn't very mature at 20 years old and I wasn't an elite athlete who the world bent over backward for.

He should be on a zero tolerance policy from this point on. Regardless, I'm not gonna root against my team on the field.

and there go folks the truth has been spoken;) an issue with many elite athletes .


Senior Member
tj, without you orange and green blinders, can you honestly tell me that the girls stories don't sound a little sketchy to you.

No matter the color of my glasses it doesn't change the fact that if anyone on this board would have been involved in the same thing we'd have been at the very least going to trial 100% of the time.


Senior Member
Just got back. I'm never online over the weekend.

I define a thug as a person who has a high propensity for violence. Jameis is at that age where he should be acting like an adult, but let's be real, I wasn't very mature at 20 years old and I wasn't an elite athlete who the world bent over backward for.

He should be on a zero tolerance policy from this point on. Regardless, I'm not gonna root against my team on the field.

Fair enough. I just think that any person who commits a crime, should be punished. Maybe that would help them "mature" quickly.

I was 20 also and even did a stint in college, but I never stole anything from anyone. I was taught that in school and at home.

I'm all for 2nd chances but there still should be consequences. Maybe that's why todays youth have that " I don't care" attitude. they can go unpunished.

And I bleed red and black, but I called out Isaiah Crowell when he was caught doing drugs. and if Todd Gurley was caught stealing or drugging, then I'll be the 1st one to say he needs to be punished. My homerism for my team don't disguise my feelings about criminals.:O

fish hawk

Bass Master
He should steal some glasses that could fix his eyes!!!
He thinks he's gonna make it to and in the NFL.......but he's wrong!!!
Hollywood done went to that boy's head.

Rebel Yell

I'm all for 2nd chances but there still should be consequences. Maybe that's why todays youth have that " I don't care" attitude. they can go unpunished.

We are in total agreement here.

And I bleed red and black, but I called out Isaiah Crowell when he was caught doing drugs. and if Todd Gurley was caught stealing or drugging, then I'll be the 1st one to say he needs to be punished. My homerism for my team don't disguise my feelings about criminals.:O

I wouldn't be upset at all if Jimbo had suspended Winston, but he didn't. Winston was suspended from the baseball team, since it was during baseball season.

If Crowell was still on the team, would you still be happy when he scored the game winning TD against Florida?


Senior Member
Yes, but I wouldn't defend him and pretend that he is just immature and will hopefully one day grow up.

I did wish that crowell would have straightened up at college.

I just don't get the whole "we were all 18 or 19 or 20" and "we have all done stupid things" comments. I know what it was like to be that age, but come on, a 20 yr old don't know that stealing is a crime? Even my 12 yr old son knows better. that's just a poor excuse.

I made mistakes and paid for em, some were more severe than others, but I always knew it was wrong. Just seems a little strange that a supposedly academically adept college athlete can't figure it out without a little bit of thugness in them.
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