Florida State investigating Jameis Winston


Senior Member
Well dadgummit, you know, sometimes, you just leave out a word here or there.

Seriously, though. Has anyone here ever addressed the three times the accuser completely changed her story? It's not the homer in me, because I am a human being first and a football fan second. Greg Dent needed to be kicked off the team and hopefully he will rot in a jail cell. The Duke rape case never sat quite right with me because of the variances in the accusers story. The Winston case sounds alot like a self proclaimed "cleat chaser" got treated like a piece of meat and what started as a lie to a friend blew up way bigger than she ever expected.

I don't think the girl is out to get Winston, she is in over her head and it's too late to turn back now. Her lawyer/aunt's "life partner" is an ambulance chaser with a big stage. She might as well have Called Saul.

Ok, so what are your feelings on the Winston theft accusations? Since the rape accusation seemed a little "fishy". Do you feel the whole stealing from Publix was a lie, or shooting the bb gun was a lie? I mean come on be human first now.


Actually I Am QAnon
No dog in the fight here, but isn't there a law requiring schools to investigate such things?? If so, seems like FSU is covering their bases to prevent a lawsuit against the school or some new information is out there.

Rebel Yell

Ok, so what are your feelings on the Winston theft accusations? Since the rape accusation seemed a little "fishy". Do you feel the whole stealing from Publix was a lie, or shooting the bb gun was a lie? I mean come on be human first now.

Nope. Not a bit of it was a lie. Those are things you chalk up to a lack of maturity, which is a problem with Winston. Hopefully, he has figured out he has to be a grown man now.

Rebel Yell

No dog in the fight here, but isn't there a law requiring schools to investigate such things?? If so, seems like FSU is covering their bases to prevent a lawsuit against the school or some new information is out there.

That is exactly what they are doing. This is the Title IX investigation that all schools are required to carry our any time there is a sexual assault accusation between students.


Senior Member
TJL...you and SGD make such a cute couple. Of course hypocrisy and ignorance is no foundation for you two to build your relationships on!

Here's our two athletes who committed heinous acts...in jail where they belong.

Here's yours.

Rebel Yell

tj, without you orange and green blinders, can you honestly tell me that the girls stories don't sound a little sketchy to you.


Senior Member
I will say that the rape story was a little sketchy. But how many times will Winston have to get caught stealing before he "matures"?

Maybe it's just me, but I think that there are too many "immature" athletes in college. My parents taught me at an early age what was right and wrong. heck even society and school teaches that, but I guess that's the difference between a regular student/person compared to an athlete. they get special treatment, and that goes for any school.

I think it's funny how when an athlete from your favorite school steals and lies and does it repeatedly, that you defend their actions but if it was some joe blow off the street that did it, then you'd be fired up ready to toss em in jail. am I right or wrong?


Senior Member
Nope. Not a bit of it was a lie. Those are things you chalk up to a lack of maturity, which is a problem with Winston. Hopefully, he has figured out he has to be a grown man now.

One more question for you, how much does Winston have to do before you admit he's a thug? Just asking man. Human 1st remember.:pop:

Rebel Yell

One more question for you, how much does Winston have to do before you admit he's a thug? Just asking man. Human 1st remember.:pop:

If the rape allegations are proven true, I'll be first to admit I'm wrong about him.

It takes alot more than shooting a bb gun, putting soda in a ketchup cup, and lifting crab legs to make a "thug". Apparently, you throw that word around alot more freely than I do. A thug is a violent person. What Jameis has done is immaturity.

Rebel Yell

I will say that the rape story was a little sketchy. But how many times will Winston have to get caught stealing before he "matures"?

Maybe it's just me, but I think that there are too many "immature" athletes in college. My parents taught me at an early age what was right and wrong. heck even society and school teaches that, but I guess that's the difference between a regular student/person compared to an athlete. they get special treatment, and that goes for any school.

I think it's funny how when an athlete from your favorite school steals and lies and does it repeatedly, that you defend their actions but if it was some joe blow off the street that did it, then you'd be fired up ready to toss em in jail. am I right or wrong?

I don't care to throw peole in jail over petty theft of a soda or seafood, no.

I've also never defended Winston over anything that he's actually done. The stupid excrement has to stop. If not, I hope he wins us another NC and promptly leaves Tallahasse.

Have you ever heard me defend Greg Dent? He was much more important to FSU than Winston at the time of their accusations. Dent was guilty and everybody knew it. That scum needs to be in jail. If actual evidence points to Jameis being guilty, I'll say the same about him.


Senior Member
Okie dokie. maybe I do throw that word around, but I watch the news ALOT and most of the thugs, start out as immature criminals that get away with petty things.

Let me ask you this, and try to be honest.

If a teenager stole something from your business would you press charges? or would you say, "o he's just being immature, maybe he will grow out of it"? Which is it.

I hope I'm wrong, but usually most of the time, thugs start as immature teenagers that never got in trouble and just got worse. Please answer my question.


Senior Member
I don't care to throw peole in jail over petty theft of a soda or seafood, no.

I've also never defended Winston over anything that he's actually done. The stupid excrement has to stop. If not, I hope he wins us another NC and promptly leaves Tallahasse.

Have you ever heard me defend Greg Dent? He was much more important to FSU than Winston at the time of their accusations. Dent was guilty and everybody knew it. That scum needs to be in jail. If actual evidence points to Jameis being guilty, I'll say the same about him.

Petty theft. I see now. You have no problem with some immature( or that's their excuse) young person stealing from you? Hmmmm, and I wonder why kids nowadays think it's ok to steal. now I know the answer. they are just being immature.

maybe their should be no laws against theft or "petty crimes". That way we wouldn't have to have these conversations.


Senior Member
Sooo no answer huh. Figured as much.

Rebel Yell

Okie dokie. maybe I do throw that word around, but I watch the news ALOT and most of the thugs, start out as immature criminals that get away with petty things.

Yeah, at like 13 and 14. By 19, thugs have usually fully formed.

Let me ask you this, and try to be honest.

If a teenager stole something from your business would you press charges? or would you say, "o he's just being immature, maybe he will grow out of it"? Which is it?

Depends on what it is and how much it was worth. I may give them a pass, but Jameis wouldn't step foot in my Publix again.

I hope I'm wrong, but usually most of the time, thugs start as immature teenagers that never got in trouble and just got worse. Please answer my question.

I've lived in the projects of Portsmouth before. Trust me, Winston may be alot of things, but right now he doesn't fit the thug description.


Redneck Emperor
Dangit boy, im sorry. I didnt realize cfb was your whole life. Maybe you should try posting after your meds kick in, and its not my fault that the team in your home state didnt give u what u want, but Im so glad mine did. :crazy:

Say huh?

Nah man we Noles can't be fighting amongst ourselves. We are champions baby! High five!

Everybody else sucks. I mean on a personal level too. Because they didn't win the championship last year. Our Noles did baby! Yeah! And that is the only championship that has mattered since the last one we won. Why? Because we say so.

We made that championship last year happen. I mean, we extended all the fingers on our right hand, bent it at the elbow, then Straightened it repeatedly and sang, do it with me, ooooooooooooh-oh-wooooooooaaaaaah-oooooooooh-wooooooooooooaaaaah!

And the other teams got scared! They always get scared when we do that. Because we are the Noles! I mean they had better be sacred. We might come out of the bleachers and get on the field and beat them up.

And Auburn was really scared! Because the Noles are back! And they knew it. And they knew they had better lose. I mean the only reason they were even able t make it competitive is because one of their coaches stole our signs! Everybody knows that. That's the only way anybody can compete with us because we are so great. Cheating is the only way anybody has a chance against us. Especially an SEC team! Those SEC teams are all weak! They couldn't play in our conference. Because we are in it and that means it's the best! Because we are the Noles!

Y'all do the chop with me.


Redneck Emperor
TJL...you and SGD make such a cute couple. Of course hypocrisy and ignorance is no foundation for you two to build your relationships on!

Yeah! We are buddies now chief because I finally understand what you have been saying. I'm on the bandwagon now!

I hope that if Famous wants to commit a crime a day everyday this season he does it. He's a national champion and he can do whatever he wants! These other people on
Y say things about because they are jealous of him and us.

See ya at the tailgate man.:cheers:


Senior Member
Yeah! We are buddies now chief because I finally understand what you have been saying. I'm on the bandwagon now!

I hope that if Famous wants to commit a crime a day everyday this season he does it. He's a national champion and he can do whatever he wants! These other people on
Y say things about because they are jealous of him and us.

See ya at the tailgate man.:cheers:

See that wasn't so hard. Glad to have you on board. :cheers:

Rebel Yell

Yeah! We are buddies now chief because I finally understand what you have been saying. I'm on the bandwagon now!

I hope that if Famous wants to commit a crime a day everyday this season he does it. He's a national champion and he can do whatever he wants! These other people on
Y say things about because they are jealous of him and us.

See ya at the tailgate man.:cheers:
