Great, another school administration makes self national joke with "Zero tolerance"

slightly grayling

Senior Member
They are afraid the teachers will take the eye patches and cause a scandle.....I've seen women wearing them as bikinis on the beaches!
I have one better than that, and it happened right here in paulding cty last june.

Our daughters school teacher sent out an email requesting items for the end of the school party. The party was "pirate" themed

My wife went online and ordered several items; an eye patch, 2 or 3 other items and plastic swords. They really looked fake too. Over the top fake looking. I would trust a 1 yo to play with one. Very blunt edges and flemsy to tell you the truth.

Anyways, my wife showed up the day of the party and dropped off the items. She had to return to the school and pick them up. "zero"tollerance rule.

She bought 30 of each item so needless to say every kid in the family and neighborhood got one.



As silly as this is and I think that it is along with all zero tolerance rules the parents should have had better sense than to let him take it to school its a knife dont care if it is a cub scout knife

I agree with this to a point. I have a 10 and 6 year old. Ever since they've been going to school Momma checks their backpacks every morning to see what's in there. You never know when whatever toy is headed to school or who knows what they've picked up around the house.

That said, I've seen them hide something or other from Momma. Last year, the 5 year old told on the then 8 year old for sneaking pokey man cards or some such to school and trading with friends on the bus. Careful as one might be, I could see one of them sneaking the sword off the latest happy meal super hero to school and an ensuing ruckus being created.

Honestly, with all the problems they have in the schools centered around blowing money like there's no end to it, not adequately educating the kids, and teaching things such as Adam and Steve that never should be mentioned in a school setting, things like this are par for the course the school system is on.



Senior Member
And that's why this carp happens.


Knee jerk reactions set policy. Policy is set to keep people in power from having to think or make decisions. The silent majority will never speak out loud enough to stop this nonsense.


Senior Member
I agree with this to a point. I have a 10 and 6 year old. Ever since they've been going to school Momma checks their backpacks every morning to see what's in there. You never know when whatever toy is headed to school or who knows what they've picked up around the house.

That said, I've seen them hide something or other from Momma. Last year, the 5 year old told on the then 8 year old for sneaking pokey man cards or some such to school and trading with friends on the bus. Careful as one might be, I could see one of them sneaking the sword off the latest happy meal super hero to school and an ensuing ruckus being created.

Honestly, with all the problems they have in the schools centered around blowing money like there's no end to it, not adequately educating the kids, and teaching things such as Adam and Steve that never should be mentioned in a school setting, things like this are par for the course the school system is on.


and after re-reading the story I might have jumped the gun I thought the parents knew that he was taking it, that dosent seem to be the case.


Senior Member
thats rediculous if the school board is gonna see that as a weapon they might as well ban all scissors and pens they can kill just the same!!


Senior Member
even more ridiculous

not the same but along the same lines as this. i work at a car parts store. and per our corporate rules we are not allowed to carry a pocket knife at work. we are only allowed to use a safety box cutter that will barely stick out enough to cut the tape on a ups box. and it is immediate termination if your caught with your own knife. i mean come on its a parts store we sell knives and i personally have carried one since i was 4 to school as well(hidden in a boot but always with me)


Staff member
The insane are officially in charge of the asylum and the fiddler is again fiddling while Rome burns.

Dog Hunter

Senior Member
This is the reason my wife refuses to drive my truck to school. Says there are too many shells in the truck and toolbox.