From Darwin to Nietzsche to Hitler


Senior Member
I could not care less. The "what makes a person a Christian" threads are not the standard by which I will be judged.

Business in the atheist section musta been slow....LOL.


Senior Member
I think the Holocaust meets or exceeds everybody's standard.
As does this if you apply the same standard -
God flooding the earth

I am not arguing that Hitler wasn't a "special case". His actions show that he acted on his own twisted set of beliefs. He may have used God as his justification or evolution as his justification or whatever as his justification.
None of them justify his actions.
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Senior Member
I believe that Hitler was part of the antichrist....he came to kill, steal and destroy anything that had to do with the God of Abraham. God warned the Jews in the OT that His protective hand of the chosen would be taken from them and pretty much they were on their own. That's just more confirmation for me about the Bible being the Word.

What about Emperor Hirohito being a part of the antichrist? Have you ever read about the Rape of Nanking and what happened in China?
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East estimated that 20,000 women were raped, including infants and the elderly. A large portion of these rapes were systematized in a process where soldiers would search door-to-door for young girls, with many women taken captive and gang raped. The women were often killed immediately after being raped, often through explicit mutilation or by stabbing a bayonet, long stick of bamboo, or other objects. Young children were not exempt from these atrocities.
(this is cleaned up for this forum)


Senior Member
I believe that Hitler was part of the antichrist....he came to kill, steal and destroy anything that had to do with the God of Abraham. God warned the Jews in the OT that His protective hand of the chosen would be taken from them and pretty much they were on their own. That's just more confirmation for me about the Bible being the Word.
Hitler didn't persecute only Jews. Im sure that wont affect your confirmation though.
And my condolences to you and your family concerning your brother.


Senior Member
Tyrants like Joseph Stalin created by a belief in evolution:
Evolution doesn't creates tyrants any more than chocolate creates obese people.
Only the simple minded remove personal responsibility from the equation. From reading the info at your link, that's who it was created for.
Not your best post Art ::ke:


Senior Member
If Hitler considered himself a table lamp, would that make it so?

If he considered himself the fifth Beatle, would that make it so?

If he considered himself:

1) the 1937 Cy Young winner
2) a Radio Shack employee named Maury
3) the inventor of the hula hoop

... would that make it so?

All bad examples. Christianity is a religion for which a person who wants to join only has to believe. No certificat of approval or secret handshake required. I could easily say that you are not a Christian but you would say "yes I am because I believe"

You can hate the person all you want, even go to war against him, but you can't take away his own Christianity membership card. You can just call him a very bad Christian.


Senior Member
Which religion has the most famous and the largest number of tyrants?

Off the top of my head...

Don't know of any Buddhist ones, bushido and Japanese exceptualism created a culture of tyrany over their conquered foes until 1946. There's Mao, Stalin, pol pot, and the Kims of Korea, the commie ones, Alexander the Great, some Mongolians maybe, the Aztecs in their later years over their subjugate neighbor tribes, maybe some Hindu kings in old India, not sure about any African kingdoms. Some roman emperors. The apaches were rough on their neighbors too. The rawandan genocide I don't think was faith based but not sure how many of them are hristian. Liberian civil wars created tyrants. Sierra Leon warlords, again May or may not be Christian.

But then you get into the Christian or Muslim ones. Let's see, can't forget the ottoman Turks whose atrocitities against the Armenians invented the word genocide and taught the Germans how to do it, the ayatollah, the Taliban, various dictators, does Assad count?, maybe some shahs in the past? The Barbary pirates of tripoli maybe. Somali warlords like aidid. Hussein. The crusades were bad for both sides though Saladin upon his conquest of Jerusalem did let the native Christian and Jewish residents live freely while the Christian crusaders killed everyone who wasn't Christian. The Balkan atrocities can be split between Muslim and Christians too.

Christian tyrants: the Russian Tzars, a looong succession of popes, Louie the 16th? Of France, Napoleon maybe, Anglo Christian culture towards blacks and Indians, a bucketful of Latin American dictators and military juntas, I think the US invaded Haiti about a dozen times, Franco the horrible Spanish dictator, hitler, apartheid South Africa,

I'm sure I missed a bunch of all types. There are tyrants and/or tyrannical behavior of all types.


Senior Member
Oh yeah, can't forget the British atrocities as the conquested Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. The Belgians in the Congo created the system that would lead to the rawandan genocides. Muslim and Christian and African slave traders. The list goes on.


Senior Member
These lists don't even include normal wars over power. Humans, whatcha gonna do? Modern times look pretty good.


Senior Member
Evolution doesn't creates tyrants any more than chocolate creates obese people.
Only the simple minded remove personal responsibility from the equation. From reading the info at your link, that's who it was created for.
Not your best post Art ::ke:

I agree and that was my point of the link. I wanted to show the stupidity of this line of thinking. Look at some of my earlier responses.
We can show people of any religion or no religion being or becoming evil. Justification of why one is killing or raping a bunch of folks matters not to the victims. Jim Jones comes to mind.


Senior Member
As a society, how would we feel if a person/persons that could help, just stood by and watched as millions of men, women, and children were murdered, tortured, starved to death, drowned, or gassed? Knowing, that a person or persons had the power to stop it all with a snap of a finger.
How would you feel if you learned of a person that was armed, watched a baby being raped, and that person just did nothing?
Even if the person was a good friend of yours. Would you still feel the same way about that person?

My point for Christians is, it's ALL God's fault.

There was mention of actions speak louder than words. The bible speaks of God's love for us. His/her actions are deafening.


Senior Member
I agree and that was my point of the link. I wanted to show the stupidity of this line of thinking. Look at some of my earlier responses.
We can show people of any religion or no religion being or becoming evil. Justification of why one is killing or raping a bunch of folks matters not to the victims. Jim Jones comes to mind.
Ok, my fault, now I get it :bounce:


Of the hard cast variety
"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." - President Barack Obama

"I am not going to be the Alabama coach." - Nick Saban, 12/21/06

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. " - Jesus

"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." - Jesus

"And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Jesus

centerpin fan

Senior Member
"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. " - Jesus

"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." - Jesus

"And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Jesus

All true statements.